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Everything posted by Śăļvõö

  1. I'm really glad to see my brother's skins on your game,,it means it's worth to play them.. @ Mine were bad, but I have found something better than losing my time doing somewhat without a purpose..
  2. I think it's https://jkhub.org/user/354-mrzz/ if you mean the Jka Texture Overhaul mod
  3. Hey, are you still working on Dagobah ?? Just wondering..
  4. Ahaha I hope he'd not die in eds because it would be too tragic, but he doesn't have 22 years (no more). However you're right about B.S. about that source thing ...
  5. Warning !! This spoiler can make you do not see Episode VIII. Click if you prefer the spoiler to the stunning scenes and graphics and the last movie with this amazing character ! Resist to temptation, if you're able
  6. Hi everyone I've taken a break atm so here is the topic of my brother, that's keeping up all : https://jkhub.org/topic/8281-backflip1s-skins-kitbashes/ If you have some requests you could ask him : porting, skins and frankenstein requests are accepted
  7. This should be included ahaha @@Circa according to me we urgently need a forum section called "Users' epic failures" , even if you don't want us to creat topics with our favorite cat images, that is pretty fair, so I don't know if this idea could be accepted. But after all we already have a nonsense section For this horror I'd deserve a memorable place. @The Punisher ahah can't believe I forgot uploading it, sorry ahah I've put the link of in the first page now, enjoy
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