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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. Ohhhhhhhh! Thank you so much for continuing your work on this and putting in such effort! The dedication and attention to detail is greatly appreciated!
  2. Hahaha, I mis-read that at first... I've loved the throwable stuff pack and assumed it was a request for spawnable props, but map props are great too! We need a good Dagobah map in Jedi Academy, it is a feat that has never been accomplished!
  3. Ohhhh! That's some quality! I love it! I really appreciate seeing the different takes on Kanan from different people, I can't wait to see your finished version!
  4. Oh! Thanks so much for taking this project on, and showing Rebels the love it deserves!
  5. I feel like Luke trying to lift the X-wing out of the swamp whenever I'm looking for anything on ModDB.
  6. Wow! This is turning out extraordinarily good! Keep up the good work!
  7. Ahhhhh, that's a good tip actually. Just have to get the alignment on the rest of the Ewok face to match, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. Off to the drawing boards! AH! It worked! You have solved an age old problem!
  8. I gave it a try myself, however the model we have has the eyes attached like buttons in front of the Ewok, and no matter what I did, they stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the ones that were lost with that mod.
  9. HOLY CRAP! Oh my god... I dream of new maps, even if they are just small test maps.... Thanks for educating the public!
  10. Those ewoks! I tried to track them down, they are so accurate... But I couldn't get them.
  11. Thanks so much!!! You're my hero. Rebels content has been seriously under-represented and it's a delight to see the sabers you've released. Thank you!
  12. That's... incredibly disappointing.
  13. Fantastic content! So good to see it made manifest. I love Poe's X-wing there too!
  14. As the forum delves into the vehicle renaissance, I did want to ask if there was any specific reason why no one has yet taken on the new model of X-wing from The Force Awakens? I know most of us liked it, though the animations would likely be very frustrating to try and work out. (Image is from "Jakku - Tuanal Village" by Plasma available here on JKhub at this link.)
  15. I have some of those including but not limited to: Bantha, Dewback, Eopie, Streeds, Dianoga, Acklay, Reek, Nexu, Terentatek, raptors https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lulkqni7n72m7zo/AAAC0Ot0Ti4rcQv-R_OWZnkea?dl=1 I hope to round out my collection if people find more!
  16. If I can't get the Naboo transport from episode 1 that keeps popping up in these photos I am going to go insane.
  17. I did a deep dive into my file archives and tried to find some more obscure vehicles. Sadly they were not saved with their origin data, though some are obvious like Hatarus' clone transport. Also, sorry for the redundancy. The Sith Terminator from Duality is already on the JKhub so obviously I am not needed for that one, but do any of these vehicles help fill in the lost vehicle checklist? ....Forgive the typo, the next to last should be "wraith_prowler"...
  18. Yay! That really turned out well! I love when the creativity flows!
  19. Keep up the good work! I'm loving the progress so far, and especially the cooperation! Yay shaders!
  20. I can understand the previous points expressed, about diverging from the original or wanting something new, but I do have to say that I really love how this map is being executed. It's got an aesthetic that I'm really looking forward to seeing completed. I wouldn't mind seeing other maps breaking away into newer territory, but I love this one so far!
  21. Alright, I found the "WW2 Vehicles and Weapons" pack from Orb's Omaha Beach. https://www.dropbox.com/s/me0xrdsln1tql3x/ww2_veh%26weap.pk3?dl=1
  22. Oh my god... This thread is overwhelming with awesome. I had no idea so many vehicles existed! Especially given how limited the vehicle restriction was back in the day. Is that a giant Silver naboo ship flying over t2_trip? Wow.. The acklay reskins are amazing as well, and I am a huge fan for all the Star Wars era ones, but can respect trying to save the WW2 vehicles. Purple spider? Coruscant speeder variants? Count me in!
  23. That... is utterly tragic news... I'm so sorry Jeff.
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