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Work in progress: New Republic Prison Ship from The Mandalorian

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Had the first internal beta test of the map last night, done by someone who had zero knowledge of the project or what it portrayed - but they are a star wars fan.

The first review:

Pros:  The visuals are fun and resemble the source- they knew what it was instantly.   It reminds them of the original Battlefront game.    They look forward to the further build out and detailing of the map.

Cons:    Because of the pattern of the map, its probably easy to get turned around/disoriented in the map.       

They also found the first bug!   An area with a patch where you could glitch out of the map.

They were smiling while they tried the map section, which I took as a good sign.   The con will be addressed,  its something I have already considered and have a solution (screaming and animated prisoners to help landmark location) to implement when I have time.

The tester was also blown away by Doughnuts Din Djarin model and remarked 'wow they even made the rifle', and when I showed them ZanderNaos WIP NR Security Droid model they could not believe it, saying that it looks like a model from a new game.

Im going to try to make this map as fun as possible.    The nice feedback from the tester was helpful and motivating, and im really looking forward to sharing the map with a wider group of people.




Cor, PreFXDesigns, Lancelot and 1 other like this

Hahaha. I love that it was like a blind taste test! Throw them in without knowing it and they identified it.

Oh! Yes, I'm glad they found the bug so you could get rid of it! The perils of a map like this are getting turned around, reminds me of the Blockade Runner map by SSSID. I almost always had to noclip to figure out which direction to go.

Oi, yeah, the droid model looks like a model from a new game cause right now it's super HD. I'm trying to convince Phazzzer to sell the high quality versions of his models, lol.

OCD2 likes this
9 hours ago, ZanderNao said:

Hahaha. I love that it was like a blind taste test! Throw them in without knowing it and they identified it.

Oh! Yes, I'm glad they found the bug so you could get rid of it! The perils of a map like this are getting turned around, reminds me of the Blockade Runner map by SSSID. I almost always had to noclip to figure out which direction to go.

Oi, yeah, the droid model looks like a model from a new game cause right now it's super HD. I'm trying to convince Phazzzer to sell the high quality versions of his models, lol.

Yes, that seemed like the best way to see if I was on the right track lol.

They also gave some interesting ideas for marking sections, like perhaps crates/appropriate miscellaneous landmarks down the dead end corridors.

This is getting ahead of the current map project, but we also discussed potential follow up projects, and have fun ideas for the next map.      It's down to 2-3 candidates which I'll share for input when that time comes.

And funny thing- the testor took an interest in perhaps making a mod themselves, and I walked them through using the editor.   We created a solid base for their mod, and messed with it for a bit.   Not sure if it will ever come to fruition, so I'll share the idea - they had interest in making a novelty map based on a fabled game called Jar Jars Jar Jar Jar.     

So we may potentially created another modder in the process of testing the prison ship map!

And finally, as an update to progress on my map, in the little time I've had, i've been streamlining the geometry by reducing brushework(on the columnways) and replacing them with textures.     The control room has also been modified a bit, though nothing worth sharing in pictures just yet.  But soon! ( I hope!)


Actually had some time to continue optimizing this past weekend!

Reduced the columnway brushwork significantly.

Retextured the columnways.

Reduced brushwork in the endcap corridors, which in turn made the areas larger.

Optimized doorways.

Reduced brushwork in the maintenance access area.





You may not have even noticed, though the front of the columns need the "indent" line textured onto the shader texture.   And the sneak peak of a concept heckling prisoner.   

Both shaders did not work on my first attempt lol.     When I edited the texture file with the columnway shader, in the editor it tiled things with "shader not found".     

The hand is supposed to be a two sided alpha shader with transparency - that I simply may have made the shader incorrectly.     I'll have to give them another try, another day.

Though progress is being made, there are still ceiling and floor brushes down some halls that need to be baked into textures.   The areas that have a temporary texture do have a better depth/area of play.

Everything is still placeholder textures, hopefully not for much longer..

DarthValeria and Smoo like this

With much of insight from a lot of helpful people in the community, the first heckling prisoner concept is in the map!


An homage to the concept art from the episode, a 3 fingered hand reaches out to players who run this particular hallway.



The hand has some texture wonkiness on the end of the transparency, but now I have a baseline to introduce better quality renditions, and a better understanding of shaders, and some new tools for troubleshooting.

Also, some of the conversion of brushwork to texture can be seen in the photos.

Little things,  but I'm happy to have some time to put in finally.


