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The Daily Modding Challenge Project

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Not sure if I'm able to commit to this, but here's a simple file I made.

Something I noticed when looking through the files is that Raven didn't bother changing Rosh's victory sounds (victory1, victory2, victory3) for rosh_dark

Which means he has a 1/3 chance of saying "I'm a great Jedi!" when he's on the dark side... Yeah, little bit awkward and unfitting, not gonna lie.

This fixes that by using a voice clip taken from Skyrim to say "Not so tough now, are ya?"


Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qxxga73ts7tocil/Rosh_Dark_I%27m_A_Great_Jedi_Fix.pk3/file

Simple, but apparently, effective, I'd say.

Droidy365 likes this

Day 14 Model:


These last days have kept me very busy with the whole moving out thing and some other problems, but now I've time again to keep practicing modelling! The whole idea of this new upload was creating an asset that could easily be added to a tatooine kind of map. Now, I wasn't sure about updating with this, since it's not really finished in a very clean way. The UV layout isn't optimized in the best way possible and I couldn't work on the textures as much as I wanted to. However, I'm interested in what people have to say about the model itself, since it's the first time I've tried doing something this complex. For example, I'm sure the bolts are too high poly for the overall low-poly quality of the rest of the building. 


Preview Pic:








Download link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/llgrgl4uhcgrxbz/Daily_Challenge14.rar?dl=0

Wasa, Vade Parvis, MagSul and 1 other like this

I took an indepth look at @@Noodle's house model which is a really nice little model


But I think it could be improved, let's take a look at the wireframe:
There are a lot of vertices that do not contribute to the silhouette of the model at all, look at all those extra divisions in the back of the model or the sides, we don't need them.
So we'll remove them. We can also greatly reduce the amount of tris in the Dome at the Top and the bolts. Just by collapsing every other edge in the upper pat of the dome we can save some geometry with only minimal effect on the silhouette. The key when working with lowpoly stuff is to use the least amount of geometry necessary to maintain the silhouette you want, by saving as much as possible on flat spots, you gain an increased budget for the rounded parts. So let's take a look at the model after removing a bunch of triangles:


This saved us 372 Tris and also a lot of vertices, but we will use a lot of those saved vertices to improve the shading of the model, here are some side by side comparison shots.
Left is the original, right is the retouched version:


I have set plenty of edges on the model to be hard, which essentially splits the edge and duplicates the vertices*. I also added a few extra tris to the rounded blocks at the roof

Let's take a look at the UV Layout and Texture deformation

So what do we have here...
1. Some very, very ugly stretching on those disk shaped bits on the side of the house, also around the edges of the base of the house andmost toher blocks besides the house's main walls
2. Very uneven texel density across different parts of the model - this is not a "bad" thing when done on purpose and systematically to give important detail pieces, or Ponits of interest more texture space. But seeing how random this is, I doubt that it was intentional here.
3. TONS of wasted Texture space - all of that red checkered stuff could be used to add more detail to our textures, or cut away to save on filesize without sacrificing detail.

Let's fix those!

This sorts out the model, let's transfer the original Texture over to our reworked UV Layout and see what a difference that makes.
The Image on the left is noodle's original 2048 x 1024 Texture, the one on the right the same texture transferred to a new 1024 x 1024 Texture

time to view it on the model:

By doing this we also transferred some of the shortcomings of the original texture, that were caused by the distortion in the original UV Layout over to our new UVs.
The only way to fix this is to retexture it from scratch, which I did.

I used the same textures from the base game that Noodle used to get my base texture and just added a bit of sand buildup to the upwards facing parts and the corners:

A link to the retouched model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjo3f6fqx57rj0g/DailyChallengeHouseRework.pk3?dl=0

I hope this was educational to everyone who recently picked up modeling :winkthumb:

*This splitting usually occurs on export but for the sake of this demonstration I manually split all edges that would be split to get comparable vertex counts between both models.

Artemis, Teancum, MagSul and 5 others like this

That's a really thorough breakdown! Appreciated. :)


The model itself is also great, I thought you did a terrific job, @@Noodle. The building reminds me a lot of the prefab shelters in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. Could be a really useful model to have!


Thanks! This was my source of inspiration: 








I collected a bunch of toys for references, so I will keep doing more buildings and hopefully they'll be better this time!

MagSul, scp_chaos1, Daedra and 5 others like this

Thanks! This was my source of inspiration: 








I collected a bunch of toys for references, so I will keep doing more buildings and hopefully they'll be better this time!

Damn, makes me wanna be a kid again! They're just so cool! :D


Damn, makes me wanna be a kid again! They're just so cool! :D

There is nothing wrong with toys.


I bought lately LEGO UFO saucer set and also made some vehicles. Lego and toys to later turn them into Diorama or something - is very creative and cool job :) nothing bad with it in my opinion.


