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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. This is the model how I left it off two years ago. I also have some sounds from cutscenes of the SOTE game. I can release this as a beta model on jkhub if there is any interest? Also if you have some suggestions or changes you want made I'm willing to do them if its not too much work. Let me know what you guys think!






    Looking good! Would definitely DL a beta release to have a closer look.

  2. Damn it Kualan. xD

    I did a similar thing with the helmet a while ago, except mine was solely the tie pilot's helmet; a friend worked with me to cut a hole for the head to fit in xD I just never finished the model variants and such.


    Wow Ruxith, that's a good effort. In fact I'd say, as a model, that's more screen-accurate than mine. If you'd like, I can try my hand at skinning that model?

  3. After posting the above I had a brainwave on how to make another clone variant seen in the films. This one has been made in the last hour though so is in a very rough 'first draft' format:






    The torso skin is a placeholder via the AT-AT pilot skin from MovieBattles (I think). The top half of the helmet comes from the base rebel pilot model whilst the lower half is sourced from DT's Stormtrooper model!

    Cerez, Delmi, yeyo JK and 5 others like this
  4. It's been a while since the last issue - so much happened since then!


    I like the idea, that Railas Tok present during the difficult decision for mace Windu - abandoning a little boy on Ord Mantell for his own good.


    One of the downsides to the Clone Wars TV series was that we didn't get a chance to see many of the Jedi duties that didn't directly contribute to the war. The only exception I can think of is the Jedi Younglings Arc, but even that involved the war in the later episodes. So things like testing potential younglings, etc are elements I'd like to portray further in future issues of the comic.

    Cerez and NumberWan like this
  5. If you're just frankensteining, you shouldn't need to re-parent anything to 'root_0'. A new head gets parented to 'torso_0' for example, so the scale will match the torso it is being parented to.


    Parenting a part of a model to 'root_0' is basically telling that part of the model to bypass the rest of the hierarchy, hence its size ballooning - since it has nothing to match its scale to. This also happens if you get liberal with deleting parts of a model - delete 'torso_0' for example, and everything that was originally parented to that will be thrown out of the hierarchy, resetting to 'root_0' as a parent by default and resulting in the ballooning.


    If you need to get rid of that torso though and replace it with another but still keeping some of the original parts parented to it (like the arms for example) you first need to bring the new torso into the hierarchy ('torso2_0' for example) and then re-parent the arms, etc to that new torso. Only once this is done can you then safely delete the original 'torso_0'.

    Maui and JAWSFreelao like this
  6. Or @@Kualan could frankenstein his Mace Windu poncho from his comics onto her after this is released. One step at a time yall.


    Would be happy to rustle up a few variations for this model when it's ready, but I'm a little low on JKA time at the minute. Still have a project with @@Mandalorian I want to get back to when work-life lets up again.

    Cerez likes this
  7. Hopefully the writer does this tactfully and make her a character who just happens to be lesbian, and not "the" lesbian.





    Agreed, and I don't see how a lesbian woman gets that far in the already established humanocentric chauvinist empire, but it's all apart of Disney's retcons I guess.


    The Disney retcons have kept the humanocentric elements of the Empire, but seem to favour a more gender-neutral approach. Female stormtroopers appear in the new Tarkin novel, and to be honest this strikes me as more believable. Who cares if your comrade in arms has boobs when you're worried about keeping the blue tentacled alien out of the barracks?

  8. Seeing Dantooine is nice. Did you make this appearance partly as a reference to the battle of Dantooine, originally seen in Clone Wars animated series? There Mace Windu would lead the forces against the droids and their new weapon. And a small farm boy would see the battle from afar.


    When I got to last but one page I also had a question, why the Enclave would be so clean. I am glad, that you thought this aspect through, not leaving behind the fact, that the whole structure seemed intact.


    SW Galaxies establish the ruins in a different state, mostly a few arches and colomns remain, nothing would remind of former Enclave. But I prefer the fact, that ruins would look like the ones in KOTOR.


    The Dantooine-Windu connection is indeed a subtle nod to that scene in the original animated series, yeah. Interesting point about the enclave though - I had no idea it also featured in SWG.

  9. My Internet is still jittery at the moment, but I managed to upload some Separatist models that I know folks wanted. These are in their raw /models folder format, so can be used for people's mods etc but are not assembled for full integration in the game yet. So for now I've just uploaded to Dropbox rather than the Hub:





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