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Posts posted by Link

  1. I like ::JEDI:: but the more competition the better, those looking for clans/communities should always have a choice on where to go. As I often say, nobody wants a Google-like clan/community structure so I'm hopeful ::JEDI:: will perhaps even help you get off the ground if you ask them.


    Don't be put off by others being bigger than you at first :), make something that is different and unique. Good luck with your project!

    Onysfx, Ory'Hara and Omicron like this
  2. This is an idea which came from @'s thread about the "Top Jedi Academy Authors" found here however I felt it was a bit biased and perhaps approached the wrong way. After reading @@eezstreet's reply about some sort of list being seen as a hall of fame, I decided to not make this into a list but rather a (hopefully) big open discussion.
    Okay, the idea behind this thread is to recognize those who have made contributions to the community. I think rather than just listing favourite modders, it would be more constructive for everyone if a form of template was used so you can get across why you think somebody deserves to be recognized in your opinion. 


    I'm hopeful that this will be used as a way to show respect to our peers whom may not be recognized much or who simply deserve the recognition that they have earned from their contributions over the years.
    Who is eligible?

    Any one, as long as that person has (In your opinion) contributed a great deal to the Jedi Knight series (Not just Jedi Academy). This is not by any means for modders only.
    Aliases: Names this person may be recognized by

    Area of skills: e.g. Coding, Skinning, Tutorial writing etc etc

    Brief list of accomplishments: This should be an actual list e.g. Creator of the ____ website, written over 20 tutorials, has a mod with over 10,000 downloads etc. This is your opinion remember, so don't worry if you feel the accomplishments you're writing for someone don't match up to someone elses post :)

    Examples of contributions: Links/images or any other form of media which show examples of the above work.


    This should be the most important part and should make clear why you feel this person should be recognized for their hard work.



    Aliases: Answer

    Area of skills: Answer

    Brief list of accomplishments: Answer

    Examples of contributions: Answer



    Agree with someone?

    I know this goes without saying, but I'd like to actively encourage people to click the Cthxcd8.png button if you agree with somebodies recognition below. This is not a contest and votes will not be counted towards anything, however it will show if the community is in agreement with that person.


    Please keep it to one person per reply, you can make as many replies as you want of course.


    Have fun! :)

    Cerez, Omicron, Circa and 4 others like this
  3. I am oddly tempted to make my own thread with a blank list and allow people to nominate authors/contributors to the community (With a written explanation for each) which would operate on likes received if people agreed.


    That way we can truly recognize these authors and it can be completely unbiased when it comes to the author of the thread and his opinion.

  4. Uhm, no.


    This was his first reply to this thread:









    It had nothing before or following it, he just put down names he thought were missing if it were his list. How is that rude? It's clear you haven't liked him for a while, which is fine, but don't use that as punishment for the modders who deserve to be on there.
    Futuza and eezstreet like this
  5. I am struggling to understand the point of this thread now... I originally understood it to be a list that is your opinion, which most of us all agreed with but suggested additions if it were ours. Now it seems to be a collaboration which you said midway through this thread you were against.


    If this is a collaboration, then adding TIM (Who is widely known for profiting on other peoples work without permission) is a complete mystery. You'll find that the suggestion of adding TIM and the likes behind it were very sarcastic.


    Razorace should definitely be on that list though, he (As far as I'm aware) built the backbone of many big modding projects with OJP.



    Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (most of you don't know him but he made maps for Stargate Event Horizon and he is going to re-release it and update the links at www.sg-eh.forumotion.com register and revive the forum!!!)


    I really do think this has turned into a "good/great modders" thread rather than the best of all JK3 history.


    By the way, you may want to calm down and relax :P

    Circa, eezstreet and Serenity937 like this
  6. I have no idea but Slider is not being put on the list like EVER. He was a jerk...


    Opinions are irrelevant :P he has some of (If not the most) downloaded content in JK3 whether you dislike him or his work. You can't be biased when making such lists.


    By the way, EagleStriker deserves to be on this list in my opinion. He might not had been a modder (To my knowledge) but he made some of the best comedy videos I've ever seen for a game.

    MoonDog, Circa, Kualan and 3 others like this
  7. When we trialled the server-side, we were very happy with how it ran apart from admin being a bit awkward to use (Login/account wise) but I believe that has been taken care of if I am reading Raz's post correctly.


    You know what would be beneficial to users, @@Raz0r? A page with functionality currently in the server-side release e.g. all the features of JA+ you do/don't plan to add along with the features you have added... these could be highlighted in red and green so people are fully aware of what they're replacing their server with. Amber could also be used to show what you are working on currently, so people can see.


    Whether people like it or not, JA+ still seems to be the most favoured mod in the game, so catering to familiarity and being clear will allow the server-side to take off easily as a viable replacement... because JA+ definitely DOES need replacing due to its author vanishing.

    Bacon, Circa, Morabis and 1 other like this
  8. Funnily enough, myself and Caelum (When setting up the Files area) decided against readmes, simply for the fact that it contains duplicate information. All the information that is included in the readme can be found in the description of the file or in the right corner of the file on JKHub itself. I'm not against re-adding readmes but personally it just seems like extra work for no real advantage.


    Of course, if you've used someone elses work then it makes sense to include their readme (If they have one, or a simple link to their file would be more than enough).

  9. Tbh I don't feel that's very watchable. Quality isn't very good, and in general all the odd camera crossovers and weird camera angles just makes it a "no" for me. I feel a lot of people who make machinima should read up on some basic theory before they start.







    this series was fun, and with the limitations of filming in spectator, did a really good job.


    Oh my godddd I loved this... haven't seen it in years

  10. To be honest, I haven't seen many decent hosts which offer Windows... it's mostly just Linux and buying your own dedicated server with Windows will cost you.


    I'm surprised Lugormod/Makermod don't have Linux alternatives, is it difficult to "convert" a code mod or something?

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