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Nightbrotherly Alvar007's stuff

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So as I said in the past I've been working on something that I wanted to implement on my machinimas. Basically it's adding proper facial animations with moving eyes and everything using custom skeletons. At first I tried doing this on Maya since it was the program I was using and then export the fbx to glm with noesis. But for some reason noesis doesn't export the glm correctly and causes the model to have no animation. It is stuck in the first frame and it won't play any animation no matter what. Anyone knows why this is caused?
Anyway, after trying every route possible without using blender (because I was so scared of the interface) I finally had no choice. And guess what: I learned it in like two days! And omg is it awesome. It's like designed so comfortably for the user once you learn the main shortcuts and get used to the interface which I now understand quite well. Definitely sticking with it for the rest of my animations.
So I started creating a custom skeleton from the base humanoid one. First I replaced the static eyes with a perfect sphere and made it fit on the eyeballs with the rotation not going out of the sockets. For that I used two bones centered on the spheres and followed by a helper bone like you can see here:






Then I added some IK constraints to the arms and the legs (also fixing the base hierarchy since I was on it):










I wanted to test this ingame so I created several animations using this custom skeletons and I created one gla per animation. But when I wanted to merge all the gla files with glamerge the model was screwed up. This doesn't happen with the gla's produced by carcass, so I guess glamerge doesn't like blender. Anyone knows why? In the end I had one gla per animation but this is not ideal at all. I would like to have them in one file if possible. At least the animations played properly ingame as you can see in the final result:




There is another problem though, when exporting the gla with blender the weapons ingame seem to not show up. The one you see in the video is just part of the glm itself, it's not a separated tag. This doesn't happen with noesis, the weapon shows fine but I have the freeze frame problem. Someone knows why is this? It would be great to have these sort of problems solved.


On another note: I'm gonna start working on the first episode of my machinima this summer as soon as I finish my exams. This one took ages to make because it was a frame-by-frame recreation scene, but I won't be making every single scene on my machinimas like this. Only some close-ups and the ones that require it. So it should be finished by the end of the summer before the next course starts. Then when it's done I will release the map for you guys as I promised. In the meantime, I hope you can enjoy this. See ya!


Langerd, Delmi, Wasa and 9 others like this

Holy crap, seeing how nice the face animations look ingame have filled me with hope for the future! I hope you can fix your problems eventually, but this looks great!

Alvar007 likes this

Base JA face animations are bad cause the skeleton is limiting and they're doing it through scripts calling the ones found in the _humanoid.gla rather than actually animating it all.


The animations are impressive. Also, the camera is way more cinematic than in the normal game.


@@MusicForThePiano is currently working on an overhaul of Jedi Academy. If there could be a way to add more dynamic animations and camera movements, it would add much to the game.


There is another problem though, when exporting the gla with blender the weapons ingame seem to not show up. The one you see in the video is just part of the glm itself, it's not a separated tag. This doesn't happen with noesis, the weapon shows fine but I have the freeze frame problem. Someone knows why is this? It would be great to have these sort of problems solved.

I have encountered this problem when I made my turntable model.

Are your new gla's located in models/players/_humanoid_x/* or anything following that pattern?


If not that's your problem, the games code seems to expect a _humanoid skeleton to bolt weapons to tags and it seems to verify this based on the gla filepath


Holy shit boy. You'd be a perfect fit in the movie duels 2 remastered dev team. Amazing job, it brings me joy to see that there are people pushing themselves to achieve such things on such an old game. Kudos!

TheWhitePhoenix and Alvar007 like this

Looks a lot like my work there bud.

Actually no. 


Original file is from Corto here :



Made my own adjustments:




Further improved said adjustments:



Side leg armor was created by me from scratch with the exception of the gun slot part, that was from movie battles 2 and was changed/modified and attached to the leg armor.  I created the shin armor from scratch.


In regards to skins, i changed the uv map on most parts of the corto model to make it easier to skin on my end.


So I believe you are mistaken.  Feel free to download the boba/jango to compare to any of your work. I currently don't have a real head model on any my re-works.


Edit: Now if Corto stole your work, I wasn't aware of it and have no problem crediting you for the original model. 


Also if you can please be more specific as to what you are referring to, (the whole model, parts, skins) maybe we can further clear this confusion up.

Jeff likes this

This is insanely good. This is just for machinima? You should be making SP missions out of these!


Oh my god, thank you so much! I definitely want to try to do some of that in the future.



I have encountered this problem when I made my turntable model.

