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Everything posted by SomaZ

  1. Oh, you are right. Looks like some image links are broken. I can make new images when I'm back home.
  2. You can find the list here in the wiki https://jkhub.org/wiki/Map_Models_-_Image_Reference_Library
  3. Hey SardineGuy. You can use my blender addon to import and export md3 files. Its handling is a little different as the old versions so I just link the little tutorial I wrote about it here. It also comes with instructions on how to setup the addon. Hope this helps. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/modeling/md3-importexport-using-blender-33-r185/
  4. Uhm, okay. Never heard of this before. What version of the addon did you try to install? If you have instructions on how to recreate this issue, I could probably fix it, unless its a bug in the 3.1 release that the addon triggers by accident. Anyways, latest release (v0.9.96-pre) also works in more recent versions of blender like 4.2.
  5. First of all, the exporter you tried using is part of wonkos addon, not mine. This exporter is supposed to export every surface as a patch mesh. Patch meshes are somewhat limited and you should avoid using patches for regular geometry except for curved surfaces. I submitted a patch to fix the exporter, but I assume you actually want to copy a complete map with that approach, which is not recommended and probably also not actually doable.
  6. You definitly don't have the latest version of the addon, because I fixed this already. Get the pre-release I linked above.
  7. Update the bsp importer addon to the latest version. Get it here https://github.com/SomaZ/Blender_BSP_Importer/releases/tag/v0.9.96
  8. Also multiple things. A decompile of a .bsp file will always have only structural brushes. Also when they were detail in the original .map file. But I don't think its actually an issue in this case. So don't think brushes were originally structural when looking at a decompiled bsp. Weather files are generated on map load. The original jka game executables do this as well. It's not unique to that mod. And as I said, weather zones are not mandatory to make the inside/outside brushes work correctly. They are intended to speedup generation of the weather cache.
  9. Ok, so theres some things to concider. Weather zones aren't just brushes but also entities. Depending on how you added those, it might not work like that. Second, weather zones are not mandatory to make inside or outside brushes work correctly. Weather zones are just used to speed up the loading of the inside/outside info. IF you have weather zones, inside or outside brushes that are NOT inside of a weather zone are ignored. Jedi Outcast only had outside brushes, Jedi Academy added inside brushes. Only one type of those brushes are allowed per map. So if you mix inside and outside brushes, the game won't load the map. Reloading a map might break the cached weather info, maybe a bug in JA:Enhanced. This needs some investigation.
  10. I haven't tested it, but for easy use, you could convert the mainbsp to like an .obj and use it as guide via an misc_model entity that you delete again before compile. You can either use my blender addon for that or Noesis, which might be the easier choice.
  11. Try: q3map2.exe -game ja -mergebsp -world <mainBsp.bsp> <bspToinject.bsp>
  12. Just use -mergebsp with latest q3map2 version of netradiant-custom. Get it here: https://github.com/Garux/netradiant-custom/releases So, you simply build the brushes you want to add to a bsp within radiant, add lights so the brushes are lit like in the original map, run a compile, don't worry about leaks or anything related to that. After that you merge both bsps with q3map2.exe -game ja -mergebsp -world <mainBsp.bsp> <bspToinject.bsp> mainBsp is your original map in this case. Hope that helps. More info in the commit of Garux adding this feature:
  13. Hm, I feel like a grate with things beneath it except for dirt is kind of weird architecture. It looks nice, but feels not very grounded in reality. People will walk over it. People will have dirt on their shoes. It will pile up whatever you do. Theres two things I can imagine that could work to make it feel more gounded. Keep a lower level, but make it somewhat accessable in the sense of, someone is able to clean it easily. Like having a second entrance for the base. But what for? Is that a base that keeps dangerous animals in cages and theres this passway to transport them into the base without endangering the transport crew? What is that entrance or way used for? Second idea would be placing the whole construction on posts and let the dirt pile up under the construction. Maybe add more foliage under it so it looks like its less maintained than the surrounding area? Just my two cents about that topic. Love the progress so far. Can't wait to see what you will come up with.
  14. Vertex animations store vertex information per animation frame. Means, you can assign a new position and vertex normal for every vertex at any animation frame. This is pretty nice if you have alot of ununiform movement. This is at the expense of data storage as it has to store alot of data for that. In the raven jedi knight games though, theres no interpolation between animation frames so those animations are looking somewhat laggy. There are some instances in the game where it was used like the switch animation at the beginning of t1_rail, the bombs you have to defuse and I think the water pumps in vjun. Those aren't good examples to use vertex animations in general though. Edit: MD3 vertex animations are SP only, in MP you can only force the game to show one of the animation frames
  15. We had a talk about this over on discord. It boils down to: GtkRadiant wasn't configured correctly and shader file name was not added to the shaderfiles.txt file in the shaders folder under base.
  16. I just had a look with my WIP version of my Bsp editor, which will have some additional features. The problem is that bsp surfaces get one fog assigned. If it isn't it simply won't draw. A global fog would take place. It's also not just the door, but also the rotating fan that doesn't have the correct fog assigned. I'll try finishing some parts of my bsp editor and then we can try fixing the problem with that.
  17. SomaZ

