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Posts posted by Link

  1. ... I think you're mistaking my request for desperation. This isn't something I've ALWAYS wanted and it's not something I'd even use myself... The point was that in June I found the official JK3 strategy guide which had a ton of easter eggs in it, showing you various things that never made the final game (Including a picture showing the Saboteur originally had a screen covering his face much like a fire-fighter would) and I posted a few concepts to inspire a modder around the time JKHub was launched, then realized I did this around 6 years ago on the FileFront boards.

  2. For now Build 7 would be a better option than Beta 1.


    Me personally I think calling it e.g. Official JKHub Server wouldn't be the best idea, but rather something like "The Hub" which encourages clan recruitment like the old ClanWarriors server (Where a lot of clans including JAWA got their start). Oh and if we're going to do something like that it'd have to be on a decent host e.g. LPGS to ensure it's stable/reliable.


    But this should be Caelums decision since he's the manager, perhaps rename the server until he's come to a decision?

  3. I know @ has had luck taking some things from Quake 3 recently for his upcoming mod for the previews.


    I'm currently writing the script for Kyle Katarns Alternate Dimension P3 and one of the ideas involved is for Kyle to discover an ezperimental gun which when he shoots at people will make their bodies explode into blood, it'll have a comedy tint on it :P it won't be too bad. From my gaming experiences in Quake 3 I know this exists if you shoot a dead body. Is it possible for this effect to be copied over to JKA and replace the teleporter effect?


    Any help would be really appreciated :)


    Reference 0:58-1:01



  4. No, the next logical step is just a plain 64-bit PC operating system. You've got plenty of time before we get to 128-bit. Your 32-bit applications will likely still run, even though the OS is exclusively 64-bit. Think of Windows Server 2008 r2. It's entirely 64-bit, yet 32-bit applications run fine through WoW64. And furthermore, to say/assume that they will abandon compatibility with 32-bit applications if/when they do get to 128-bit is merely speculation at this point.


    That's a good point, I didn't even consider that possibility.

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