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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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10 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

I assume salacious is full size... I may have to download that one and play a few games with him just to make myself crack up! ?

Speaking of which tho, I've been trying to find a way to make my Yoda and ewoks not super tall in MP for almost 10 years now! Not sure if it's possible but if someone knows a solution, lemme know. (Btw I know about npc size editing in SP... But not MP)

It's possible try forcemod. It allows you to set the scale for any model and then loads those setting by default. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Mods/Multiplayer/118118/ It's what I use.

On 7/14/2020 at 8:36 PM, Jeff said:

It's possible try forcemod. It allows you to set the scale for any model and then loads those setting by default. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Mods/Multiplayer/118118/ It's what I use.

I was hoping to change the sizes without all the other stuff the mod does. It seems like a very busy mod. Ill try messing with it one day. Maybe I can cut it down to only that feature somehow. 

On 7/15/2020 at 12:41 AM, Jeff said:

Absolutely not.

I'm gonna download this bad boy and definitely change its death sound to Maclunkey! just out of spite for the Maclunkey haters out there! hahahaha

kibasennin and Jeff like this
3 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

I'm gonna download this bad boy and definitely change its death sound to Maclunkey! just out of spite for the Maclunkey haters out there! hahahaha

BlindDaThief is the hero we need...


I know you guys hate it when requests are made... But I'm just tossing it out there that Jeff did an AMAZING job making TCW version of Darth Bane. I've recently been watching Star Wars Resistance after going thru TCW in chronological order then Rebels. It's surprisingly not bad... After the first few episodes... Anyways it would be great to see Hype Fazon and Kazudaspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

I'm gonna try to make them when I figure out what programs to use to make models... I'm not sure how right now.. I tried blender but maybe I've got the wrong version or something but it wouldn't work.. Idk

lpriefer01 likes this
4 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

I know you guys hate it when requests are made... But I'm just tossing it out there that Jeff did an AMAZING job making TCW version of Darth Bane. I've recently been watching Star Wars Resistance after going thru TCW in chronological order then Rebels. It's surprisingly not bad... After the first few episodes... Anyways it would be great to see Hype Fazon and Kazudaspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

I'm gonna try to make them when I figure out what programs to use to make models... I'm not sure how right now.. I tried blender but maybe I've got the wrong version or something but it wouldn't work.. Idk


Jeff and The Punisher like this
On 7/25/2020 at 6:45 PM, Lancelot said:

Does anybody actually read these tho? I've seen some just sit there for literally years... I know people read these here. Just sayin

Also I would like to learn how to just make some. Is there a tutorial section I'm not aware of? I know most of you pros just say learn how to kitbash or whatever but never say how to learn..

2 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

Does anybody actually read these tho? I've seen some just sit there for literally years... I know people read these here. Just sayin

Also I would like to learn how to just make some. Is there a tutorial section I'm not aware of? I know most of you pros just say learn how to kitbash or whatever but never say how to learn..

If you ask, people will generally help, or point you in the right direction.


A quick glance at the tutorials section shows pages of modeling tutorials.  I believe the expectation is for people to read and try to learn on their own, and ask questions if youre stuck or confused. 

BlindDaThief likes this

People read the requests forum often, but nobody is *required* to make those requests. It has to interest the maker. Lots of stuff goes seemingly ignored, but in fact in that case there just isn't any interest sometimes.

The Requests forum is definitely not invisible -- neither literally nor figuratively.

Sirius, The Punisher, Jeff and 1 other like this
3 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

Does anybody actually read these tho? I've seen some just sit there for literally years... I know people read these here. Just sayin

To be honest, I think the chances that a request gets noticed AND fulfilled are low. But still, so long as the request section is here, it should be used. Just imagine it as some sort of pin board, where people can write down what they would like to see in the game. And once the right people notice a certain request and have the time and skills, they can go for it. Some requests may be unnoticed, but they don't disappear.

Teancum and BlindDaThief like this
6 hours ago, Lancelot said:

To be honest, I think the chances that a request gets noticed AND fulfilled are low. But still, so long as the request section is here, it should be used. Just imagine it as some sort of pin board, where people can write down what they would like to see in the game. And once the right people notice a certain request and have the time and skills, they can go for it. Some requests may be unnoticed, but they don't disappear.

Agree 100% and I do check them often, if the request is interesting I may do it and sometimes I check them months after a post to do it. I won't comment as I never want the requester to get their hopes up and then for 100 different reasons I don't end up completing it. But yes we see them.


Hey Jeff, would you be willing to add single player functionality to your Shadows of the Empire Luke skin? I don't want to be a pain if you're busy or if you've got something else you're working on.

Jeff likes this

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