After much fussing around, and again guidance and assistance from community members, the Razor Crest is now open for business.

The ladder is now a model instead of fussy brushwork, and its scalable by pressing the use key to "ascend" the ladder.

This is the first build of the interior, made entirely today, so its barebones styling and cartoony first pass textures.    The ladder model will also be revised over time.     They both have a lot of work left to complete, though the process is underway.









Eventually the cockpit ladder will be made scalable, to a built out cockpit. 





A lady never tells.

(Is one of the lines in the episode)



Coolin, ZanderNao and DarthValeria like this


Moving along on the project now that some of my time has opened up,   and I have been receiving a ton of great tips and tricks from MJT, and several other really helpful community members!

Finally have a grasp on ase "modeling",  and have begun to add some more features to the map.

Here are a few of the aspects that were recently added:


Made a fully functional prison cell - panel hackable to open and close.    Yes you can toss people inside and lock them in like on the show!    Its fun! 


Also note the more rounded cell doorframe - another helpful tip from MJT on geometry construction!     A rounder, more visually appealing frame will be propagated through the map, which should improve the look immensely!



Made the interior Razor Crest ladder scalable.


Leading to the cockpit door.


And inside the cockpit.






And finally,  if you have not seen it yet, Zandernaos Security Droid is here!   Its an excellent rendition and the perfect companion piece!   Go download it!   


Gratuitous skirmish shots (with Doughnuts Din Djarin model - go download that also!): 









Something to look at today,  community member ZanderNao came through unexpectedly last night with some custom textures for the control room!

They are a good rendition of the control room monitors featured in the show, including "security camera" pictures taken within the map, and placed in the texture with an appropriate filter color to resemble the source material.     He also surprised me with the lighting panels and switches that do a good job at representing the source material! 

Here is the first rendition of slapping those textures on the walls that I did today at lunchtime (They need some alignment and placement adjustment, but worth a look!):







Its was a great gift that helped elevated the area, and helped jumpstart me to keep me moving on the rest of the map.

PreFXDesigns, DarthValeria and Cor like this

You're coming along in leaps and bounds! I am happy to help. You starting this map energized the community in a way few things have recently, and the security droid and the textures are my little part to keep the momentum going! Looking so good! Thanks for doing what you're doing. The circle door improvements are great too! The ladder idea is perfect.

Was that an alternate thermal detonator skin to look like Baby Yoda's silver ball in the above pictures? lol

PreFXDesigns and OCD2 like this
19 hours ago, ZanderNao said:

You're coming along in leaps and bounds! I am happy to help. You starting this map energized the community in a way few things have recently, and the security droid and the textures are my little part to keep the momentum going! Looking so good! Thanks for doing what you're doing. The circle door improvements are great too! The ladder idea is perfect.

Was that an alternate thermal detonator skin to look like Baby Yoda's silver ball in the above pictures? lol

Everyone has been extremely helpful in this ambitious first map endeavor.

I could not take credit any increase in activity, that would be of the amazing work people put out recently in the contest and beyond.  Im happy to work on something with an end product that people can hopefully enjoy in multiple ways.   

After this project reaches a moving on point, im hoping to make a few other locations.    And hopefully at a quicker pace with everything ive been taught and learned along the way!     I have several ideas for follow up projects, all of them in a much more open environment lol!

Ah, you caught my attempt at a little easter egg style photo!     That is not my work, its actually a movie battles concussion grenade.      But making a simple baby yoda grenade ball could have been a fun entry to the contest!   Missed opportunity.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little optimization, and the beginning of texture upgrading.

The ceiling panels and floor borders were baked into new textures, removing a ton of brushes, and increasing the height profile of the hallways.

Before and after:





Still making adjustments to the ceiling textures, some textures will eventually need a light wear layer and also shaders.

More upgrades coming very soon!

DarthValeria and ZanderNao like this

New texture rendition of the connecting hallway "panels" this morning.



The other celldoor panels, door textures and refinement of the ceiling panels and door models all in line for upgrades soon,  should be some more to show this weekend!


DarthValeria likes this
3 hours ago, ZanderNao said:

Wow! Do you have dynamic glow on? Do I have dynamic glow on? Did you do work on the shaders? hahah.

Dynamic glow is on in the recent photos.

Removing all of the ceiling and floor trim brushes (and new textures) helped with the overall look, though I still have yet to work on lighting.   

