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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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Thanks for your hard work, BTW is there any way to play the lightsaber duels with the JA lightsaber animations ?(Since I didn't like the lightsaber mechanics that Movie Duels remastered beta 1 had)


Thanks for your hard work, BTW is there any way to play the lightsaber duels with the JA lightsaber animations ?(Since I didn't like the lightsaber mechanics that Movie Duels remastered beta 1 had)

If you want to remove custom animations, open MD_Assets.pk3 and delete all _humanoid files (_humanoid_ani, _humanoid_obi). But this would also bug game because custscenes are using custom animations too so I don't recommend it!

dg1995 likes this
Meme mod just like serenity. This mod uses OpenJK therefore the source code must be publicly available. When I asked about the code my comment was deleted. Apparently admins remove uncomfortable comments so don't fall into ''all good'' propaganda. Anyway the mod decided to stay closed-source which makes it illegal at this point. The mod itself is also really bad. Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy UI / menu, random FPS drops and crashes. The only good thing are the missions stolen from original Movie Duels 2. But for that, better play the original mod rather than it's poor "remaster". On top of that, devs decided to affiliate with another scam mod called "serenity". Huge disappointment.

Stay Away!



Meme mod just like serenity. This mod uses OpenJK therefore the source code must be publicly available. When I asked about the code my comment was deleted. Apparently admins remove uncomfortable comments so don't fall into ''all good'' propaganda. Anyway the mod decided to stay closed-source which makes it illegal at this point. The mod itself is also really bad. Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy UI / menu, random FPS drops and crashes. The only good thing are the missions stolen from original Movie Duels 2. But for that, better play the original mod rather than it's poor "remaster". On top of that, devs decided to affiliate with another scam mod called "serenity". Huge disappointment.
Stay Away!


1. The code is what I was trying to get up onto Github, though it acts rather botchy with it's trash desktop client. There are no intentions of keeping it closed source, at all, so that's why for now, with Github being a pain, I've put the source onto ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-duels/downloads/movie-duels-openjk-source-release


2. I didn't have a clue that your comments were being deleted on ModDB, it's one of the other members likely, not sure who.


3. Explain the "Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy menus, random FPS drops and crashes", and the stolen missions.


4. How are we affiliated with a "scam mod" named Serenity, if you're talking about Serenity Jedi Engine that is, it's source code is publicly available. I'm assuming your point comes from our Team Member JaceSolaris, who you seem to have a huge grievance with for stolen "bits of code".


5. I believe you're the guy named "Redemption", who seems to really hate this mod because "You're ripping off Wector's work, taking credit to get fame and prestiege in an old 2003 game community, and the Star Wars fanbase!". 


That is very much NOT the case, it's not fame we care about, it's about giving the Jedi Academy community and the Star Wars fans what they want. This mod is a tribute to one of the greatest members of the JKA community to have ever existed, why do you think the mod has quite a few mentions about him, in credits, the intro screen, the ModDB page, and this JKHub forum. Besides, I also believe you were banned on the Redemption account on this very site, genuinely unsure why, though I did come across an old discord post with a snipped JKHub PM between you and TheWhitePhoenix, around the 20th of July, 2018:





Referring to your usurping Wector comment from July, so that might be partly why. What I find even wierder, is that once, you were saying that the mod was amazing, and giving very positive comments about the team's work overall:





I don't know what caused the sudden change in attitude about the mod just 12 days afterward, as that's around the same time as the team's statement about your comments of "stealing credit from Wector and trying to become famous". But witnessing a brand new account made on the site, just to smite the mod again, with mentions of Serenity, seems rather fishy.


Edit: It seems I was wrong about ufo85 being Redemption, as on ModDB Redemption left a post 2 hours ago:



and ufo left another response around the same time:



1. Yes, we should have released the code sooner, but as said here, Github was being a pain, so for now the code is on the Mod page's files.

2. I would really appreciate an example of "Childish attitude" towards negative criticism.


But take the rest of this response as a bit of a reminder, that the team is not trying to steal Wector's work, but rather build upon it as a tribute to him, not for fame and glory, but for the fans who wish to experience the duels from the movies in their own way.


Well .. that is why we have something like credits/ license and i think every creator of original Movie Duels 2 will be put on the Top first place - On the second  guys from remastered team. Because this mod is remastered- of course it is your tribute to this game and to original mod

It is not *steal* project like old Kotf was. 

