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Aayla Secura

What should I model next?  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Models

    • Han Solo (Original Trilogy)
    • Luke Skywalker (Original Trilogy)
    • Princess Leia (Original Trilogy)
    • Ki-Adi Mundi
    • Poe Dameron
    • Obi-wan (Ep1, Ep2, EpIV)
    • Nien Nunb (Or general Sullustan model)
    • Other (State in reply)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great work! Will she be customizeable?


She will be yes, I'm going to try and allow you to change her skin color with the RGB system in JKA as well, haven't done that before, but got an idea of how to do it.


* Since you already made her dress and undercover outfit, any chance for this other outfit from the comics too?: http://imgbox.com/Ig8LbWZd


Also, maybe you can add a variant color for her jedi rags from brown to gray/black. Since in the comics Aayla robes are gray



I will be making that one as well, no worries, just working on some traditional jedi robes at the moment


Can do the rags as well.

Bek likes this

Little criticism for you, the whole white shoulder pad thing just looks silly.  Looks like it's growing out of her skin or something.  Not really your fault though, looks silly in the comic too.  I'm not sure I would keep it, or at least allow it to be turned off.

Scerendo likes this

JKG Developer


Little criticism for you, the whole white shoulder pad thing just looks silly.  Looks like it's growing out of her skin or something.  Not really your fault though, looks silly in the comic too.  I'm not sure I would keep it, or at least allow it to be turned off.


I agree, I'll probably add a strap or something, but you'll be able to toggle it on or off in the skin file or player customization.



Update 27/12/2015:


Just did some traditional Jedi robes. Wasn't alot of references for them in the comics so I just did something familiar.

























Jeff, Grab, Jago and 12 others like this

The model is very well done, @@Scerendo. I think the body doesn't need a lot more work,

because I can't see much of a difference between your model and Aayla as seen in the movie(s).














I dunno if it's just me.. But can anyone else see a resemblance to Kaley Cuoco, in Aayla Secura's face?  :huh:

  • 2 weeks later...

Update 09/1/2015:


I'm not too happy with this outfit, the diamond pattern was a pain to do, anyway I might tweak the textures a bit more, but I want to finish this model off and move onto a new project.















What modeling package? And if 3ds Max... which version?


I use zBrush (4R7) to sculpt and do the details on the model. Then I export it and use Topogun (2.0) to retopologise the mesh. I use 3ds Max (2015) to assemble all the model parts, and do the UVS. 


I preview the model in Marmoset Toolbag, so I can have real time shaders and easily see how my maps are working.

krkarr and Kualan like this

@@Scerendo  -- so how do you compile to GLM?  Exporting with Scooper's GLM/GLA exporter?  Or exporting to dotXSI and using Carcass2.2?


...I just submitted the 3ds Max 2015 dotXSI 3.0 v1.9 exporter that fixes exporting of vertex normals.  I would appreciate it if you would test it out and compare your Aayla model's vertex normals in ModView with the vertex normals in the 3ds Max viewports (to see the vertex normals in 3ds Max you can temporarily add an Edit_Normals modifier to the mesh objects).  The good thing about this version 1.9 exporter is now you can use specified/explicit vertex normals for even better lighting/normals mapping.

Scerendo likes this

@@Scerendo  -- so how do you compile to GLM?  Exporting with Scooper's GLM/GLA exporter?  Or exporting to dotXSI and using Carcass2.2?


...I just submitted the 3ds Max 2015 dotXSI 3.0 v1.9 exporter that fixes exporting of vertex normals.  I would appreciate it if you would test it out and compare your Aayla model's vertex normals in ModView with the vertex normals in the 3ds Max viewports (to see the vertex normals in 3ds Max you can temporarily add an Edit_Normals modifier to the mesh objects).  The good thing about this version 1.9 exporter is now you can use specified/explicit vertex normals for even better lighting/normals mapping.




Interesting, I shall investigate it. I normally export to XSI Softimage and export as a dotXSI.


I have already rigged up most of the model in Softimage, so I'll be done with it soon. But I can just export it back to 3ds Max.


I'll definitely take a look at your exporter, and do a a test at very least - perhaps it might be a better alternative for my future models.


Out of curiosity do you think you will be doing exporter for Maya at all, if at all possible? I only ask because I'm quite a fan of their rigging tools they have.


Edit: I've also added a Poll to the Topic to see what people would like me to model next, these are namely characters I am interested in creating. But feel free to add your own suggestions.




If I could choose between two characters, I would choose Poe Dameron or Han Solo. Especially Han Solo, because I want that old model that looks

nothing like him to be removed from the face of the earth. And Poe because nobody actually made one, except @@dark_apprentice.


We have good versions of Luke, except for EP4, so that would be awesome.


We have a great Ki-Adi Mundi made by @@Psyk0Sith


We have all versions of Leia I believe.


Nien Nunb is too minor for me to even consider it, but maybe eventually.


My vote would be for Han Solo, but @@DT85 already started one and says he plans on finishing it.


So if thats true, I vote for Obi-Wan EP 1 & 2. We have an EP4 Obi-Wan already.


Poe Dameron would be nice too though!

Scerendo and Omicron like this

Considering that DT already has his hands on Han, I voted for Obi-Wan. I agree that the Episode IV version could use a better model overall.


I believe we should flex out a little bit, because this would be interesting to see- not only because it would require using the Grievous four arm skeleton but because it would be a cool test of his skills.

Minor character, but.

Pong Krell from TCW.


I believe we should flex out a little bit, because this would be interesting to see- not only because it would require using the Grievous four arm skeleton but because it would be a cool test of his skills.

Minor character, but.

Pong Krell from TCW.


Someone made a Pong Krell before,I think. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the best.

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