    Rend2 Setup UI

    You have to replace all old OpenJK files with the new ones from my repository. The communication between the game and the renderer has changed in my latest version, so it bascially cant "talk" with the old versions of the engine.
  18. Yea, I used this addon: https://github.com/c-d-a/io_export_qmap I used blender to blockout everything. Later, once I've added all the models, I build collision brushes for the models in Radiant though. Building brushes in blender is a huge pain tbh. Wouldn't recommend it. Extruded terrain is something different, I would never do this in radiant agian but always with the addon I linked.
  19. Yea, I will release some of the sources when I had some time to tidy them up. One essential part for rend2 is just modern asset creation. I can't really teach that. Though there are lots of resources online for it. I planned on doing some tutorials on some things like: "How to properly bake normal maps for rend2","How and where do I place cubemaps and what do they actually do?" or "What are deluxemaps and why should I bother?" All the blender lighting/mapping stuff I'm still figuring out myself tbh. Theres some kind of workflow, but I think I could potentially streamline this much more, make it less error prone etc. Main problem about that is that I really dont have much time right now and it will just get less end of october. Trying to teach as much as possible to others and helping where I can.
  20. So, I started baking the remaining textures for the vanilla mp/duel1 map. Once I've finished the remaining ones, I'll update the download.
  21. So this is intended to be some "behind-the-scenes" and/or feedback thread for the released Bespin Duel Reborn mod, which you can grab here: The idea behind this mod is simple: I need something to show the modern rend2 features. Duel1 is quite small, so lets just remake this. Easy Like so often in life, things aren't as easy as they seem at first glance. I imported the original duel1 map into blender and realised that this will take quite some time to actually remake the complete map. This is like redoing 40 materials and rend2 requires Albedo/BaseColor textures, normal maps, roughness maps, metalness maps, ambient occulsion maps and in some cases hight maps. Uff. Since most of the walls are based on the same materials, I created one material from scratch. This material I repurposed as a master material in substance designer. All other wall materials are based on this master material. Here are some images when I was testing the first iterations of the textures in-game After finishing all the materials I wanted to replace completely, I started modeling all the missing parts of the map. After that I started building the new map. After I added all the materials and models to the map, I started working on the lighting in blender. The first iteration of a lighted map looked like this I worked on a proper sky for a night time version of the map, but was never really satisfied, so I started working on a day time version instead Last few edits for the materials and some adjustments to the lighting If you are interested in more details of some of the workflows or if you want to know more about a specific model or material, feel free to ask.
  22. Hey Lancelot. Thank you for your kind words. Just wanted to know if you actually tried using rend2 or if you "just" assume your PC can't handle it? Would be interested in your pc config (if thats ok for you) if you have tested it and it doesn't work properly.
  23. Version 1.1