And i dont understand this .. realeasing the code thing. Why is it so important nowadays? I dont know how licesing work with the code (but i am aware that it is possible to steal someone's lines of code [which are lines of text] and that person is called a thief in this scenerio)

I always thought that source files are very important parts of the modders work and it gives 100% guarantee that our work will not be stolen in any way. Thinking like some dude randomly will show on jkhub forums my model and he will tell me  and everyone it is his work. And i will show on post blend files where i made models from scratch. He will have nothing to say and it will be 100% he is a liar - If i would upload source files he would do the same thing and proving it is my work would be hell lot harder.

The same goes with code specially because - model will not change the game. Changing code will. So coding is in some way - highest part of modification. Because making model and adding it is just - adding. Changing code is changing how the game works.


Meme mod just like serenity. This mod uses OpenJK therefore the source code must be publicly available. When I asked about the code my comment was deleted. Apparently admins remove uncomfortable comments so don't fall into ''all good'' propaganda. Anyway the mod decided to stay closed-source which makes it illegal at this point. The mod itself is also really bad. Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy UI / menu, random FPS drops and crashes. The only good thing are the missions stolen from original Movie Duels 2. But for that, better play the original mod rather than it's poor "remaster". On top of that, devs decided to affiliate with another scam mod called "serenity". Huge disappointment.
Stay Away!



In this situation i believe new Team of Movie Duels II have rights and have permission to do this version of the mod. So telling things like - stolen , shitty or crashes (i will remind that this mod is still WIP ... so what do you expect?) are too harsh, goddamn rude and in my opinion childlish and stupid. Mass "critique" of yours doesnt sound like opinion rather immature  attempt to completely shit on this mod and give it bad reputation - specially when it is in works. It is like making a porkchop sandwich and in the process of making it say - it taste bad because it doesnt have butter and porkchop on it .. well because it is not there yet? You left it in the fridge.

Back to the criticism of yours - i will never take any comments like this in honest and mature way when all "opinions" are all set to negative. Telling like it is 100% shit is bad and worthless criticism saying it is barely any critiicism at all. 

For animations ... it is goddamn hard and people are trying to improve them . For my taste the original mod changed the animation in the bad way causing me stressful gameplay because some attacks made absolutely no sense and they were nonsense swings and slashes. The default Jedi Academy animations were much better.

Telling that everything is crap - These guys not only want to change all models to just look better - they make new animations. Menus. Ui work. Graphics changes. Details changes etc.

. and they are doing all of this work FOR FREE. 

I dont understand rude behavior and nonsense shitting on the fan projects these days. Even tributes and projects made for purely enjoyment have haters and people shitting on hours of works of people who just want to sit next to the computer and make mods. 
If you want to show the thief - make goddamn sure that he is one.



And for last comment - people making mods are still learning. I helped few members here myself and i helped a lot people on Jkhub to help them improve and make what they wanted for their mod.
It is part of enjoyment , fun and this is what makes us modders. Taking challanges like this. Making teams to make larger modifications and keeping this community alive and this game alive and star wars alive. For no money. No fame.

Just for a Modding and Fun. I dont.. understand modders or people around who doesnt get that. And in some way - "i feel sorry" for anyone who will never experience this feeling.


I was going to stop because everything appeared solved, source code was released etc... But then I saw something today that I would like to share with you all. This isn't about the mod. It's about the devs and their childish attitude.  My first comment on their moddb page was "Source Code?" . It was deleted in few hours for god knows why reason. Then I thought that md will stay closed-sourced (they can't do that with OpenJK - insert mb2 meme here) and that devs delete all uncomfortable comments. This pissed me off so I gave a negative review.  Meanwhile they harassed some Innocent Redemption guy. So as I said, I was going to stop the hate and probably withdraw my bad review but then I saw this on moddb reviews page:


LoL Lol lol @@Tompa9
Fake reviews? Looks like you are going into the right direction... I'm tired of this bullshit and I won't tolerate it anymore. Each time you just prove my point that MD team is just a bunch of kids with little attention. For the sake of JK community this has to stop.
So here are my demands:

1.You will publicly apologize me for deleting my comments and talking bad things about me ( on your discord server ).

