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Bespin Cloud City Vader SP Mission - WIP

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Well i started some changes in my cloudy map. The first SP map that i finished. Now i am adding some stuff, weapons , maybe i will add few cutscenes and voices but who knows..I also planning to add 4-5 secret areas :3
When i was playing it i find out that is too easy (for me :P) . So! I thought - maybe i will make the bespin cop but in the little armor. First i draw the concept and after that i was changing the bespin cop model to  create my own project :) The resault was great!


And btw You are fighting bespin cops that in kind way betray whole station and try to give sources for the empire (this is my little story here)
I was planing to make 3 stages. The second stage is still not finished.. but i am planing to upload this map that i will show You. (Maybe..)



Jeff, Bek, Noodle and 20 others like this



You made that?


Like...recently? Is this the first time you're posting about it?


You need to be putting these talents towards bigger projects! :P PM me if you're interested in mapping for a SP project.


i saw him first lol :D


naah you do a awesome job at mapping really ;) keep up the good work ;)

Circa and Langerd like this

Many thanks Guys! Well i made it whole by myself but the only thing that is not made by me is the skybox. I changed a little but still i dont have permission from the author.


Holy moly, that is awesome. Keep up the good work.



Cieszy, że ktoś z Polski robi coś tak fajnego :)


Wow, rozjebałeś system.

XD dzięki! Ja tez się bardzo cieszę ze są tu nasi i utrzymują tę grę przy życiu.


Btw Grab jedna z twoich mapek również wyglądała zajebiście ;)




You made that?


Like...recently? Is this the first time you're posting about it?


You need to be putting these talents towards bigger projects! :P PM me if you're interested in mapping for a SP project.

Thanks about it but i dont know if i would be skilled enough to work with other people .. i have kinda hard time lately and i am shy person ..


Thanks about it but i dont know if i would be skilled enough to work with other people .. i have kinda hard time lately and i am shy person ..

All our work is done via a forum here on JKHub. Won't be any different than what you've done here, but your work will go towards a bigger project, and you'll be making a map that is on our list of maps that need to be made. Pretty simple. :) It's a Star Wars related project if that makes a difference. We need more mappers before we make it public.
Darth Sion likes this
  • 7 months later...

For Beta release i need :

-Permission from Psych0sith to use his Lobot model because we are fightning lobots as well.
-Permission from original author of the skybox.. i didnt make it and i dont want to use any of the stuff that didint made myself. 
-Some little fixes,testing and more places with ammo,weapons and shields. Also i want to include the secret areas. 

I have a hard time now.. with myself with school ... With Life. I love making this stuff but it is harder and harder with every year. 
I hope i will finish this i hopefully upload something ^^. 

As the second map... because there is also part 2 - i planned 4 parts but 4th part would be the first but we would escape the station that is falling down - because we will destroy the station in part 3.
The second map has sewer part... I will remove it. It looks weird and doesnt match to the cloud city style.

The main problem i have is the sarlacc map. I have safe_malloc error and even 1.6.4 gtkradiant version didnt fix this issue. I can try -lomen but i think it will take forever. Or i will ... cut the lower put of the map and just make the sarlacc as the death pit. 

I will check all things this weekend. So check downloads section for some stuff ;)


Ok I added some animation crates :


I changed the look of the blaster pistol to the Relby blaster - bespin cops blasters


Changed the E11 look a bit and took the A280 model from Mb2 (still want to find for permission.. if not i will not upload it) and also changed the look of it a little. The same with the Trip mine look.


And some little changes (Added two secret areas.. i plan 4 or 5 ;) )


I wanted to finish it this weekend but.. i have too much school work :S (I dont give a shit many times in school project but this is last year and i have a mature exam.. Yeah .. I shouldnt make these things but like i said many times before.. It is only thing that keeps me goin.

I hope i will get permission for models and finally send files here. I made new folder with 100% clean Jk3 to test every single modification. But bugs most of time show up when there are too many mods... So i dont know if i can promise that they will work for Ya without any issues and errors.


Man, when I look at the screenshots of your maps I feel like mine are so lackluster. I love the lightning in these! Though I would feel bad shooting at an army of Lobots after reading the Lando comics :(

GMRobinHood and Langerd like this

Man, when I look at the screenshots of your maps I feel like mine are so lackluster. I love the lightning in these! Though I would feel bad shooting at an army of Lobots after reading the Lando comics :(

D: Well i can change them to the stormtroopers in some way. Why would You feel bad?


WOW... makes my bespin map look noobish. Good job on the skybox. I have some ideas for new windows. And it's in full daylight, making it white/blue, not red and brown

Langerd likes this

WOW... makes my bespin map look noobish. Good job on the skybox. I have some ideas for new windows. And it's in full daylight, making it white/blue, not red and brown

Thanks! :)


Well skybox is not mine.. but i saw it in several maps here so i think i can use it.


Today i made new Frankenstein and skin! - Bespin Pilot






Well there were no 100% look for this guy so i made it half from screens and half on my way. I hope You will like it ! :) (also i am thinking about giving him a googles or something)


Śăļvõö, Delmi, Noodle and 5 others like this

Thanks! :)


Well skybox is not mine.. but i saw it in several maps here so i think i can use it.


Today i made new Frankenstein and skin! - Bespin Pilot


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Well there were no 100% look for this guy so i made it half from screens and half on my way. I hope You will like it ! :) (also i am thinking about giving him a googles or something)




Google do make everything 10% cooler!

Langerd and Darth Sion like this
  • 2 weeks later...

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