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Jeff's never ending WIP's

Message added by Circa

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There just hasn't been a decent han model released anywhere, for Jedi Academy -- I think Hapslash had one in making long time ago, in a glaxy far far away...
Now, I'm not saying @Jeff's work is bad, it's the best and the only Endor Han Solo ever seen for JA. I'm sure this will be appreciated :)

Langerd likes this

@@Circa It would be nice to see one that holds up to the quality of Toshi's work, I'm definitely not hinting at @@DT85


The only issue is that we have a decent Han Solo model (Though extremely dated) but if Darth Maul got a new model, I think Han Solo should also get one too.  


Like the Darth Plageuis a lot, but the whole body should be slim, not just the head (ie, look at the shoulders and chest).


Wookieepiedia describes them as a "tall, thin Humanoid".


Plagueis looks nice, though a little bit muscular for the species. But if you can make a normal civilian-like muun you will be a hero to all man kind


LOL Wow a dumbass like myself learns something new, I've only been using Modview for about 5 years and never figured that out. Thanks man, I never was the sharpest tool in the shed.



That JPEG compression! You know ModView has a screenshot feature? Shift + C I think? Saves to your C drive.


Nice work though! Love all of it. :)


Whatever happened to this @@Jeff?? :P


Finally a decent model of Plaguies. Though I would agree on the shoulders. Not sure if the apparel that of Revan is in due place...


He was a public figure, which went under different name, but surely he wore something less Sithish. He also had a breathing mask after the attack.


Yeah, he would have worn unassuming garments, something that a prestigious noble figure would wear, not sith robes. I don't think that in any point in the book did they ever describe him in sith robes.


Finally a decent model of Plaguies. Though I would agree on the shoulders. Not sure if the apparel that of Revan is in due place...


He was a public figure, which went under different name, but surely he wore something less Sithish. He also had a breathing mask after the attack.



Yeah, he would have worn unassuming garments, something that a prestigious noble figure would wear, not sith robes. I don't think that in any point in the book did they ever describe him in sith robes.


I'd agree but finding any images of him is difficult, and full body shots don't seem to exist.


Whatever happened to this @@Jeff?? :P



The textures look really low resolution, even the resolution of your screenshot is very low.


I tried it but where does it save the screenshot at. They're lost on my PC somewhere. :P


I tried it but where does it save the screenshot at. They're lost on my PC somewhere. :P

On your C drive I believe. Someone else with Windows verify that.



Actually there a few of them. Here there are.


Plagueis during his earlier years, when he was an apprentice himself.





Here you can see him as a noble man, better known to many as Hego Damask. During the attack.





After the attack Plaguies used a breathing mask. Perhaps this is another of his public costumes.





Here Plagueis wears a traditional Sith cloak, with a hood. He also looks more like a Neimodian


Among the Star Wars toys there was only one known Plagueis figure, It's the public costume from above, and it's black.



Personally I would have preferred Plagueis to look something like this, and not a Muun... You might have seen this concept art of Plagueis for The Force Unleashed.




Langerd, krkarr, Jeff and 1 other like this

Agreed. But just to clarify: this is the latest toy design of Darth Plagueis the Wise.  


same kind of character can be seen in one of the StarWars Episode 7's concept art images










Smoo, krkarr and Delmi like this
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