    WINNER of the Anniversary Mod Contest 2023 This adds a complete rework of the duel1 jedi academy map. This is build to showcase rend2 features. The vanilla game should also be able to run this, but I didn't put too much effort into the vanilla lighting. To take full advantage of the maps features you need to install and run rend2. Everything has been rebuild from scratch. Textures were made with Substance Painter and Designer. Models and Lighting were made in Blender. Credits: Activision, Raven, LucasArts for the original map, Doughnuts for some help with the highpoly model of the lanterns Known Bugs: None that I'm aware of (yet ). There are some materials for the original duel1 map that I haven't baked yet, so vanilla duel1 will look a bit strange with the mix of vanilla materials and rend2 materials. Will fix this when I have some time. Comments: Many thanks for all the feedback to all the awesome testers: mjt, Stoiss, Artemis, Circa, Mat Gaunt, SephFF, Bucky, tayst and Mace * How to install * Install and configure rend2 first. Then just extract the .pk3 into the GameData/base in your game directory. Get latest the rend2 version here: https://github.com/SomaZ/OpenJK/releases If you already have a recent version of OpenJK installed, you can simply grab the "rd-rend2_x86.dll" from the latest release and put it next to your openjk.exe. For easier rend2 configuration I recommend using the following mod
  24. This is a small list of available cvars if you have the rend2 renderer installed. Open the console and use the following commands to configure rend2. cl_renderer = {rd-vanilla, rd-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJK MP renderer or rend2 (OpenJK MP only) cl_renderer = {rdsp-vanilla, rdsp-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJK SP renderer or SP rend2 (OpenJK SP only) cl_renderer = {rdjosp-vanilla, rdjosp-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJO SP renderer or JO SP rend2 (OpenJO SP only) r_hdr = {0, 1} # Disable/enable rendering in HDR colorspace r_floatLightmap = {0, 1} # Disable/enable HDR lightmaps and skies on maps with hdr lighting support r_toneMap = {0, 1} # Disable/enable tonemapping r_autoExposure = {0, 1} # Disable/enable auto exposure r_normalMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable normal mapping r_specularMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable specular mapping r_deluxeMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable reading deluxemaps when compiled with q3map2 r_deluxeSpecular = [0, 1] # Disable/enable/scale the specular response from deluxemaps r_parallaxMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable parallax mapping r_cubeMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable cubemapping r_cubeMappingBounces = {0, 1, 2} # Renders cubemaps multiple times to get reflections in reflections r_genNormalMaps = {0, 1} # Disable/enable generating normal maps from diffuse maps r_ssao = {0, 1} # Disable/enable screen space ambient occlusion cg_shadows = {0, 1, 2, 4} # Disable Shadows, blob shadows, stencil shadows, shadowmap shadows (4 requires a vid_restart to take effect) EXPERIMENTAL CVARS r_dlightmode = {0, 1, 2} # Disable/enable dynamic lights, 2 will also enable shadow mapping for dynamic lights NICE TO HAVE CVARS r_ext_multisample = {0, 2, 4, 8} # MSAA multisampling (also works in vanilla renderer) r_marksOnTriangleMeshes = {0, 1} # Disable/enable saber marks on triangle surfaces of the map If you don't want to fiddle around with the cvars manually, you can also use my UI mod which maps most of the cvars to ui elements.
  25. Version 1.1


    Description: With this simple UI mod you can switch between the OpenJK vanilla renderer and the rend2 renderer (not included). You can also configure some of the advanced features with the UI directly. Known Bugs: This wont work in combination with other UI mods, except for other fonts, that should be fine. Comments: This requires OpenJK and the rend2 renderer dll. You can download the latest rend2 build here: https://github.com/SomaZ/OpenJK/releases * How to install * Just extract the .pk3 into the GameData/base in your game directory.
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