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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. Modview requires a specific folder structure to work. Make a new folder called base, then one in that called models, then put your players/rebel_pilot folder in that. ...base/models/players/rebel_pilot AND you also need to put the _humanoid folder (and its contents) in the players folder if you haven't done so already. You can get it out of the assets1.pk3.
  2. I'm pretty sure the disc version isn't automatically patched to 1.01, but the Steam version is. You'll find the majority of players on 1.01; 1.00 is kinda dead. Link to the patch: https://jkhub.org/files/file/73-jedi-academy-patch-pc/
  3. I started something like this a while back. Used the original Tavion as a base and frankensteined on the reborn's hood. Unfortunately, I'm not good with textures (and Tavion's texture layout kind of sucks), so never got that far. Maybe Jan would make a better base, Idk.
  4. @@The_CrY To fix the rebel's helmet, go into edit mode with it, change your selection type to face select, and move the cursor over some chunk of the helmet. When you press L, a part of the helmet should be selected. Press H to hide it, then keep selecting other chunks and hiding them. When everything visible is hidden, press A, and you should see in the top right that somehow, you've selected 2 out of however many vertices. You might not see them, but they're there. Delete them, then Alt + H to unhide everything, and you should be good to go. As for the weequay, I don't really know. Maybe the _off part in the mesh names has something to do with it? :/
  5. I agree, lol. But there's a constant fight between thinning the stormie armor down for that body and avoiding clipping, unless I cut out the parts of Jan that are under the armor. Edit: throwing in screens of this old project. The idea was to make several different hats/things to customize the base stormtrooper with. I have a few things like headphones, a fez, and an arrow through the knee that I don't think I got around to texturing. Pretty sure I also have a better version of that top hat and bowtie somewhere...
  6. Edit: The year is 2018. I've made more stuff and I've decided to reuse this thread, so I've cleaned up this first post. Hopefully I won't abandon this for another 2 years, but who knows. EditEdit: It's 2020 and I'm reformatting a lot of my posts so there aren't a ton of blank spaces going on. This thread is pretty much to showcase the random stuff that I start but maybe don't finish. It is not a request thread. Actual Releases Korriban Map Thread Unofficial Releases: (These are released with no plans to further improve the quality. Feel free to use any source files I've left in the pk3s.) Maps: -Rift and Ilum trial maps are located at the bottom of this page. (Trial II and III) -Mirror's Edge strafe course -Rift-themed TFFA map -Duel1 Replacement -FFA3 Replacement -Arcadia Darts -Random Mini Games (updated ysal arena and instagib CTF maps) -JK2 3 Team CTF .zip file (map and assets for it, I think you can only fully use it on some JK2 servers) Models: -Furniture -Snowman -Stormtrooper (Top hat and bow tie) Vehicles/NPCs: -Box ship -Porg NPC A female stormtrooper frankenstein (unfinished, probably lost).
  7. I'm late to the party, and what I wanted to say has more or less been said. If you just try and mod KotF, it's still KotF, with all of the negative connotations attached, no matter what you've done to fix it. Rather than throwing your energy into fixing something that will still be disliked, it'd be better to either start over or offer to help with some other similar project.
  8. First, hello and welcome! Yes, there are servers that up their player counts with bots (TNA is one, as far as I remember). Sometimes they have obvious names so you know they're bots, but other times it's not that easy. I know for sure on JA+ servers, the bots' pings can be spoofed. Elsewhere, a ping of constant 0 usually means a bot. To find info about active servers, either just visit them or talk to people. If you like a server, add it to the favorites selection in the server menu so you can find it. If you're on a server and you want your friend to join, hit Esc -> About and get the IP so your friend can /connect that way. If you really want to learn, I'd suggest hanging out on base servers (not modded). It sounds like you've been on a + server, where you'll see some wonky stuff when you don't have the mod. Clans... or guilds... are all fairly different. You'll just have to hang out with the people until you find a clan you like, if you even want to join a clan. There's nothing that says you HAVE to join one. I don't know the issue with TNA's server and you not being able to connect via IP. Maybe the IP changed. Mods are generally server-side, but there's some stuff that doesn't work well without the client-side plugins. There are a few different mods, and players scattered across them all. JA+/JA++ are more or less FFA mods, then there's Lugormod and maybe still Makermod for... Building? I haven't really messed with those. Then there's Moviebattles 2, which is definitely not my field of expertise. Just a random thought, since you've mentioned Steam, I'm guessing you're updated to 1.01. Make sure your friend is as well, or you'll never see the same servers. Hopefully I answered some questions. If not, someone else probably will!
  9. I understand what you mean, but isn't banning for a week--or banning at all--a bit extreme? Plus I feel that this could really only apply to specific sections, as those of us with project threads tend to bump them when we have updates. (Or maybe that's just me...) Instead of banning someone for bumping, give them a fair warning not to do it, and lock the topic if they bump it again anyways. Then they can't bump it, and it'll eventually get buried. I'm assuming that if they have to bump it, no one is willing to take it on as a project, so it shouldn't be a loss.
  10. I've quite possibly scripted the wrong move, since I don't think any of them resemble a scythe movement, but this one lets you do the crouch kata thingy while running... even on ramps. /bind x "+speed; wait 4; +movedown; wait 4; +forward; +attack" If you bind it and press the button, and all you do is crouch, you need to raise the wait time to something a bit higher.
  11. These? http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Map%20Packs/90878/
  12. Reimport the model into Blender, select the helmet and go into edit mode (you should see that triangles are missing in Blender), select just the crest part and recalculate the normals so all of the triangles on the front are showing. Then re-export, and it should be fixed. The only other issue is that it's invisible from behind. You could duplicate the crest and flip the normals (at the cost of more triangles) or just make a shader so it's two-sided.