Dont like collecting LEGO .. i prefer building with them

Wasa, Vade Parvis, Noodle and 1 other like this

Sooo I had something else planned, but it wasn't working out.  Instead of that, you get a couple of floor lamps.  :D They could totally have been made out of brushes in Radiant, because these aren't even complex shapes.  I still don't like the chrome, but that's something I can work on later.  And since I didn't really plan ahead when I started this, it's using the same shader file as the bar stool.  I might eventually put these loose models into a pack, but until then, it's going to be a mess.


The shader is set up to give off light, so you need to add it to the shaderlist for that to happen.  I might tweak the light value later.








Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5c9ix69xblgwxai/zzzFloorlamp.pk3?dl=0

Noodle and Lancelot like this

I'd wanted to release a couch model last week, so I finally got that done and used it to make another model.  The texturing on both (especially the chair) could be better.  Again, the shader has all of the previous models in it (I updated the shader for the bar stool slightly, but it doesn't really make a difference).  Side note: these 2 models in particular only seem to work as misc_model_static.  Otherwise they show up completely black, and Idk how to fix that.


If anyone is curious, I'm basing my models off of what I can see in the Ziba Tower map from BF3.  I don't own the game and my references aren't great, so I'm sure these aren't quite accurate.







Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdjvjdt0sdpuv6u/zzzChairCouch1.pk3?dl=0

Noodle likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't hang around the forums much these days, but just stopping by to say - nice thread, liked what I saw.


So, no more steam?  :huh:


Not at all! I have been modding daily, but it's a big map so I haven't been able to upload it. I've also created some assets but they're not of the desirable quality I expect so I haven't uploaded anything. Stay tuned and I will update this thread, hopefully today! 



I don't hang around the forums much these days, but just stopping by to say - nice thread, liked what I saw.


Thanks, your work was very inspiring to get me to learn about blender back in the day!

the_raven likes this

Sooo I had something else planned, but it wasn't working out.  Instead of that, you get a couple of floor lamps.  :D They could totally have been made out of brushes in Radiant, because these aren't even complex shapes.  I still don't like the chrome, but that's something I can work on later.  And since I didn't really plan ahead when I started this, it's using the same shader file as the bar stool.  I might eventually put these loose models into a pack, but until then, it's going to be a mess.


The shader is set up to give off light, so you need to add it to the shaderlist for that to happen.  I might tweak the light value later.








Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5c9ix69xblgwxai/zzzFloorlamp.pk3?dl=0


I love how fancy this looks!


Day 15 Model


Anyway, thanks to @the_raven for giving me a new push to post more stuff. Today I'll share with you something I created to decorate my latest map. It's a very simple crate that I made because I was bored of re-using other assets. 


Preview Pic: 




Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/66opxaxh0zhiu9u/Daily_Challenge15.rar?dl=0

swegmaster, Wasa, Droidy365 and 2 others like this
  • 10 months later...

Sorry for the inactivity! It's been a wild year and I haven't managed to get too much focus on my modding (feel like I can't do anything well enough for it to be released). However I wanted to revive this project by starting to do daily poses/small animations to improve my animating skills. 

First short animation i created was a very simple one that uses the coffee cup model that comes with the nar shadda map.


It consists on a standing idle animation and a drinking one. 

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j02rnmrhxnivbpp/Coffee_Anim.rar?dl=0

If you like it, feel free to use it however you like. You'll have to merge it to your _humanoid.gla file with glamerge, I included both the coffee cup .glm I used and an animation.cfg file with both animations and their respective frame count (you'll have to modify X and Y with the respective frame).

If you have any criticisms or suggestions regarding what I can animate in the future, please feel free to share it.


I love it when Noodle noodles around. This thread is a hidden gem. Hopefully people start contributing again as well!

Posted (edited)

It took me an entire day to learn to do something so simple and the end-result isn't that good (after all the modeling learning the one thing that failed is the transparency on the leaf shader), but I have the need to share my latest accomplishment with you guys.



Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h87pivk6nqziv59/jogan.pk3?dl=0

p.s: if anyone can teach me how to post pics here now, I'd appreciate it.

Edited by AshuraDX
Fixed the image
scp_chaos1, Circa and Ramikad like this
9 hours ago, Noodle said:

It took me an entire day to learn to do something so simple and the end-result isn't that good (after all the modeling learning the one thing that failed is the transparency on the leaf shader), but I have the need to share my latest accomplishment with you guys.

  Reveal hidden contents


Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h87pivk6nqziv59/jogan.pk3?dl=0

p.s: if anyone can teach me how to post pics here now, I'd appreciate it.

This is the shader you're looking for (I think):

        map <path>/<name>
        alphaFunc GT0
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

For the record, it's the same shader as common/gradient, which also has a black background used as transparent alpha channel.

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