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Posts posted by Link

  1. Well I could always host a server on an Amazon instance whenever you need it, although thinking about it, it might be costly... So perhaps not XD


    In terms of the fighting scenes I did, they were just carefully planned between each frame... although I always wanted to do a serious video with some really epic fighting that is actually original.

  2. Here is what JAWA uses



    seta g_autoMapCycle 0
    seta m1 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa3 ; set nextmap vstr m2"
    seta m2 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa4 ; set nextmap vstr m3"
    seta m3 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa5 ; set nextmap vstr m4"
    seta m4 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa1 ; set nextmap vstr m5"
    seta m5 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa2 ; set nextmap vstr m1"
    vstr m1


    As you can see, our cycle begins on ffa3.


    The "vstr m1" begins this cycle and at the end of m5, it sends it back to m1 thus making a loop.

  3. Whilst I can sit down and think of something eventually, usually my most creative thoughts come from when I'm not trying to force myself to come up with ideas e.g. I could be studying and read something that catches my imagination, then suddenly I've drawn some vector art or set up a photography shot relating to that inspiration.


    I'm no mapper but that's how I approach ideas for my own projects.

    Master Ridley and eezstreet like this
  4. Saiaku planned to do this for JKHub a few months back, unsure if he's still working on it or not.


    For now though, JediTracker (Google) works just as well I;d say :P


    I spoke to Slider about JA+ being down and he knew nothing about Mammoth Games vanishing either (It hosts a few JK websites/servers)

  5. Forgive me if I'm incorrect here but I remember reading somewhere that Raven got a third party to do quite a lot of their maps and only a few were actually done by themselves. Is this true and if so, is there any difference in quality e.g. caulking where needed?

  6. Uploading to the site is how we obtain the files from the author already. We download them, shift them onto dropbox, delete the file and replace it with the link. Do you mean that we'd have to approve the file, then replace the file with the link?


    Yeah, I'm surprised it's not working as it used to for me last year.

  7. I remember when I was uploading the files to JKHub, it was slightly frustrating that IPB doesn't determine the filesize for linked files... there is a way around it though but at the time I was uploading 800 files XD so I avoided it.


    Basically, you need to upload the file to the website, then delete it, then link to it... rather than just linking.

  8. ^I knew, like I said, you're a bit late to the party, in lugormod they expanded the force powers up to level 7 allowing for you to eventually (with leveling and skill points) learn the desann and tavion styles. First used them on others in MP about 6 years ago maybe?



    Same, they were quite fun to use.

  9. Oh wow :D Always loved AZ and the way you guys do things. I really hope you guys stick around this time, you guys have had more comebacks than the rolling stones XD


    Best of luck with everything :)

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