  13. I've only been playing JKA since '09, but I've played it pretty religiously since starting. Some of these answers are vague, or maybe not exactly a memory of any one particular event. I didn't want to give people a whole wall of text to try and read, nor did I want to type it. Memories that made me laugh... -I remember one of my first good friends, who used a trandoshan model, was lurking around the mountainous bit of ffa5. I had a favorite corner up there to snipe from, so I went there and was attempting to snipe him. He disappeared from sight, then... this frigging scary trando face popped up in my scope AT CLOSE RANGE. I tried to snipe him, but he had seeing. -One of my clanmates and I had pretty much mastered the A-mountain, so we decided to literally drag our other mate up because he couldn't make some of the jumps. He had no means to heal himself, so while my buddy was force gripping him upwards, he died. Good times. -My 'acceptance' into the clan I'm currently in... because it was kind of a bet that if I won against a certain person, I wouldn't have to join. I lost, and rather than be sour about it, I joined. This is a recent event, and I'd say that most of the time I've spent with these people has been hilarious. Memories that made me the way I am... -First, I'd just like to say that I cringe when I remember how I acted in my early years of playing JKA. So those memories are kind of what I tell myself NOT to do. -The aforementioned trandoshan was the first JKAer I remember meeting who typed with near-perfect grammar and punctuation. I copied his typing and now it's a habit that I'm glad I have. -There are definitely people who have influenced me, even through the game. I'll admit, they've had both good and bad influences, but the majority fall into the 'good' category. Memories that I regret... -Again, the early years. If I could go back and skip those and go straight into the second stage of my JKA times, I would. It's not that I was a troll or anything, hah, I just... didn't really exhibit control and got myself into some awkward/annoying situations. Of course, it's impossible to avoid all of those even now, in what I'd consider the third stage, but I can handle them in a much better fashion. -I don't know how to phrase this in a way that doesn't sound horrible, so here: I regret meeting certain people. I remember feeling uncomfortable around them, which was never really fun. Most of them are long gone now, and those that aren't gone have either mellowed out, or I've just learned to deal with them. -To this day, I regret the fact that I'm known by at least 3 different names. Like, here I'm ChaoticConundrum, but I NEVER use this name on JKA. My friends from 1.00 know I'm both Artemis and Artsalad, but I'm fairly certain that since switching back to Artemis (recently, when I ended up with clan tags again) on 1.01, half the people I hung out with as Artsalad don't realize that we're the same person. Too late to try and go back now... people might start wondering where Artemis went. >.> Memories that I wish I could experience on a daily basis... -I don't really know how to answer this one. All-time (best or worst?) memories... hmmm. -Running a clan. That whole ordeal was something else. I wasn't the only leader, which was nice, and it was a good length of time. But I don't ever want to try that again, haha. -Someone observed that every clan I'd been a part of had died. That comment has been something I've carried with me for a while now, and it's one of the things that made me reluctant to ever wear another clan's tags. -Reaching a score of -1000 by use of a /kill bind. Because who HASN'T done that?
  14. Guess I have something to try in Blender now. http://www.saberparts.com/#/configure?code=
  15. Or a S'kytri, @@Asgarath83. Personally, I'd be a Zelosian.
  16. Hide the UV seam. When you're unwrapping a mesh, you generally want to put the seam where it's not obvious. I'd say run it along the inside curve of that handle, then maybe another seam along the bottom, depending on how it's set up.
  17. I'm on mobile, so can't actually look in Blender right now, but to fix the no armature issue, select the head_0 object, go to modifiers, and add an armature modifier. RENAME the modifier to skin, and in the next field, you need to attach it to the skeleton (completely forgot the word for it, just click the field and it should come up). I think 'head_5' is somehow named wrong anyways, but it looks like you also need to reweight that mesh. Sorry if that's too vague. I can explain it better later if someone else doesn't try first. xd
  18. @@Jolly You know your _humanoid folder for JKA models? You need to switch to the JKO version. I think you can append JKA parts into that scene, but I don't quite remember. There's an explanation on this site somewhere... I can't hunt for it right now, though.
  19. Progress... yes. This is the other end of the outside bit. The side hallways aren't done... actually, only the left one is built, and I don't like the design. So you don't get to see it! There's also a door to nowhere at the end there. I have plans for that. Then I started (and finished?) the tomb section. There are four rooms in total, all very similar. Aaand I did a tiny bit of editing on the sarcophagus model. If anyone has need of an opened coffin like this, lemme know and you can have it.
  20. I did this for someone a while back. You essentially open up whatever model you'd want people to see (shadowtrooper, for example) and re-parent all of your new model's pieces to it, then fix the skin files so all of the new pieces are *off in default/team skins, and throw in a new skin file with all of the new pieces on and originals *off. If you named that particular skin file Bossk, you'd use it with /model shadowtrooper/bossk. It's not hard, but it might be time-consuming to rename the new meshes. xd As for vertices without UV coords... You might have to unwrap the head mesh again? Or make sure it's not in edit mode...?
  21. There's another map link doing that too, so it's not just yours.
  22. I've heard that you can use Blender to make maps, but that sounds like a nightmare. Radiant is probably your best bet since it's at least meant for mapping. Having the .map file is best because decompiling a .bsp breaks a lot of stuff (lights, textures, models). You can still do it though; you just need to find/make a .bat for it. But it's probably frowned upon to decompile people's maps and then recompile after changing stuff... Adding spawnpoints can be done through entity editing. There are several tutorials over in the mapping section, this one among them. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/50-adding-entities-to-maps-after-compiling-editing-base-maps/ If you're going to use entity editing, I would suggest decompiling the map just to get the coordinates for new spawnpoints. That link doesn't want to work for me, so I dunno about the display errors.
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