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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. @RebelChum - I just imported the base howler model into Blender, posed it, and exported it as an md3. The grass is a model, yep. It's from Szico's model pack, although edited a bit because the original model was huuuge. Really glad you like the map! @Grab - Rofl I should have resized the screens, my bad.
  2. 636 downloads

    Description: *Chinese New Year Contest 2018 Entry* This is an FFA map modeled after various examples of Chinese/Asian architecture. The layout is heavily inspired by the temple in Dragon Valley from Battlefield 4. There are guns, ammo, and health pickups set up around the map for actual weapons FFAs. I've also added a duel area you can reach by pressing use on the middle obelisk next to the upper building. There are no secrets on this map, and the FPS can drop quite a bit, depending on your computer and game settings. I'd like to give a huge thanks to Bucky for compiling the map, taking screenshots that weren't from a potato resolution, and providing words of encouragement for the past month. Without him, this map would probably have taken 8 days to compile on my computer (if I even got that far!). Also, thanks to Wolf for testing the map in its early stages. Bugs and other things (full list in readme): -Because the map is essentially a large, open box, FPS isn't great. Dynamic glow will tank it. So even though things look really cool with glow turned on, I wouldn't recommend playing with it. -The lighting is a little bit... weird. I made the lights too bright and it shows. -There is actually botrouting on this map, but it wasn't really tested. -I only tested the map in MP, so if someone really wants it in SP and it doesn't work, let me know.
  3. snipped to not promote wallhacking -Art
  4. 176 downloads

    *Halloween Contest 2017 Entry* This is a smallish maze map with some cemetery elements thrown in because why not. It's definitely geared towards MP gameplay; Idk what you'd do with it in SP. There are some hiding places with pickups scattered around, as well as some breakable things. Hit things, spam your use button, and walk into things and eventually you'll find the secrets. Bugs and other things: -The fog doesn't exactly play nice with the sky, but it's a minor issue. -The ground is loud. If you're going for stealth, crouch-walk to avoid making noise. -Map is dark... of course. -I have included the .map file.
  5. Import the glm into Blender and rename the head_plate_off surfaces to just head_plate, then export. Also fix that line in the skin file and it should show up, at least.
  6. I eventually settled on Vindicator when I staffed because of the design and the fact that not as many people were using it at the time, compared to the Guardian hilt. Then when I picked up single, I went with Firebrand because it had mostly dark colors, and it was at the bottom of the list, so I could find it easily. And I can't remember what hilts I used when I was a dual-wielding kata spammer... Those were dark days. xD
  7. 673 downloads

    This is a small vertical climbing/strafing map inspired by Acrobat's various mountains. It does have defrag triggers so you can time your runs in jaPro. Although it is definitely meant for JKA/JKO movement, you can probably run it in some other types if you get creative. Bugs and other things: -The start trigger placement is not ideal and can be abused... whoops. -There's no anti-fall damage shader so if you have fall dmg enabled on your server, you'll (probably) die. -There are a few places where slants meet the walls. If you land in these places after particularly bad jumps, you will get stuck. -I've also included the .map file. I'll not have you people decompiling and destroying the texture alignment. > Special thanks to everyone who broke the map so I could fix it. <3
  8. It's 1hit kills with a disruptor (no sniping) and faster movement speed, usually in CTF mode. Fun stuff.
  9. Can you fake a reflection with an env map that uses a picture of the ceiling/walls? It wouldn't look as good as the actual mirror shader, but it shouldn't hurt the fps as much.
  10. Map 2 sounds kinda like the Zion map. I don't know about the first one though.
  11. Try renaming the skeleton_root vertex group to model_root? I think that's the humanoid skeleton's bone name. Edit: also click the two shield meshes, go to modifiers, and make sure the skin modifier is linked to skeleton_root.
  12. Artemis


    You know it's a good map when it takes 46 mins to climb to the top. Good job!
  13. @@DarthStevenus When you replaced the shadowtrooper's head with the chiss one, you need to parent the chiss parts to the shadowtrooper and make sure the head is head_0 etc, not head_0.001, which you might have already done. Then all of the loose pieces you see in the hierarchy need to be parented to the new head pieces. By default, they're probably still parented to the old head. And yeah, you can usually move the verts of the head or torso around until they line up, but you might also need to adjust the weights sometimes. I've been considering actually writing a legit, pictures-included tutorial for frankensteining/general player modelling stuff in Blender since people are still getting pointed to this thread and my sketchy explanations. :/
  14. I think this is the 2nd one I've actually finished. Thank you!
  15. Version v2


    My entry for the 2016 Halloween contest! It's a hilt that I named Vaeyor. I had a totally different concept idea at the start, but this is what it turned into. There might be another spiked saber out there (Idk, I didn't look), but this one has an .efx file bolted to the saber, sooo you'll be surrounded by red glowiness/sparkles when the saber is active. It was an experiment. This is V2. It's a little better than V1. Please check the readme/changelog for specifics. *THIS FILE IS NOT TO BE UPLOADED ANYWHERE BUT ON JKHUB.ORG WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. CONTACT ME (Artemis) ON JKHUB IF YOU WANT TO HOST IT ELSEWHERE.* Sidenote, this is my first-ever submission of a file. Cool.
  16. @@Trunks I was never a part of GoD, but yeah, I hung out on their server a lot, so that is where I picked up this name. I actually don't remember you, though... did you still play any around/after '09? Anyways, glad to see someone from 1.00!
  17. I'd be interested in this. Maybe try and come up with some themes and get a vote so we know what direction to head in?
  18. @@Seven and @@Kualan, when you're at the screen where you pick the .glm to import, there's an option to import all/a range of animations, too. You enter the starting frame number and how many frames the animation is. Maybe that will help.
  19. I don't want to hijack the thread, but there's also this for "automatic" weight painting: It kind of works to establish a base... I would definitely recommend NOT cutting up the mesh prior to using it, though. And you'll have to reparent the mesh afterwards.
  20. Make sure you delete all of the left over parts. For some reason, that can cause problems. Press A (select the entire model) before exporting. And there's still the chance that your hierarchy is wrong. If you delete the unnecessary pieces and the new head becomes giant and floats way above the rest of the model, it's more than likely not parented to the original model. Also check the console for errors that might prevent the model from exporting. Edit: I spent entirely too long waiting to post this, so most of that is redundant/can be ignored. If parts of the model aren't connected, you've got something wrong in the hierarchy.
  21. Is the model triangulated? Someone might need to take a look at your .blend file if all else fails.
  22. Modview requires a specific folder structure to work. Make a new folder called base, then one in that called models, then put your players/rebel_pilot folder in that. ...base/models/players/rebel_pilot AND you also need to put the _humanoid folder (and its contents) in the players folder if you haven't done so already. You can get it out of the assets1.pk3.
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