Are your new gla's located in models/players/_humanoid_x/* or anything following that pattern?


If not that's your problem, the games code seems to expect a _humanoid skeleton to bolt weapons to tags and it seems to verify this based on the gla filepath


Just tried this, it doesn't seem to work. I think it's something related to blender since noesis can show the weapons fine regardless of the path but it has the freeze frame problem.


Just tried this, it doesn't seem to work. I think it's something related to blender since noesis can show the weapons fine regardless of the path but it has the freeze frame problem.

Noesis is third party software and completely unrelated to the games code though, it should also work in modview.


The game only performs weapon bolting for specific models. If you were to force the rancor model on a human player and equipped a weapon it would


@@minilogoguy18#2033 had this same issue when he was working at Gorc for the DF2 mod, iirc moving the gla file to a folder name _humanoid_gorc solved it for him.

Best to do a clean export with the new directory selected from the start.


We did "models/players/_humanoid/gorc/_humanoid.gla" and it also required 1 other work around, no saber style worked unless we added the yellow style. For some reason the game needed the yellow style to be present for any other style to be used. Simply just duplicated all the frames for the strong style (the only one used) and added lines for the yellow style but bound his saber style to the strong style via the SAB file and voila.


That directory was ofc just where the GLM/GLA was compiled, the GLM was moved to "models/players/gorc" afterwards which is just fine.


Also, I'm using Softimage and Assimilate because well, it just works.


We did "models/players/_humanoid/gorc/_humanoid.gla" and it also required 1 other work around, no saber style worked unless we added the yellow style. For some reason the game needed the yellow style to be present for any other style to be used. Simply just duplicated all the frames for the strong style (the only one used) and added lines for the yellow style but bound his saber style to the strong style via the SAB file and voila.


That directory was ofc just where the GLM/GLA was compiled, the GLM was moved to "models/players/gorc" afterwards which is just fine.


Also, I'm using Softimage and Assimilate because well, it just works.


Oh my fucking god it works now! I just exported the GLA as "_humanoid.gla" inside the model's folder within the _humanoid folder like you said. Then exported the GLM and moved it to models/players/modelfolder.

I didn't even have to mess with the styles, just worked fine. Many thanks!



Noesis is third party software and completely unrelated to the games code though, it should also work in modview.


The game only performs weapon bolting for specific models. If you were to force the rancor model on a human player and equipped a weapon it would


@@minilogoguy18#2033 had this same issue when he was working at Gorc for the DF2 mod, iirc moving the gla file to a folder name _humanoid_gorc solved it for him.

Best to do a clean export with the new directory selected from the start.


What I meant was that the GLA noesis exports shows the weapon ingame, not inside noesis itself. Also the weapons do not show up in modview, just like they don't show up for the base animations either. But they show up ingame so it's all good. Thanks again!


What I meant was that the GLA noesis exports shows the weapon ingame, not inside noesis itself. Also the weapons do not show up in modview, just like they don't show up for the base animations either. But they show up ingame so it's all good. Thanks again!

Ah, that's what you meant.

You can manually bolt models to tags in Modview to preview weapon bolting, that's what I meant.

Glad to see that it works now

  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone! So after working during all this summer and part of the new course I finally finished the first episode of my machinima series which you can check out here if you want: https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11394-star-wars-crime-lords
This means that I finally uploaded my Mandalore map for you guys and it's waiting for approval right now. There are all 3 versions in there.

I also wanted to release the mandalorian supercommandos I did with the help of ShengLong Kazama, so here you go:




On a side note: last year summer I bought a Xbox 360 Kinect sensor to play Star Wars Kinect (which is an awesome game btw) and I discovered that you can use the sensor to make motion capture animations, so I'm definitely going to try that for my next projects. Just imagine: realistic motion captures animations inside JKA! Although I'm gonna be mixing my projects, so probably my next one is not gonna be JK related. I'm probably going to make the second episode of the Kotor machinima that you can see on my channel, which is now open to the public btw.
Also I have moved to a more quiet and better place so things should be going faster now.

Anyway, hope you enjoy all of this!

Lancelot, Noodle and Odeyseis like this
  • 5 years later...

Hey, it's been a while since I posted here.

So I wanted to update this thread because I've been working on something interesting for the game: importing motion capture animations. I managed to do this using the Auto Rig Pro addon for Blender, which you can basically use to retarget any custom rig to the Jedi Academy skeleton in this case.



