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  • Pronouns
    Not Telling
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. If you have these files, will you release them at some point? Maybe on the WIP thread?
  2. This is like the ideal way to play singleplayer, thank you so much!! One thing I have though: If lightsaber throw is a force power now, is it possible to make the right click into the kick from the double blade?
  3. so great!! i just wish there were more female options
  4. Really cool looking! Do you think this would work with Movie Duels?
  5. I was looking through music mods earlier, seeing if I couldn't come up with a music mod of my own using WinRar. However, it struck me that there were only four tracks for the levels. I was confused, cause I remembered there were five, including Merchant Rescue. I went to check if it was a mistake, but sure enough t1_danger wasn't listed in the og asset file. That brings up my question: is it even possible to give t1_danger its own track? My newbie curiosity has been piqued. Personally I'm thinking something from Jakku might fit it, since there was that one rename mod.
  6. What does this mean exactly? I'm trying to modify it using WinRar. Do I still need another program?
  7. dang, the download broke
  8. Does this come with the EE-3 or?
  9. Do you have a summary of the changes to the music?
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