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Bespin Cloud City Vader SP Mission - WIP

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@@Langerd exactly



read this http://polycount.com/discussion/154664/a-short-explanation-about-custom-vertex-normals-tutorial


I successfully used custom vertex normals in JKA

Well.. i am not pro in these things but i have only one question for this...




WHY THEY DIDNT MADE IT THAT WAY IN THE FIRST PLACE ? Now we must deal with this shit... Is it because they didnt had a choice or program to do this or they didnt gave a damn? :/


And they say that modding to JK3 is easy.. Well.. i think it is not hard (i think) but to fix things like this ...




@@Langerd it's the way vertices work - their normals are calculated per vertex and along mesh seams you have duplciate vertices, so the vertices on either side get different results for the equation they derive their normals from and therefore have different normals

and unless you tell a vertex a specific normal direction it will calculat eit'S normals from the surrounding faces

Langerd likes this


Considering her skin, how about Ailis? It's supposed to be the spanish derivative of a greek name's root for "greenery"... seems appropriate ;)

Langerd likes this

New mirialan Jedi Warrior - I cant find cool name for Her


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Annnnnnnd another female skin that deserves a stand alone separate release. :D

Teancum and Langerd like this

I've seen alot of skins and models. That is a dam nice character! Mmmm...how about "CHOLESE"  "PHADRAH"  "LANCIA" "GRAVILLA" "MORGANA" ?

Langerd likes this

I've seen alot of skins and models. That is a dam nice character! Mmmm...how about "CHOLESE"  "PHADRAH"  "LANCIA" "GRAVILLA" "MORGANA" ?


Shaakra Khann LOL


But seriously, Ahshreeka Nembo or something like that, just play around with the name Ahsoka Tano.

Langerd likes this

New mirialan Jedi Warrior - I cant find cool name for Her


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I pretty much love her and she looks JKA hot 'n sexy :D so i guess Jade Za can be a suggestion for her name? Anyway really starting to love this great project and keep my fingers crossed. Thank you for putting your time and energy in this beautiful fan story that already makes me feel a lot into SW's adventure over Anakin/Luke's lightsaber.

  • 1 month later...

I am back with new texture fixes , new lamp model - now screenshot on the cloudy map ;) and...new Boss ..

But unfortunately tags doesn't work, He is not using at_st_side weapon for some reason and he is stop shooting at me when i am far away ... I tried everything i know and understand but it still :( doesnt work .


Of course we will fight him in the other place ;) Still WIP ...

SomaZ, Ramikad, McGroose and 6 others like this

@Langerd I still have the old source mod Star Wars the new era installed. We got a pretty nice balanced team deathmatch cloud city map. It was never completed, but if you are interested I could make you some screenshots for inspiration.


Oh, and this map looks awesome ;)


I am back with new texture fixes , new lamp model - now screenshot on the cloudy map ;) and...new Boss ..


But unfortunately tags doesn't work, He is not using at_st_side weapon for some reason and he is stop shooting at me when i am far away ... I tried everything i know and understand but it still :( doesnt work .


Of course we will fight him in the other place ;) Still WIP ...


Very nice. The mech strongly reminds me of Strife.

You can try scripting it so that at a certain distance from the player it switches weapon to AT-ST Side and keeps firing.

Langerd and TheWhitePhoenix like this

@@Langerd I gotta say, thank you for doing this. ^_^


@Langerd I still have the old source mod Star Wars the new era installed. We got a pretty nice balanced team deathmatch cloud city map. It was never completed, but if you are interested I could make you some screenshots for inspiration.


Oh, and this map looks awesome ;)

Thanks :) Hmm why not :D You send me some screens :) Any source of inspiration is appreciated

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Very nice. The mech strongly reminds me of Strife.

You can try scripting it so that at a certain distance from the player it switches weapon to AT-ST Side and keeps firing.

@@Ramikad .. there are some problems with the tags. He is not shooting from the tag weapon_0 .. He is shooting randomly from this tag and from the bottom of the model.. it looks weird and stupid . When i am far away He is not using the AT_ST_SIDE weapon. I gave the npc the ATST Class and these two weapons ( to be honest .. i copied whole npc of atst and changed the model and the name...) but he is acting weird and use only one :S

Does the mech use the same animations as the AT-ST?

yep :) But there are some problem though :(

Ramikad likes this

@@Ramikad .. there are some problems with the tags. He is not shooting from the tag weapon_0 .. He is shooting randomly from this tag and from the bottom of the model.. it looks weird and stupid . When i am far away He is not using the AT_ST_SIDE weapon. I gave the npc the ATST Class and these two weapons ( to be honest .. i copied whole npc of atst and changed the model and the name...) but he is acting weird and use only one :S

yep :) But there are some problem though :(

Maybe I can replace it with a Jedi Character for personal use when this comes out. More like say...a Juggernaut type character that will eventually be worn down. But that's me. I gotta say this guy is very intimidating looking at him, TBH. And I have a feeling that was the point of his design. ^_^

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