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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. @@Cerez I'm glad you liked it! I don't know if/when Volume Five might come about. I've been toying with the idea of moving to another era for a future series. Before Volume Four I had plans for 'Tales From The New Republic', but scuppered them when we learned that the EU was getting scrapped for the new films. Maybe 'Tales From The Empire' ? Will have to see which story ideas come up.


    @@NumberWan I always enjoy reading your insights on the comic, you always seem to understand the tone of what I'm going for - particularly when it comes to the Republic's "dark side". Sly Moore is a character I have on my To-Do-List of kitbash models, and I imagine she would be fairly easy to create. Maybe she'll make an appearance in a possible future volume - though where would she be without a trusty Mas Amedda model by her side? ;)

    JAWSFreelao and NumberWan like this
  2. This is likely the result of asking so many people to do different pieces of work on the model and then trying to piece it all together at the end - one oversight causes a butterfly effect. Someone probably moved the tags for the hands off-point in Blender, and I wouldn't be surprised if the bone error is due to something being deleted that shouldn't have been.


    The quickest option is probably to rebuild the kitbash from scratch. Shouldn't take long at all, since you know which model parts you want to use and you have all the texture files ready. 


    Download Blender - it's free. Read this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/4905-frankensteining-with-blender/


    It really is so simple to kitbash in Blender these days. I had never used Blender or any modelling software ever before having a go after reading that thread. It will take you an hour to rebuild Kylo Ren, hour and a half tops - and that's including the time it takes you to read @ 's posts in that topic.


    And yes, I know you said you just wanted someone to fix it instead of showing you how. But hey, if a total novice like me can do this, anyone can.

    Cerez, Asgarath83 and Jeff like this
  3. As @@mrwonko said, Modview is the tool you need to view NPCs/animations using Jedi Academy assets. I've been using it myself for several years now to make comics (see my sig) and it's a great tool. If you ever need any help or tips in using it to bring your comic to life feel free to drop me a PM sometime. I'd love to see more people using JKA tools to create machinima.

  4. @@Noodle Yes, the texturing isn't done yet. Because of the way the texture conforms to the mesh, it can be a bit of a struggle to make any modifications to the face (the tattoos above his eyes took forever to get right, as they actually split between two different parts of the texture file). It's being worked on though.


    @@Bek The shoulderpads are just placeholders for now anyway so I wasn't too attentive to their placement. Going to find some alternatives that allow me to add the Imperial insignia to them with a little more ease.


    @@JAWSFreelao No luck trying to put together one of Satine's guards, but I did come up with a new Senate Commando - more screen-accurate than my last effort.






    He's probably fairly close to being released - this and the Shaak Ti model I posted a few pages back. Might give him some face options under the helmet though, and a little bit of texture touching-up.

    Bek and Cerez like this
  5. just add that small metal dome/cap over his hears - you'd literally just have to put a cylinder through his head and texture it

    to cover up his ears with those metal caps seen below



    Aye, that's what I've been toying with so far. Because of the way I've reshaped the skull, however, the ears are a little colossal. I think I'll take it back to scratch and begin reshaping the head again to accommodate this. I foresee a future filled with me agonising over the smallest of nudges and tweaks for this guy...

  6. The OP raises some great questions, and this thread is a really interesting one to follow. Personally I think we will see a surge of players during the Episode 7 launch regardless - but there's no sense catering to the Multiplayer TDM 'COD'-style player with a 12 year old game, since Battlefront will swallow up that playerbase whole. Focusing on the unique aspects that JKA offers and expanding them is best, I suspect - saber combat (still unmatched by any game since, IMO), good SP content and customisation.


    I just wish I had more to contribute, right now our foremost modders are debating how best to reshape the future of the modding community:







    And then there's me sat with my kitbashes:







    therfiles and JAWSFreelao like this
  7. Untitled.png


    The version of the model before all the extra robes were added loaded fine in MP.. so something happened during modification


    Remove all iterations of this model from your JKA directory (including those in .pk3s and extracted to the models folder) then add back only this final draft version. Then see what happens.

  8. Don't forget to make sure your credits are correct. It's not always clear since many of them are heavily retextured, so for convenience here are the modellers whose work I used/retextured in the parts I did:


    DT85 - torso and legs

    Hapslash - cape and boots

    Almighty_gir - arms

    TOR Team - mask

  9. Ok, well i found where might be the problem, there are few parts in the head_0, that are perhaps from Rax's head or from Luke's i am not sure, but when i rename them to end with _0 instead of .001 they automatically rename the same parts below them. So i tried to rename them with 4 like "head_back_4 but after that the message in ModView is the same, with the number 73 now :D


    Yeah, never rename them to something that has the same name - all you've done is probably force a whole bunch of other surfaces that were connected to that first one to rename themselves as a result.


    Always name them something -different-. Now you have to either go through everything and change it all back - or start the frankenstein again from scratch. If you have the file still open you might be able to sort it out with CTRL+Z


    Model has 83 surfaces, but only 90 of them are connected up
    through the heirarchy, the rest will never be recursed into.
    This model needs rebuilding, guys...



    Some of the surfaces in the hierarchy just need cleaning up. Probably named incorrectly in Blender.


    When you have the .glm open in Blender, look in the properties section on the right hand side for each part of the model - specifically the 'Object' and 'Object Data' tabs. For example, selecting the head surface will display "head_0" under the Object tab.


    What you need to do is find any surfaces that have ".001" at the end of them - for example "head_0.001". These occur when you import parts from another model that share the same name as parts of the original model you're editing. In order to have two parts with the same name, Blender automatically adds ".001" to the end of one of them.


    You can fix this by renaming the affected model part to something else. e.g. if you have a "torso_0" mesh and a "torso_0.001" mesh, just rename the latter to "torso2_0". You will need to update the .skin file with any name changes you make.


    Also - make sure you rename the surface in BOTH the Object AND Object Data tabs, or you will still have the same error.


    With 83 surfaces and 90 connected up, it looks like you have 7 of these ".001" surfaces somewhere in your .glm

    JAWSFreelao likes this
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