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Posts posted by Link

  1. If we are worried about protecting the hub then why is there going to be a poll? Wouldn't the staff have to do what is necessary to protect the site no matter what we want?


    I don't think there will be a poll if all the staff ends up agreeing. Sorry about the confusion over that earlier.

  2. @@therfiles, you should probably hire someone who's knowledgeable in the field. That might help.


    But we can only hire someone if they show interest, our lack of experience in this field means that we can't simply just go out and look for someone or make content to bring them in, we'd do a very poor job at it for the reason I just said. It's a bit of a vicious cycle, and I've so far heard a lot of solutions but no way of showing how we'd go about executing them logically. I myself would love to get more competitive players here and to have staff dedicated to that, I made it a priority back when I was a staff a year and a half ago but there just didn't seem to be much interest (Which I agree, we must generate, but it goes back in circles again). I must say though that @ did help a lot if I remember correctly, but it required/requires now someone dedicated to that position who can supply a constant stream of content to bring in more people.

    Circa likes this
  3. They are cool, but there is lack of anti-aliasing.


    P.S.: hiding big images under spoilers for noobs


    I've never been a fan of anti-aliasing, I always turn it off in games I play which allow it :P

  4. Easier said than done, we advertise for staff positions and (As far as I know, I could be wrong) we rarely get any applications from those who are more fans of the competitive side of the game. I wouldn't even know where to advertise such positions in order to get the right people. We have quite a few competitive players here who make comments about the lack of competitive content, so I ask... why aren't they either making it, putting people forward or even advertising their regular events here? There is only so much we can do.



    Contests - I have a feeling that these will too specific to sections. Ping kinda alludes to this. There isn't one area that everyone in the community could fairly contribute to


    That is why I suggested that we provide a tutorial with the contest, so that everyone has a fair chance to enter regardless of experience in the field that contest is in.

  5. @@Ping has a good point though.


    These contests would be mostly promoted by the staff and be given proper news posts (and awards?). Since there's no plans for any competitive events similar to this, there's definitely a disparity between the competitive and creative communities.


    Most of this community caters to the creative edge. I mean, look at the staff, all of them are modders, none of them really got involved in the competitive community (You're probably the only exception, @@SiLink, but you managed a clan, I don't think that's similar to the CTF, speed running, etc. communities at all)


    tl;dr - @@Ping is right, this site needs more competitive support.


    I do fully agree with you/Ping, but that is not something we can easily fix. It's up to the competitive community to step forward and contribute the content. I've seen a lot of good stuff about competitive play on the wiki (Some a bit biased, but the vast majority is really amazing stuff) but we lack the experience as a staff to deliver this content, and if we tried then it would be done poorly... The tools are there to get things rolling, we just need the right people to step forward and use them.

    therfiles likes this
  6. I never said the contests will be in the events sub forum, I was talking about what you proposed instead. You're free to get those things going yourself. We can only provide "All things JK" if those interested in those areas actually pull their weight rather than just passing comments on the sidelines.


    If you'd like to contribute more content that you feel is missing, the website is completely open for you to do so as it was intended by Caelum in the first place.

  7. You are more than welcome to advertise your CTF tournaments/sabering in our Events area, I haven't seen many competitive advertisements around here. The fact is that we're a community of mostly modders here and we are trying to encourage creativity rather than expecting it to simply come to us.


    In terms of the tutorials, this is how I saw it going (Which in turn encourages people to write more tutorials as you said):

    We'd make somewhat regular tutorial days, encouraging people to actively check the tutorials section out and question what they could contribute EVEN if they had no desire to do so in the first place. This keeps the tutorials area in peoples minds more regularly and stops it being neglected as it is right now. Now the thought is in the persons mind, they are more likely to either read or submit a tutorial of their own whenever they think of a subject and/or feel like writing. If an area remains static then the thought/memory of that feature will fade away more quickly.

    Circa likes this
  8. There are different reasons I've heard people think of JA+ being crap. 

    • Altered damages/hits from the base game
    • "Chat room" over competitive play
    • Admin commands/cvars
    • Author vanishes without word randomly (Now completely gone)
    • Author made unpopular changes to the core mod midway through
    • Simply for the fact it's popular
    • Security leaves a lot to be desired
    • Updates have gone from frequent to rare and now to none
    • Unwillingness to share code, find a replacement for the author and make the mod open source

    I'm sure there are plenty of others, personally I enjoy the mod but am willing to change if something better comes along (Which JA++ is doing right now :))

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