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Posts posted by Link

  1. We'd much prefer authors to submit their work on their own so that we're not ripping from JKFiles. We've contacted hundreds of authors and told them about our website, and the majority of those people have submitted their work already. 


    We might not have more files than JKFiles right now, but I'd say we have a better selection quality wise. We also have a lot of files exclusive to JKHub, especially player models :) feel free to check them out. If you'd like another authors files on this website then I suggest emailing them and encouraging them to do so. You could even upload their work for them BUT we have strict guidelines on doing this so it's fair for authors. You can find them here:


    Bane_Ross likes this
  2. well right, he wants to implement a flagging system. I have nothing against that, it's an alright idea. I'm just wondering if he considers ported models differently than ported sounds.


    Nope, that's why I kept trying to say "illegal ported content" rather than "ported models" :P if we receive a complaint against a file, and it has evidence backing it then it should be taken down. We can't be expected to examine every inch of a file to see if it contains illegal content, but we always try our best.


    its not illegal, its not againsty the law, its just that the corporate empire doesnt want anything to be moddable, mot


    Even if that were true, JKHub can still disallow files that are proven to have content not authorized from the original author based on our current rules.

  4. Apologies for not weighing in sooner, was away.


    I think we can all agree (At least, the majority perhaps) that using ported models can be fun and that it does allow players to get their favourite characters into other games they enjoy. Where I think the disagreement lies is whether or not JKHub supports/should support this.


    I'm still trying to catch up on the guidelines for being a staff members, a few things have changed since my last run here, but the simple ruling is and was: Porting content is not allowed.


    Now, I'll guarantee that there are ported sounds, textures, models and all other sorts of things in JKHub's files database, THAT is unavoidable and staff should not be expected to go through every single asset to check whether or not that is the case. What I will say though is that if a staff member is aware that a file has illegally ported content and knowingly puts it through, then that is wrong. By the way, when I say that staff members should not be expected to check all the assets of a file, I mean all of it, otherwise staff members should be checking around a file (Like skimming through a book) to ensure everything is in order. 


    If a file is found to have ported content which was done illegally, then it should be taken down if proof of consent can't be provided by the author. I think we need a simple system that if a file is reported/flagged (Yes, like YouTube Eez :P) then it should be reviewed carefully and the case should be shown to the author. If the author of the file cannot provide a defense against legitimate evidence then their file should be removed. To avoid users simply spamming the flag button, I think it should be made clear that actual evidence should be provided to flag a file legitimately.


    Also, comments like "Other sites do it, why can't we?" are absolutely nonsensical. If you can get away with doing something evil, and you do it, then you are evil. If you can get away with doing something evil and don't do it, then that shows true merits to your character.


    Some of you need to calm down, these "I'M LEAVING JKHUB" comments are cringe worthy and make you sound like a child, we're here to progress, not to bicker and make threats when you don't get your own way.

  5. @@Pande @@SiLink @@eezstreet asking for permission to host on MY site for MY personal use is saying I need permission to download files of your from the jkhub.org. Also @@Pande they really our archived files and they aren't being as formal as the JKhub therefore as long as don't sell them illegally I don't see an issue and waste my time asking permission from the authors as I am not stealing, modifying your work I am simply hosting them as an alternative in case the sites go away forever and I choose to host the files that are the best and most interesting.

    Also @@Pande @@eezstreet @@SiLink I don't think this site: http://www.dgs-clan.eu/content/jka-maps.htm asked permission to host the files did they?


    Who cares what other sites have or have not done? This is about doing the right thing regardless if you can get away with it or not. 


    Also, if this is for your own personal use then why go to the trouble of making a public website where other people can download files? Surely a folder on your desktop is better fit for this purpose?

    Omicron, eezstreet and Futuza like this
  6. Really? I'll have to see how to do that. (@@SiLink) And yeah, a URL shortener is great, but most people wouldn't use that.


    Yeah I saw SJC did that and it would have looked a lot better as links in his About section rather than in the existing fields that they don't belong. See mine for reference.


