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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. That's not helping me either. 2ish questions: Where'd the fedora come from (if you made it, did you weight/unwrap it and all that jazz?), and can I possibly look at the .blend and .skin files?
  2. Is there even something called head_hair_fedora on the model? You've listed head_face_fedora, head_back_fedora, hair_fedora, and head_fedora, but I see no head_hair_fedora. You can also pull down the console in Blender by dragging the window underneath the File Add Render etc bar. If you export the model and scroll down in the console, you might see something highlighted in red if it's wrong.
  3. Is there any chance to update the howler to have either jedi clothes and no robe or jedi clothes and robe? Or would that just... not work? xD
  4. Actuallyyy, I went ahead and looked at it. ._. First off, go ahead and delete the remains of Kyle. I swear it's worked without having to do that before, but not now. That should get rid of the "90 surfaces but only 83 connected..." error. You need to rename headb_face_0 and headb_eyes_mouth _0 in Ghoul 2 Properties, at the bottom of the Object tab. If you ever rename a mesh, do it there too. Headb_face_0 also wasn't renamed in the Object Data tab. And headb_0 should probably be parented to torso_0. Scrolling back a few pages, it looks like the model's Kyle head was already working, though. O.o Old .blend?
  5. @ This is the button to change to texture views: Click it and pick the one with red checkered-y things. Aaand because that model has a ton of pieces, you're gonna be stuck seeing all of them. The ones turned OFF in the model_default.skin will show up as white.
  6. Put the base folder in a Gamedata folder and try again.
  7. @ Tell me, where exactly are you importing the model from on your computer?
  8. Does it look like this? If it does, you might be using the wrong _humanoid folder. Possibly the JKA one and a JK2 model.
  9. Did you install this correctly? http://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/ Are you sure that you fixed the names in the Object Data tab? That's where I mess up most. Another place is with the caps because it's a pain to find all of them. And you might want to look in the space above the model for giant pieces-parts that you might have unparented on accident. Aaand if you were to completely rename a mesh, did you change it in the Ghoul 2 Properties at the very bottom of the Object tab? My models never load in Modview if I mess something up, so I'm not sure what you would've done to get an error and still load it.
  10. You only needed the Kyle and Stormpilot, right? Because you have a model_root.004 in there... and see all of the little pieces above scene_root? Those belong somewhere, and they're not in the right place anymore. Try starting over, and import only 1 Kyle and 1 other model, and don't delete pieces of the models. Usually, that's what makes things break and become unparented.
  11. Do you absolutely need 2.71, or could you switch to 2.64/2.66? I don't know much about the program itself; if you think it's just some weird compatibility issue, you'd probably have to ask @@mrwonko.
  12. I can try to explain what I do. (With no pictures, sorry. D:) It's basic head swapping, but hopefully it'll give you an idea. If I figured it out from a few posts, I think anyone could figure it out. I might have left stuff out; I've been typing this for too long now. xD So if you run into problems, just ask.
  13. Artemis

    Secret Santa 2014

    *Drops the project she already started working on for Christmas.* This will be interesting... if I have the time. December's an awful hectic month for me. Gonna have to think about iiit.
  14. That would be pretty neat. O: Might still try to throw in a few books though.
  15. Then vvhy is it so much harder to grab the walls in certain places in Expedition's version? o.o I figured that they were the same thing, but it's weirdly more difficult on Expedition. Anyways, another MP map that I really really like (when we have enough people) is that Wrecked Alien Spacecraft map. Uber fun to play pred there.
  16. Expedition's fun, but I like Racearena's A-Mountain more.
  17. That sounds extremely difficult, but I'll look into it when I have a place that requires such a secret. Like... at the end of the maze.
  18. There will be at least one tomb, though I don't know about ghosts. Lava must absolutely be included, and probably in some ruined place, but the buttons thing sounds like it could involve scripting? I'm all for some tricky puzzles, but I can't script anything to save my life. xD And I hadn't even thought about 1.01 stuff like grapple. That's going to require some extra thinking and testing!
  19. ...Are exactly what I want to avoid at this point.
  20. I like the hanging lights in the library. Aaand I like what you did to the ceremony room's far wall. It's different!
  21. That's probably what I'll have to do, but I'm afraid they'll just look like clunky boxes. The thrones won't be in a circle, I promise! They just need to kinda fit together, more like a ( shape rather than a [ shape, if that makes any sense at all. And that's a really good idea, actually. I've always liked ancient Egyptian architecture; maybe that's why I like Korriban. I haven't played KOTOR, so I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
  22. @@Ramikad I THINK I used your suggestion and it turned out well. It was either that or very similar, I'd have to check. xD Anyways, there's going to be a library! Not just any library, mind you. I've noticed that half the time a map has a library, no one uses it because there's nothing to do. Sooo, this one shall be special. Just how is a secret, because I haven't quite worked out the idea yet. There're a few texture alignments I need to fix and some other things that need adding, but this is it so far. I have one slight problem, though. What does a library usually contain? BOOKS! And... this one has no books. ): Anyone have ideas for that? Do I make models for them, or leave the shelves empty...? Or what?
  23. I'm trudging along at the rate of a lazy snail... So, I couldn't decide if I wanted a throne room, or a council room... And I just had to throw in a pit or two. I like the result, but I also don't like it. Because it's not a throne room or a council room. It's... both? Maybe it's a bit dark, too. The arches are different from the ones in the other rooms. And here's a better look at the throne model. It's a .ase I made more for testing than using... so it'll probably be changed. Also, the one on the left is scaled down to the correct size. Not the one on the right. Also, it's important that I have four thrones up there instead of one. So, if anyone has an idea for arranging them evenly, that'd be cool.
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