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Posts posted by Link

  1. I voted no on a couple things, and yes on one but with a caveat. I have work in 30 minutes so I'll keep it brief.



    -Mod Specific tutorials: I feel like these would turn into advertisement for specific server mods really quickly, and that the server management section should cover that.


    -Tutorial Submission Days. I don't think, (No offense intended whatsoever) the current moderator team has a good enough pool of knowledge to judge when someone is submitting bad information that could be detrimental if used too widely. For instance, a tutorial on VIS optimization might be half greek to you guys, but be completely wrong.


    -Award System. I voted yes, but I think it should be restricted to mainly contributing and or modding. No offense intended once again, but I don't think simply being staff or former staff would fit well into that. I'd rather see staff and former staff receive recognition based on the modding they have done, the amount of files they worked to get on the site and so on.


    Good points, especially about it becoming an advertisement for a server mod. How would you approach the idea of clientside mods and where would those fit?


    (Tutorials) Absolutely, I'm not fully aware of all of the other staffs capabilities however that is what user feedback, ratings and reporting is intended to be used for :P if something isn't right then I'm sure people will gladly point it out.


    (Awards) I think it being solely based on just modding might be a bit of a stretch. I think tutorials and other contributions should be recognized as well.

  2. I've been thinking lately (Yes, it hurt to do so :() of ways to encourage more interaction from the community, if you could take a few moments to read below and vote, I'd appreciate it :)



    I realize that contests have been done to death on other JK related websites, however they usually always provide something new. SO I'd like to propose doing a contest once every 3 months.


    January - Winter Contest

    April - Spring Contest

    July - Summer Contest

    October - Autumn Contest

    These can be given fancy seasonal names, I'm sure if this is well received we'll get some good suggestions :P
    These would be based on specific yet simple things such as e.g.
    • Reskin the Saboteur model (The user would be asked to include a specific texture somewhere as well as a shader, a guide will be written to go along with the contest)
    • Create a map of a specific size (We could provide a .map file that is simply an empty box the size of a room that needs filling to your own desire... would produce a lot of different variations and spark creativity :)
    • Model a hilt (Might be a bit advanced, but hopefully someone can create a clear and easy to follow video tutorial to go with it)
    It would be different every time and would try to encourage creativity, rather than just being asked to "make a map" without any resources. The aim is that the user learns something new and/or submits some new content to  JKHub for the community.
    But, what do we get for winning?
    This leads on to my next idea which I shared with the staff last week... which issss
    Awards System
    One way to reward people for their contributions could be to give out awards for certain things. We could use the following addon to our site:
    Awards could include
    • First tutorial
    • 10 Tutorials (Submitting 10 tutorials)
    • First file
    • 10 Files (Submitting 10 files)
    • Recognized JK Contributor (Could be made a thing, where people vote once a month for someone to be given the award perhaps)
    • Wiki contributor (25-50 Articles/Pages)
    • Staff/Former Staff
    • Donor (For those who donate 5 dollars or more perhaps)

    And so on.


    Tutorial Submission Days

    Much like the contests, we could have a day where we encourage people to write at least one tutorial on a subject they know about JK/JK modding. This would be pre-planned and less organized than contests in terms of specific days. I would suggest doing it rarely to avoid it becoming a thing to avoid rather than a challenge.


    If only 10 people wrote one tutorial, it'd be a huge contribution in a very short time... even one tutorial is great. Giving tutorials more focus is definitely a good thing I'd say.


    Mod Specific Tutorials

    What do you guys think about adding a new category to the tutorials area called Mod Specific? This could contain tutorials that only apply to certain modifications e.g. OpenJK, JA++, JA+, jaMME, Pugmod etc


    Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on these ideas, by all means tear them apart and/or suggest alternatives :)

    therfiles, Circa, Boothand and 1 other like this
  3. Posted this in the Staff Area a couple of weeks ago, would love to hear other opinions :)



    So whilst speaking to Circa a couple of days ago I had the idea that perhaps we could make some sort of music album from groups/players across the community.


    The idea is simple, we gather interest from people who play certain instruments, sing and/or compose by advertising on well known communities around JK, then make them come together to work on some songs which we could sell and give to charity  :)


    Obviously the logistics of this are a bit fuzzy, I've never done anything like this and I am not musically gifted as e.g. Circa is  :P but I believe we could get something really cool put together if we tried hard, and hopefully raise some decent cash for a charity/charities.


    Jobs that come to mind are:

    • Musicians/Vocalists
    • Writers/Composers
    • Album art designers (Mine is just to spark imagination  :P I'm sure others could come up with something better, we could hold contests maybe?)
    • Advertisers
    • A few project managers to ensure everyone is working

    I'd love to hear what others think  :)

    Bek likes this
  4. For example:



    Is this done similarly to how GMod changes the appearance of a player model ingame?


    And in regards to the menus, I meant.. for example the speed cvar could have a slider that the player can move when they hit the esc key. Would be a lot more user friendly than console commands/cvars :)

  5. I'd just like to say, this is the first time I've heard of this mod and it's something I've been hoping to come along for a good 5-6 years now at least... this will make filming JKA videos a breeze @_@


    I just looked at some of your images, can you modify a players appearance like you seem to be suggesting? (You've probably written that somewhere, so sorry for asking :P)


    The blur on that video... good lord @_@




    I plan on making Kyle Katarns Alternate Dimension Part 3 pretty soon and would love to use your mod. Is it currently all cvar based or will you have fancy menus in the future for some of this stuff?

  6. I find this slightly hypocritical. :)


    For example, if you uploaded an image that belongs to someone else, JKHub would not know of this and wouldn't take action. We can't verify every file that is submitted to us and would only act if the file had obvious illegally ported content or if the original owner of that content contacted us and made a case that some/all of the files in the mod are his. We do check files to see if they contain anything against our rules, but there's always a chance that something will slip through, especially content that isn't the authors.

    RAILBACK and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  7. We're trying to organize a little staff meeting before we go any further, this should hopefully be done by tomorrow afternoon :P


    I realize you have made a lot of points over the past 8 pages Eez, is it possible you could sum up your proposed changes that you've been referring to in bullet point form so we can discuss it easier. If any one else wishes to do the same then by all means go for it :)

    Circa likes this
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