    Ah that, yeah but any one could put anything in there UNLESS you make the area you enter anything into:





    User enters:



    And the link in the side profile becomes:



    This is how it looks on JAWA



  7. It took me around a month of solid work to gather permission for around 1,000 files on JKHub back when we started.  It would had been much easier for me to not ask for permission, but it's simply the right thing to do regardless of whether another site does it or not.


    If you want to host files on your own website you'll need to find a decent webhost PLUS at least ask permission and show proof of asking (Emails).

    Omicron likes this
  8. Out of curiosity, would it be fine uploading the JKA voice files all renamed from e.g.






    Ah of course it has to be a garbage pit doesnt it, well lets go nobody ever said that being a jedi was glamorous.mp3




    I renamed most of them a couple of years ago when I did voice editing for my JKA videos and feel it could help a lot of other video creators when looking for appropriate vocals.

    Omicron likes this
  9. How long is a piece of string :P?


    As long as modders and communities exist in this game, which I can't see changing any time soon, then this game will continue to run even without a master server (If that gets switched off someday soon). We should probably try pushing for n unofficial patch that includes the JKHub master server as soon as possible.

    Onysfx, Futuza, Morabis and 2 others like this
  10. As of this post, here are the google ranking position for JKHub:


    jedi academy downloads - 29th

    jedi academy files - Website unranked but forum threads are scattered around the results

    jedi academy - Unranked

    jedi hub - 1

    jedi knight - 67th

    jedi knight files - 13th BUT this is simply a thread about JK3Files being terrible :P

    ja+ - 2nd/3rd

    jedi academy help - 88th BUT links to a random texture mod

    jedi academy tutorials - 4th BUT links to the "Getting started with mapping" tutorial rather than the index of tutorials.

    jedi academy hosting - 33rd BUT is not related at all

    jedi academy mods - 15th (Skin section)

    jedi academy wiki - 16th

    jkfiles - 17th BUT just a random forum thread

    jk3files - 4th (Great for people looking for JK3Files alternatives, but not so great for people who don't know JK3Files or JKHub exists)

    jedi academy forums - 13th but it's PugZ (CTF site hosted by JKHub)

    jedi academy boards - 23rd but again it's PugZ (CTF site hosted by JKHub)

    jedi academy news - 18th but again a random thread


    Personally I feel these are really really bad results for the most part, and I was wondering if we could improve this somehow? The majority of people looking for files and/or help will use some of the terms above to find what they're looking for and will not go through 5-6 pages to find us sadly. I think we're missing out on a bigger user base potentially.




    Circa likes this
  11. Aliases: Caelum
    Area of skills: Web/Servers
    Brief list of accomplishments: Creator of JKHub, Clan leader (3), Hosting communities for free, Has spent countless hours helping others set up dedicated servers
    Examples of contributions: JKHub.org, StormRiders (Clan), Cosmos (Clan)
    It's difficult to sum up this guy and his contributions to the community into such a small area, but I'll try! Back in 2011 when JK3Files began to break after FileFront was purchased by Break Media (Oh the irony...) Caelum began to share his ideas with me for an alternative. At first I honestly thought it was pointless, especially due to the fact people had tried before and gave up many times. However early on into the project I noticed that Caelum was very serious about this project and began to invest a lot of money into it, this is when a lot of people started turning heads and noticing JKHub as a serious attempt. I feel Caelum is one of those people that once he starts something he has to finish it and finish it well which is why JKHub is as successful as it is. Nowadays he is focused on building his own web hosting company from scratch and has retired from the Jedi Knight series however his accomplishments and contributions still echo today.


    Whilst JKHub may be his biggest contribution to the community as a whole, he has also spent countless hours assisting people one to one with their technical issues, especially with setting up dedicated servers from scratch. To the vast majority of players, building a dedicated server on Linux, adding the game and making it run is simply too difficult to pick up and figure out however every time I (Or any one else I've known) have asked him for help, he was always there putting in hours to ensure that not only it was working, but that it was as safe as he could make it.

    Circa, Boothand, Szico VII and 18 others like this
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