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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. You may want to make chat distance based instead of global for various reasons. Maybe you're making some kind of RP or RPG mod or something else. Whatever the reason may be, let's begin. 1. Open the SDK. Open the file g_cmds.c located in the Game(serverside) portion of the code. (The serverside might also be called JK2game in your SDK). 2. Search for the function G_Say. (Not G_SayTo) 3. Near the beginning of the function, declare an int like so: int distance = 0; As you can maybe tell, this int will be used for the maximum distance a person's chat can be heard from their location. 4. In the same function, search for case SAY_ALL: At the end of this case statement (before the break; of course) add this: distance = 600; replacing 600 with whatever you want to be the maximum distance a message can be heard from. According to @@eezstreet: "52 units = roughly 1 meter". 5. At the end of the function, take a look at this: for (j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++) { other = &g_entities[j]; G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg ); } Change it to the following so that it checks the distance to all players on the server from you to them and shows them your message if they're in range: for (j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++) { other = &g_entities[j]; if ( mode == SAY_ALL ) { if ( Distance( ent->client->ps.origin, other->client->ps.origin ) <= distance ) { G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg ); } else continue; } else G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg ); } And you're all set! Have fun! Note: I adapted this from my own way of doing this which includes some other stuff. If you experience any problems using this, be sure to post a comment so we can try and figure it out. Some things to try on your own: Make distance based chat toggleable Make a command that lets admins see out of range chat
  2. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father.

  3. Fighter


    I do still have the code; however, it was written in C++.
  4. It sounds like the mod might not be being loaded properly on the serverside. How are you trying to run the mod exactly?
  5. Yup, the fixes you gave me a while ago should have been uploaded to the GitHub repo.
  6. The first patch is being worked on again. I temporarily stopped working on the mod for a bit to do getting busy with other stuff. It will fix mostly minor bugs like amGiveGun not working, some bugs with prints, etc. I'm also looking into Linux server-side support and OS X client-side support as well now that I have a Mac, but I'm unsure at this time whether or not they'll be done in time for the patch. As always, keep an eye on the GitHub page for the latest updates.
  7. Just a heads up, once version 0.0.2 is released, this will need to be updated as GunItemGive has been changed to GunItem, with a new bitvalue of 67108864
  8. Some of the code currently on Github is incomplete code I uploaded. You can try the last commit before the current one: https://github.com/Fighter1/OpenRP/archive/2bd3293efdb5f0ffbe2cac6a224590ce5b7911d2.zip , though it looks like you've managed to remove most of the incomplete code. As for that one line, try replacing ADMIN_ITEM with ADMIN_GUNITEM Edit: Just updated the Github code. I've commented out the incomplete code for now/fixed the error.
  9. Thanks for the code. Also, I'll consider that 10 second between each message feature. I'd probably make it so it can be enabled/disabled in the server.cfg or something.
  10. Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! Here are my thoughts: @@Kannos'v Lightdust Hologram is currently incomplete and needs more work done. Blurred distance chat or something similar is something I'd like and thus will look into. While a database bridge would be nice, unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to make one. @@ineedblood amGiveGun is fixed in the upcoming patch. I will consider ways that people can earn their own money. I will look into potential ways to make others faction leader and have multiple leaders. Disguise will display those who are disguised if you have the ADMIN_ADMINWHOIS bitvalue, which I think in that case you do. Otherwise, it should not display disguised admins. I'll take a look at warnings. I agree that toblack needs to be improved. Perhaps weatherplus recently broke? It's supposed to allow for stacked weather effects, like a sandstorm and rain at the same time, for example. setstun's display messaged is fixed, and it no longer affects all means of death in the upcoming patch. I'll talk over allowing for the restriction of setstun with others. Bounty shouldn't cause DM, as I made it so one has to RP doing a bounty - as if it's an alive bounty, one has to prove to an admin that they captured that person through RP for example, or that they perma-killed a person through RP. Admins have to remove the bounty listing themselves and then give the credits to the bounty hunter. I feel that this way, it promotes RP and doesn't allow for DM. I plan to make it so force points have to be given to someone by an admin, so that shouldn't be an issue in the future, as then people won't be able get saber offensive unless allowed by an admin. What do you mean by OOC should be limited? I'll take a look at jumping. /try and /do sound interesting. I'll discuss it with others. I'll take a look at that faction leave bug. Thanks for the help with the calculator and menu.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. Also I've fixed posting in the OpenRP discussion section and moved this topic there. Regarding your feedback: The shop was actually replaced with the /amGiveGun command. (Although, there's a bug in 0.0.1 that prevents one from using the command. This will be fixed in the upcoming 0.0.2 bugfix release). As for the info/list cmds missing, thanks for reminding me about this. I'll try to add them in the next release. I'll take a look at the setstun issue. With the non-FS users being able to use force powers and have a saber, this is something that I have yet to prevent, although it is planned for a future release (perhaps at the same time I implement the feature where admins give characters force points that are then bound to that character). The OpenRP UI crash-related bug is something I'm aware of and will investigate. Thanks for the Linux fix. I'll be sure to implement it. Also, with factions, I do hope to expand the features related to them. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. Test server is up - just simply use the server browser and it should be easy to find (also see this). Feel free to hop on there and play around with the mod.
    1. Circa


      It (and you) lives! Nice work.

    2. redsaurus


      I don't seem to be able to see the thread?

    3. Circa


      He must have hidden it before. Fixed.

  13. To find servers that run OpenRP, in the server browser, change "Game:" at the top right to OpenRP.
  14. To give yourself admin, use either the server console (if you have access to it) or rcon to run the giveadmin command. Example: /rcon giveadmin <username> 1 That will give <username> admin level 1.
  15. See the below links to download the mod. Server Client
  16. Version 0.0.1


    OpenRP is an open-source RP mod. It contains features like accounts, characters, factions, a bounty system, credits, determining which players can have weapons, character bound weapons/an inventory system, character bound modelscale (no more editing a .cfg for modelscales like RP servers had to do in the past with other mods), an extensive admin system that has 10 levels of admin (1 being the highest, with bitvalues to control which level has what abilities), and more. See the readme and documentation for more details on specific commands. Please ensure you read the installation instructions in the readme. The code is licensed under the GNU GPLv2. You can get the code for the mod by cloning: https://github.com/Fighter1/OpenRP.git
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