Most of them were taken from mixamo, but you can basically retarget anything. Here you can see a video showcasing the results:

Credits to @MagSul for the amazing mod used in the video. As you can see, the retargetting it's not perfect. There are some details such as the fingers that may need to be adjusted. But it's still very useful for NPCs in the background that you see from a distance.

If I combine this with the facial animations workflow that I showcased in this same thread, I can make the ultimate SP missions which I plan to do at some point. For now, I hope you enjoy this!

Delmi, Zelanter, Reepray and 12 others like this
1 hour ago, Alvar007 said:

Hey, it's been a while since I posted here.

So I wanted to update this thread because I've been working on something interesting for the game: importing motion capture animations. I managed to do this using the Auto Rig Pro addon for Blender, which you can basically use to retarget any custom rig to the Jedi Academy skeleton in this case.

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Most of them were taken from mixamo, but you can basically retarget anything. Here you can see a video showcasing the results:

Credits to @MagSul for the amazing mod used in the video. As you can see, the retargetting it's not perfect. There are some details such as the fingers that may need to be adjusted. But it's still very useful for NPCs in the background that you see from a distance.

If I combine this with the facial animations workflow that I showcased in this same thread, I can make the ultimate SP missions which I plan to do at some point. For now, I hope you enjoy this!

Implementing this in SP mods like Movie Duels would be really interesting to watch, excellent work.

Droidy365 and Alvar007 like this
10 hours ago, Alvar007 said:

Hey, it's been a while since I posted here.

So I wanted to update this thread because I've been working on something interesting for the game: importing motion capture animations. I managed to do this using the Auto Rig Pro addon for Blender, which you can basically use to retarget any custom rig to the Jedi Academy skeleton in this case.

  Reveal hidden contents


Most of them were taken from mixamo, but you can basically retarget anything. Here you can see a video showcasing the results:

Credits to @MagSul for the amazing mod used in the video. As you can see, the retargetting it's not perfect. There are some details such as the fingers that may need to be adjusted. But it's still very useful for NPCs in the background that you see from a distance.

If I combine this with the facial animations workflow that I showcased in this same thread, I can make the ultimate SP missions which I plan to do at some point. For now, I hope you enjoy this!

Amazing work Alvar, this could be groundbreaking for my machinima work! I wonder if you'd be able to port mocap animations from other games too like Vader's walk cycle. The possibilities! I wonder if you may make a tutorial on how to do this.

Alvar007 likes this
8 hours ago, Lord Krit said:

Amazing work Alvar, this could be groundbreaking for my machinima work! I wonder if you'd be able to port mocap animations from other games too like Vader's walk cycle. The possibilities! I wonder if you may make a tutorial on how to do this.

Thank you so much!

Interesting, from which game is this Vader's cycle that you mention? Keep in mind the animation itself has to be extractable first so that it can be retargetted. Also I wasn't planning to do a tutorial but seeing as there's several people interested maybe I will.

Anyway the proccess is simple: once you have the both the source and the target skeletons imported is just a matter of selecting the closest bones between each other for the retargeting. Make sure to redefine the rest pose after you select the bones from the list. Here's a very good video explaining in detail how the addon works (specially the retargetting to an FK rig section which in our case would be the most interesting part). From there it's just a matter of getting the animation into the game, I'm sure there is documentation and tutorials about that on the site. From my experiments, there is a limit in the number of keyframes you can add to the same .gla. So eventually if you need more you can create custom .gla's that are character specific the same way mods like Movie Duels do.

I loved your Plagueis machinima btw, keep those up!

1 hour ago, Alvar007 said:

Thank you so much!

Interesting, from which game is this Vader's cycle that you mention? Keep in mind the animation itself has to be extractable first so that it can be retargetted. Also I wasn't planning to do a tutorial but seeing as there's several people interested maybe I will.

Anyway the proccess is simple: once you have the both the source and the target skeletons imported is just a matter of selecting the closest bones between each other for the retargeting. Make sure to redefine the rest pose after you select the bones from the list. Here's a very good video explaining in detail how the addon works (specially the retargetting to an FK rig section which in our case would be the most interesting part). From there it's just a matter of getting the animation into the game, I'm sure there is documentation and tutorials about that on the site. From my experiments, there is a limit in the number of keyframes you can add to the same .gla. So eventually if you need more you can create custom .gla's that are character specific the same way mods like Movie Duels do.

I loved your Plagueis machinima btw, keep those up!

I have a lot of animations from EA BF2, it would be a interesting to see if they'd work if transferred.

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