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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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The head, eyes and hood are from Battlefront - the rest is kitbashed and re-textured from existing JKA models.


The good news about Dengar is that today I managed to resolve the issues of getting him to run in-game without OpenJK assistance. It is now possible to play as him in the vanilla game! 


All I need to do now is some shader work and to rip some sounds from Battlefront and he'll be swinging his way to the Hub soon.

I highly advise his taunt be: "You're gonna take a dirt nap."


I love that line so much.

Jeff, Kualan, swegmaster and 1 other like this
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I highly advise his taunt be: "You're gonna take a dirt nap."


I love that line so much.


I definitely want the 'dirt nap' line in there.



Dengar looks great. Did you port the head from battlefront or just the texture? Love to see you do a new boba and bossk.


I don't think there's much more I could add to the Boba Fett models we have at the moment - they're pretty much perfect. However I looked into an upgraded Bossk and, well, this happened:






The head comes from SWTOR and has been reshaped/retextured to be more 'Bossk-y', and I made the arms on the vanilla model longer to appear more true to scale.


Also got onto a roll and ended up doing some tweaks to the IG-88 model by Hirman, Again, mostly just reshapes of the head and limbs, and replacing the ammo belt:





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I prefer shfitees trando over this, the SWTOR heads jsut don't go well with base JKA stuff


In the sense of the textures or the overall art 'style' of SWTOR? Because there's more work to be done on the former before he's ready to go.


Also submitted a new update to Embo that should be available shortly once it's gone through the approval process:





Omega, The_CrY, Tompa9 and 4 others like this
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In the sense of the textures or the overall art 'style' of SWTOR? Because there's more work to be done on the former before he's ready to go.


Also submitted a new update to Embo that should be available shortly once it's gone through the approval process:






Awesome work!!

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Your work here is getting really good! I really like the bossk. I have tried to port parts of the boba from battlefront into jka with no luck. I'd love a breakdown on the method at some point on a different thread.


Which problems did you run into? I might be able to help.



Battlefront models ported to JKA would be amazing, mainly because they are directly scanned from original Star Wars props (If I recall correctly) 


I think you're right, judging by the sheer accuracy they've managed to capture in many of their weapons/assets.



Bossk 2.0 and Embo 3.0 are the closest approximation I've seen of the models from the television series, The Clone Wars. Keep that good work.


Glad you like them, the bounty hunters are all very nearly ready to go! And in keeping with the Clone Wars theme I knocked this up today:






I'm pretty pleased with how she turned out in the end, just need to do a little fine-tuning here and there.

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It's a bounty hunter bonanza it seems today - I've just uploaded Bossk, IG-88 and the Ventress Bounty Hunter pack to the Hub, pending approval. The updated Embo is also in the approval queue from yesterday, and as soon as one of the kind folks in the soundpack thread has Dengar's taunts ready he'll be joining them too.

DarthStiv and swegmaster like this
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I use the transfer weight for the battlefront helmet it all seems good, exports but doesn't  show up in modview. Don't really know what is going wrong.


Send me what you have and I'll take a look if you like.

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Lookin' good! (I need to read that book.)


Personally I didn't much like it - it started well but I didn't like the closing acts much.


Speaking of characters from Dark Disciple, however, I weighed my first ever model from scratch today: 






C-21 Highsinger adds another to the roster of bounty hunters made recently. I just need to fine-tune the weighing on his hands/fingers and he'll be ready to go.

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Personally I didn't much like it - it started well but I didn't like the closing acts much.


Speaking of characters from Dark Disciple, however, I weighed my first ever model from scratch today: 






C-21 Highsinger adds another to the roster of bounty hunters made recently. I just need to fine-tune the weighing on his hands/fingers and he'll be ready to go.

How did you go about setting up his pose correctly? Usually if a model is already rigged to another skeleton I'll just pose it correctly there and export it as an obj, but otherwise it can be difficult.

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How did you go about setting up his pose correctly? Usually if a model is already rigged to another skeleton I'll just pose it correctly there and export it as an obj, but otherwise it can be difficult.


Posed it in Blender directly. Using Face Select + Wireframe View. The edges that are marked in light blue/turquoise denote where the mesh can be cleanly separated (without dragging faces with it when you move them, for example), so simply selecting faces via this method then allows you to use the Translate/Rotate tools to pose it as needed according to the JKA skeleton_root.

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Final WIP of the weekend, once again continuing with the bounty hunter theme:






Once again, this model is based on a character's appearance in the Clone Wars TV series. The young Boba Fett pack has a larger head than a normal human model because the intention would be for an NPC to be scaled down slightly, and therefore the larger header gives the right proportion for an adolescent body when compared to a full-scale adult. This may mean he's of limited use in an MP setting though, as like the Yoda model, he will be forced to be at his 100% scale bobble-headed form in multiplayer.

swegmaster, Bek, Balt and 11 others like this
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