2.You will counter those 3 fake "10" reviews with another 3 "1" reviews on moddb page. You will admit your falsity, hypocrisy, childish behaviour and apology for that:

- " We admit that we deleted negative comments and we apology for that - MD Team"
- " We admit that we gave fake reviews to our mod and we apology for that - MD Team"
- " We admit that we are a bunch of kiddos with too little attention and we apology for that - MD Team"

These are my terms and this is your chance to end everything now before it gets worse. You have 3 days to do it. Time's up. If you refuse or fail to meet the requirements in time I will destroy "your" mod. Better think it over. Have a good day :)


Do you have any proofs these are fake accounts Ufo? Our mod and Jedi Academy have huge fan base in the Czech Republic. I'm even creating czech translation for my czech friends. After they saw your discrespectful comments and "revenge review" they contacted me and Ive told them to create own accounts so they can review it by themselves. Now I would like to know if you are really threatening us. If yes, I would have to contact jkhub admins to check these threats. Why or how would you "destroy" our mod? Are you just another kiddo who doesn't know what to do with his own life? I think you should care about your own bussiness, if you don't like us just ignore us. Bye   ;)

Lancelot and TheWhitePhoenix like this

I was going to stop because everything appeared solved, source code was released etc... But then I saw something today that I would like to share with you all. This isn't about the mod. It's about the devs and their childish attitude.  My first comment on their moddb page was "Source Code?" . It was deleted in few hours for god knows why reason. Then I thought that md will stay closed-sourced (they can't do that with OpenJK - insert mb2 meme here) and that devs delete all uncomfortable comments. This pissed me off so I gave a negative review.  Meanwhile they harassed some Innocent Redemption guy. So as I said, I was going to stop the hate and probably withdraw my bad review but then I saw this on moddb reviews page:




LoL Lol lol @@Tompa9

Fake reviews? Looks like you are going into the right direction... I'm tired of this bullshit and I won't tolerate it anymore. Each time you just prove my point that MD team is just a bunch of kids with little attention. For the sake of JK community this has to stop.

So here are my demands:


1.You will publicly apologize me for deleting my comments and talking bad things about me ( on your discord server ).


2.You will counter those 3 fake "10" reviews with another 3 "1" reviews on moddb page. You will admit your falsity, hypocrisy, childish behaviour and apology for that:


- " We admit that we deleted negative comments and we apology for that - MD Team"

- " We admit that we gave fake reviews to our mod and we apology for that - MD Team"

- " We admit that we are a bunch of kiddos with too little attention and we apology for that - MD Team"


These are my terms and this is your chance to end everything now before it gets worse. You have 3 days to do it. Time's up. If you refuse or fail to meet the requirements in time I will destroy "your" mod. Better think it over. Have a good day :)

Well i am not developer of this mod even if i helped people working on it. 


But these threats are so funny :D like you talk some serious shit. 


First of all you came from nowhere on jkhub like an alien on earth (from your nick and avatar it is even more hilarious) and you even created account on moddb this year. 

If people like the mod and want to support it - even if they are from the same country as the creator this means they give fake review? 


From what i saw this thread is one of the most active nowadays topics here on forums + people enjoy the changes and also THEY are aware that this is NOT steal project - it is called  - 


STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of “Movie Duels II”)

It is not hard to just type Movie Duels II in google. If this thread would be called - Movie Duels II original - This could be called fake stolen. 


Telling that some "innocent Redemption guy" - 


- from what i understand you dont even know him and situation. I am not aware of this situation too but how you can defend some one who you dont even know?

- This person was probably in some way engaged with this project in some way. And also he was speaking here publicly so this is not attacking him just mentioning


And the most ridiculous comment is -So as I said, I was going to stop the hate  : You are starting this in the first place? And you demand the appologise and admitting the negative comments?


Number 1 These guys dont own you shieeet. This is not EA game that you spent 50-60$ and you have rights to shit on their projects like this. But this is FREE Mod. 

Number 2 - 

- " We admit that we deleted negative comments and we apology for that - MD Team"

- " We admit that we gave fake reviews to our mod and we apology for that - MD Team"

- " We admit that we are a bunch of kiddos with too little attention and we apology for that - MD Team"

My Godness .. grow up. Demanding the attention like this on the internet is just immature. With "stopping all hate* specially with the last comment. ... riiight... Hipocrisy at its finest 

You attack not only Tompa9 but you also attack other developers without even knowing them.

If you wanted to start war here or create a negative reputation on the mod - i will say you have failed and you will. And this words are not coming from close friends and MDII team member 100% but from Jkhub modder who is here for years. And have enough bullshittery posts like yours.


Thing is, people.. Don't acknowledge him or reply to his posts. He's clearly doing it to get a rise from the community and our team members. By replying to him (in any shape or form), you're only giving him fuel to ignite and light the fire and he's winning out, because he's getting the attention he craves.
Whilst I do respect everyone within the community, my personal tolerance for these sort of antics are paper thin.

Just don't respond to him or give him any attention.. Then let nature and karma takes its course.

Lancelot, Omega, Langerd and 3 others like this

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