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Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast source code released!!

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  • How do I compile this?
    • Follow the link to OpenJK, and compile it using your favorite compiler. I recommend you make a fork.
  • Can I make a game from this?
    • Sure, as long as you don't use any original JA or JK2 assets.


The original version: "jedioutcast" is Jedi Academy, "jediacademy" is Jedi Academy for Xbox:



  • JA 1.01 full game source!
  • ModView
  • Lip-synching source files
  • png2tga





James Monroe pull, 4/4/2013. Contains Jedi Outcast 1.02 full code:



  • JK2 1.02 code!! Full game source!
  • Assimilate
  • carcass
  • ibize
  • roq2
  • JK2Radiant
  • tga2jpg








Omicron, spior, Fighter and 7 others like this





Probably the best news for the JKA community in a long time.


I must ask though from a non code modder, what will this potentially mean? In terms of the big scope of things.


AWESOME! No more iojamp i suppose! Perhaps a tablet port might happen after all now. Would it make tablet porting any easier?


Does this have anything to do with LucasArts closing down? Maybe they were the ones holding the grip on the source code all this time.






Probably the best news for the JKA community in a long time.


I must ask though from a non code modder, what will this potentially mean? In terms of the big scope of things.

Improved graphics. All mods are required to be opensourced. ICARUS/Ghoul2 are open sourced. BehavEd and ModView can be ported to Mac now. The game can be ported to a variety of platforms. Bugfixes to the engine can be done. SP is able to be modded now, since it's open sourced too. Improved networking. Improved controller support. Improved sound systems. Basically anything imaginable. You can also distribute mods as fully-fledged games, provided there are no base JA assets in the game. There's a ton more, but basically think of this as a one-way ticket to code anything imaginable in the game. Literally.


AWESOME! No more iojamp i suppose! Perhaps a tablet port might happen after all now. Would it make tablet porting any easier?


Does this have anything to do with LucasArts closing down? Maybe they were the ones holding the grip on the source code all this time.

Yes, it would. It'd also make it possible, since iojamp never fully supported the game anyway. And yea, Raven wanted to release the source code for a real long time, but LA never responded. Believe they got the clearance not too long ago for it, which prompted James Monroe to email me about it.

Link, Circa and Garyn Dakari like this

I'll see about re-hosting the original source code. It's based off of SourceForge, so I highly doubt that code is going anywhere. Resident coders are also working on 1.05 JK2 and 1.02 JKA patches

katanamaru likes this

I'll see about re-hosting the original source code. It's based off of SourceForge, so I highly doubt that code is going anywhere. Resident coders are also working on 1.05 JK2 and 1.02 JKA patches

What exactly would this entail?

What exactly would this entail?

Pasted from an online text file we're using to collaborate with:





Jedi Knight Source Code Fixes:
  • BehaveED
  • StringED
  • Master server stuff? elaborate who cares, Didz' is better amirite >> No, proper dpmaster kthx
  • Encryption stuff? likely not needed
  • find out what .lip files do
General maintenance:
  • Github - Razish
  • Fix r_mode -1 crashing on listen server
  • Get rid of svc_setgame crap, its irrelevant if done properly like q3 engine with fixed filesystem too (kthx) {Even the overrides should be fine}
  • Port all tools to Mac (that weren't already available)
  • Remove CVS/SourceSafe
  • Remove Xbox crap
  • Remove .cfgs from base folders
  • Restructure project files/solutions, ensure the slns work with latest VS versions
  • Switch to CMAKE for compiling (VS for sure) :DDDD mrwonko seems to know a decent amount on cmake script writing.
  • Remove .bat files
  • Remove CD checks and other anti-tamper protection. Keep sv_pure? Never used honestly.. ( Keep sv_pure but make it default to 0 now)
  • Add GPL license to files, because Raven forgot
  • Controller support, because me gusta
  • Alt-tab support, various other minor fixes from iojamp/q3
  • Remove the win32 console, replace with passive hidden loggable console for client, and cmd.exe for dedicated. <- i'm fine with this
  • What will happen to modbase? Copy code over, remove RE-related things and put those in the engine. Add GPL licensing
  • revision history of modbase will be gone. what about support for people/mods who run off 1.01? i think modbase should be left as it is for legacy support, and will be copied into ioJA directory and worked on from there.
Project outline:
  • MP: JA 1.02 + JO 1.05 combined in one EXE
  • SP: JA 1.02, JO 1.04/5 (Patch 1.04 only modified MP, what does do about numbering scheme)
  • No base compatibility?
  • compat pack for stringed/whatever else we remove. other assets will be fine.
  • Replace StringEd with something else >> tinygettext translate an english string
  • Fix old renderer crap that was never implemented for PC? (bumpmapping, HDR, stencil shadows)
  • we have the option of porting rend2 from ioq3  how will this conflict with ghoul2 though- VBOs, HDR, realtime lighting/shadows. G2 will have to be added to it. okay, this shouldn't be too bad then, seeing as how the ghoul2 stuff is conveniently isolated
  • i would also rather use my own HDR/bloom/postprocess which i added to QtZ, still a step above the methods used in JA by modders okay. What about bumpmapping/ss? This method is better indeed, would love to add screenspace average variation though.
  • Singleplayer:
  • Fix game_import_t/whatever is needed to make the game actually compile
  • Allow for fs_game support
  • Double ghoul 2 transform limit to match MP
  • Multiplayer:
  • Honestly, just use JKA's engine and give it support for JK2. Cleanest all-in-one option. Engine is fairly similar anyway.
  • Singleplayer:
  • Fix game_import_t/whatever is needed to make the game actually compile
  • Allow for fs_game support
  • Double Ghoul 2 transform limit to match MP
  • Multiplayer:
  • Prevent people from downloading non-pk3 files so allowdownload can be used
  • Add ioq3's curl download support (requires new server & client to use)
  • Add ioq3's voip support
  • Add support for sp-specific FX fields
  • Remove qvm layer?? (See project outlines: base compatibility)
  • Fix fonts >> possibly look at iojamp for how to enhance the loader
  • Do all of Raven's "todos"
  • Netcode improvements?
  • usercmd delta
  • ET_ specific entity states
  • unlagged/CPMA/OSP netcode changes, but this is mostly cgame. smoothing, interp/xerp, snaps

Bumpmapping while still useful is generally only in grayscale, tangent space normal mapping is superior since it stores actual polygon normals of the high resolution source model rather than using displacement.


If possible normal mapping should be looked at rather than bump.

ChalklYne and Tempust85 like this

*has had his mind blown AGAIN today, so is very excited*


Xreal can use normal maps and it's based on Q3 engine. So someone for the love of all things beautiful give us modelers normal maps! :D :D :D :D



We shall bring this 10 year old game into the present, every past and present JKA coder needs to come together! This day has seen the end of LucasArts and will see the start of end for JKA's out-of-date quality!

Mandalorian likes this

So, uh, wow. This is pretty awesome. I was actually thinking about getting into the coding scene here, after a good ten years of playing the game.


Quick question, though, because I'm netsec and don't actually ever do that much coding - it says encrypted connections aren't a priority in the things-to-do list. Can we at least have someone work on that? I'd be glad to at least give it a crack. Encryption's... pretty important to me. =P


Yum, GPG. Also, yum install gpg


Are we actually allowed/able to create a whole new game with this (as long as we don't use original assets of course)? Like openArena for Jedi knight. (I'd totally go for that)


Yeah, that is possible and is something we're looking at doing.

It is of course better if people contribute in one area, rather than 20 copies of "My jamp.exe" or "My JA 1.02"


Awesome, I just had the idea making this a community project where everyone can contribute assets.

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