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yeah im hand painting the face bit by bit so its hell. but it is coming out good and the skinniness of him was only recently modified to look that way cuz when i overlayed him onto a real pic of starkiller hes a skinny lil dude. but ill still work at it like i said. none of his body textures are final at all. and ashura, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest yer bawls. lol hes gunna come out looking real nice judging by the progress so far. thx guys for the insight, luckily, its all the same things i saw last night before i crashed out, the face needs to be finished, and his proportions are a bit screwy, but besides that hes comin right along. an as for the head being "terribly wrong" id have to disagree man. for hand painting it its coming right along... heres some more painting excuse the lack of smoothing groups zbrush is kinda screwy with me. if i subdivide it smoothly, then it kinda jacks up my uvs and painting him is pointless, but im sure youll get the jist










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yeah like i said not a single one of the body textures are even close to done, most of them arent even set up for it, just stand ins so i could see where i was going with it, and to add a little depth in the preview pics for u guys. as for the head, ill work on it bit by bit. im finishing up the menu system first to give myself some variety i hate just grinding it out on one thing for too long, i like coming back to it. thx for the crits, but mainly the one from dt about the profile needing touching up, the rest seemed kinda harsh, but im not really here to make friends anyways lol. ill touch em up when im ready, gunna start on the actual artwork wor the menu system and a few more animations til then

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That doesn't really look anything like Starkiller either, to be honest.

Maybe not the face but the rest of it is awesome. There was the hood and cape version too. Since you don't usually see the model's face in multiplayer, I thought it was extremely good.

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