It's still entirely lit by entity lights, which you can see pooling on the ceiling and floors...    hoping not for much longer, just depending on my schedule and availability - which changes daily lol.

Shaders are also on the near future agenda, though with the time I have this weekend I'm focusing on improving the quality of the textures, revising celldoor models, and optimization.        



DarthValeria likes this
  • 4 weeks later...

To anyone watching and waiting for this project,  yes it is still progressing.

Delays happened, in unexpected work, and a cross country move that is still underway.

Hallways have been expanded, sizes increased for playability,  multiple model reversions have taken place, and a lot of help and insight from many of the various people on jkhub have kept the project rolling along.

It's happening, albeit at a snail like pace for the moment.   

Thank you for the "likes", positive comments and constructive feedback, it's help keep me working even while I'm so highly preoccupied. 





  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello all!

After the most trying of years, of insane disaster after disaster - The past two days ive been able to sit down and work on the map for long blocks of time.     

Ive begun pushing hard to build out the level and get it into people hands!

Though as per standard this year,   now my PC is crapping out!     Video card or perhaps power supply is failing- ill be testing today and taking action.

Though here is a tastes of where I left off:



Increased the scale of the playable areas considerably - the height and width of the lanes are significantly larger, and its far more conducive to multiplayer action and guiding the NPC through the hallways. 

Everything that I was able to build out before my PC started puking is optimized for performance and rapid buildout- the only thing that I was unable to complete here prior to computer problems was being able to compile the new doorframes at higher subdivisions for a nice, smooth look. 

Ive made some changes to the overall layout, made the sections a bit more distinct from each other to alleviate the feeling of being completely lost,  and worked out a fair way of making the objectives completable - even vs a dug in defense. 

Ive also begun modelling the second droid featured in the show:10-1.jpg 

Plans are to make it function like a Droideka,  without shields.     Give it a "speed mode" that disables attacks, and then a slower yawing powerful gun turret in "attack mode".      That way it could emulate how it performs in the episode - shown to be able to move fast, though aiming takes a bit of time, and makes them more susceptible to melee attacks.    (as shown in the show, when the Davarionian rushes up to one of the droids, and body slams it before it can aim, and then finally picks it up and throws it into another droid that is speeding towards the fight)


I Im excited to share what I think will be a fun map/mod with everyone.    With luck in repairing my PC, im hoping to get V1 out to everyone in the nearest future.     Wish me luck!

ZelZel, Dark_Reaper, Jeff and 3 others like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. Ever since you started this map, I've been wanting to say something, but figured it was an issue you would address or someone would say something eventually. That did not happen, so here's my only grievance.... map looks way too bright and way to sharp. Sharp as in all of the edges. You don't have to bevel them all, you can play a little trickery with the textures if you're worried about verts. here is an example to help illustrate my criticism. Map's over bright and edges are razor sharp.





Other than that, sick stuff, keep it up.


Edit: are my spoiler tags not turtle enough for the turtle club anymore? 

NumberWan, Lancelot, OCD2 and 1 other like this
20 hours ago, ChalklYne said:

Hello. Ever since you started this map, I've been wanting to say something, but figured it was an issue you would address or someone would say something eventually. That did not happen, so here's my only grievance.... map looks way too bright and way to sharp. Sharp as in all of the edges. You don't have to bevel them all, you can play a little trickery with the textures if you're worried about verts. here is an example to help illustrate my criticism. Map's over bright and edges are razor sharp.


  Hide contents



Other than that, sick stuff, keep it up.


Edit: are my spoiler tags not turtle enough for the turtle club anymore? 

Im totally open to criticism, and I agree entirely.    

I was holding out on final texturing, lighting and shading, and trying to prioritize on optimized construction, and how the map plays and looks  - I've rebuilt it countless times!  


That is just a fraction of the different build structures I tried! 

It's finally arriving at a state where I'm happy with it overall.   It's large enough so all siege classes can navigate without camera issues, and will easily accommodate the "big" R1 security droid I'm modelling.

I was told setting a nonplaner angle shader would help alleviate the sharpness - what is your texture suggestion exactly?     Highlight the borders?

 The lightmap also needs to be baked, it's all ugly entity lights currently.

The plan is to fully complete the map (so close!), and then export it to blender or quixel mixer to texture everything nicely, and try make some nice materials for future rend2 updates.

I've had a tremendous amount of helpful insight and contributions, and welcome anyone else who may want to point out things that could be improved.


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