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Posts posted by Link

  1. So what you're saying is, as long as you don't get caught, you're fine.  ;)


    We simply cannot check every single file for copyright infringement, it's up to the author to check his/her files and credit those who he used content from (And ask permission themselves, unrelated to JKHub). If a report is made, and it is genuine, then we'll take swift and immediate action to take the file in question down.


    Any content that is obvious to us e.g. if Eez uploaded a map by Sith-J-Cull and claimed it as his own or if Futuza uploaded that well known ported Master Chief model, then we'd deny it immediately, otherwise we'll always do our best but things will definitely slip through at times... we make it clear that it's the uploaders responsibility to make sure this is all in order beforehand.


    As I said in the porting thread, this is how Google operates with YouTube content and I believe it is fair to both sides. 

  2. The readme was required before these changes o_o


    And as we said, if any content that is owned by the original author is reported (With supporting evidence) then it will be taken down, else, it stays up as we cannot verify if every file inside a .pk3 is legal or not.




    So some commas would be nice here:

    • Any content illegally ported from another game will be denied if reported if discovered by our staff or if reported by another user.

    Like so:

    • Any content illegally ported from another game will be denied if reported, if discovered by our staff, if reported by another user, or discovered by any other means.


    Fixed, although I simply entered "if reported" twice in error, so commas aren't needed :P

  3. You can go back and edit your files, you should have full rights over them unless anything changed whilst I was a staff last time  :P


    By the way to sum the issue up in a sentence: Upload your files as normal, and if a request from another author whose work you've used makes a claim (With good evidence), your file will be taken down.


    This is the same approach Google has with YouTube content uploaded. 

  4. @@MoonDog: Ok let me try to clarify: At first the argument was that jkhub didn't cater to anything but modders because of the staff, since the staff didn't have enough expertise to be good at doing competitive events and whatnot. So it was suggested that the staff be increased with people who have that expertise, which was agreed to have been a good idea, except that it was argued that the people with that expertise were not forthcoming enough by not applying for advertised positions (which don't exist) or putting people forward to be on the staff (which I did, but it was shot down). So then the argument was that you didn't need a staff position at all anymore, but that merely working with the staff was sufficient; this is fair enough, but the staff used to be unsupportive in the past, and when I asked about hosting a tournament to cater to competitive players, I was told to merely post it in the events sub-forum. This isn't very encouraging.


    So to your points: Is the staff necessary? I guess not, except for doing all the things normal users can't: making news posts, posting interviews, sending out newsletters, restructuring the forums and so on. Am I a victim of prejudice or exclusion? Of course not, but even though interest in catering to competitive players has spiked now (due to complaints), I'm not sure for how long it will remain there before it returns to its original low. Do I know what PR means? I used the term here to refer to the act of maintaining a positive image by an organization. Of course the term is in some way misplaced, but there's no need to be a dick about it.


    EDIT: Despite the rather large dose of mostly unnecessary drama, I'm willing to put this to rest now and at least give the interviews a shot. I have a few people in mind and will brainstorm some questions today. The other projects, like a demo archive or doing something with videos etc, are a bit more complex, so it's probably better to discuss them in a separate thread or over PMs.




    There seem to have been other threads that were deleted e.g. when Fighter, Milamber, Circa etc applied. I wasn't around here when those took place so they'd have to explain that :P


    The great thing is, if you actually wish to help then you can simply just talk to a staff member or apply for a staff position any way. This isn't written anywhere (As I assume will be your next comment) however the point is, if you feel the community could benefit from your assistance or if you feel the staff is lacking in areas you could put a case forward much like you would if you walked into a store and gave them your CV/Résumé when job hunting.


    I suggested earlier on in this thread that you simply prove yourself before we give you any form of power on this site. Quite frankly your focus to criticize us and accuse us of bullshitting you whilst we are trying our best to brainstorm ideas with you is a bit troubling, we all work with each other in order to better to the community as a whole. There is a very big difference in criticism that is meant to further progress and criticism that is built from the get go to rattle cages.


    We are really trying here to potentially improve JKHub and bring in a whole other side to the community that perhaps could benefit from our website if we gave them a reason to visit and I hope you can contribute to this as I feel you probably could be a big part of that... we're not using you, we're simply asking for your help and all you seem focused on is becoming a member of staff in order to do this which is absolutely not the case as we could give you the permissions to the areas you need in order to do your role... Being a member of staff brings all the other responsibilities that have no relation to what you've said you'll do in this thread.


    when I asked about hosting a tournament to cater to competitive players, I was told to merely post it in the events sub-forum. This isn't very encouraging.


    This is taken completely out of context and quoted incorrectly... This is what I said:


    You are more than welcome to advertise your CTF tournaments/sabering in our Events area, I haven't seen many competitive advertisements around here. 


    As you can see, I was trying to encourage you to advertise your competitive events on JKHub so that you could generate some interest. In what way isn't this encouraging? We're giving you a place to advertise events >_>


    As I said, it's a good idea to prove yourself capable of doing these things before we go any further. My agenda here is to help JKHub grow whilst making it a fun experience for all of its users, I hope you share that desire and that we can work together for the greater good of the community. 

    Circa, h643 and therfiles like this
  5. I cannot believe that you guys of all people don't see through what we're trying to say without saying it directly >_> 


    Mods with content stolen/ported can be reported by the original author as being a copyright breach will be taken down.


    What does that mean for your file? It'll go through as we cannot check every file for direct permissions granted. If a legit concern is raised by the copyright owner, it'll be taken down.


    Is that more clear?

    Onysfx and h643 like this
  6. So all ported/ripped content isn't allowed now?

    (What about HapSlash etc models that rip from movies with their sounds)


    If a file is reported to have ripped content by the original author, and evidence is provided, then it will be taken down.


    Nothing has changed, we've just written it in black and white and made a procedure


    @Bacon, if they meant this, then it should be written. Guessing in such questions is a bad way, imo, because I gave an example with a legal way and which fits the rule.


    Ah that, that wasn't re-written and was there from the beginning I believe. We'll gladly clear that up as well shortly :)


    I'm going to be away this weekend, could another staff do that please?


  7. Where does it say anything about torrents :blink:? Torrents themselves are perfectly legal.


    That readme is just a quick example, you can of course include your own (I'll reword that bit later) 

  8. Just as interested as we are in JK3, but unfortunately the community in JK2 is a lot smaller and it's difficult to get much content as regular.



    Where can I send my CV?


    I think the best way would be to demonstrate you can provide this content we spoke about above, if you can then I can't imagine any one arguing about you being a reporter for JKHub :P 


    In terms of demos/videos, where would you suggest a good place to look?

  9. Posted Image

    After weeks of discussions and suggestions from the community, we have gone ahead and changed a few things about our files area and the process in which they are hosted on our website.

    Updated policy
    The biggest change is our the update to our Files Submission Rules in our Rules page. We make it very clear our stance on illegally ported content as well as provide the author of the ripped content a way to remove the file in question. We hope that this now clears up a lot of issues and concerns users had with our old policy.

    External Content (Credits) Added
    We have now added a side area for displaying credit/content you have used in order to make your file:
    Posted Image

    Footer reworded
    We have reworded our footer so it is now more helpful for authors and properly states who is responsible for this file. This goes alongside our new policy.
    Posted Image

    Acknowledge Rules
    This now clearly asks the uploader if they agree to our File Submission Rules found on our Rules page.

    Click here to view the article
  10. If you want us to point you towards the people and write you the questions, wouldn't it be much easier (and way more appropriate) to have us be in charge of the entire thing then?


    That's what I've been asking for :P we need the right people for the job to step forward and take on this role, nobody in our staff as far as I'm aware knows the competitive community well enough so we'd gladly look elsewhere for help.

  11. Hmm, perhaps you/others could give me a list of people to contact with whom you might find interesting to interview? My knowledge of the competitive side of the game is very small, even the questions would have to come from elsewhere as I would be arrogant to think I know the community/person well enough. This is why I'm asking for others to step forward and take on this role, I would do this if nobody else volunteers but it would be better off with someone experienced in this field. 

  12. *wave*


    If you're submitting Tutorials, then all you need to do is go to the Tutorials section and make a new one in the appropriate section :) if it is video based (Like your current tutorial) then we usually request permission from you to host it on the JediKnightHub youtube account. If you're okay with this, then we'll edit the tutorial you submit with the replacement video and approve the tutorial.

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