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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. For Sabine, I'd suggest trying to give her arms a bit more texture, so that the skin tone resembles the face instead of being all one single colour. Other than that, sling a jetpack on her and I think she's ready for a 1.0 release man!


    EDIT: Oh wait, she never uses a jetpack, my bad. Though the option would be nice!

    Jeff likes this
  2. Wow, that's a very kind offer @@Mandalorian , I'm a big fan of your Mandalorian WIPs. Let me familiarise myself with the process of adding customisable characters to the player selection menu first and I may take you up on that, combining our packs into one collaborative effort.


    @@DrXann , I'm happy to hear suggestions for alternatives for the Inquisitor's head!


    Everyone else, I found the spare time to finish off Adi Gallia, and have submitted her for approval. She should be up soon!

    Jeff and Mandalorian like this
  3. That's funny, the coat was giving me the biggest fits. I was using either Jan's googles or from DT's Mara, the helmet I just used the imperial saboteur (with some shaders to disable parts). I wish now I hadn't deleted what I had started.


    Didn't even think to look at Jan for the goggles! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  4. Thanks, yeah the hair is from the JKG assets. I've got a few ideas for Zeb but I'm leaning towards doing a Hando from Clone Wars.


    Hondo would be amazing! I looked into doing him too but couldn't find a suitable model for his helmet and goggles. I don't know if you've already planned which models you'll use but I found the NCR Combat Ranger model from Fallout New Vegas to have the best coat to represent his jacket.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  5. Very nice Jeff. Sabine, Leia and the Gran are my favourites. It's a shame there's not suitable models to skin as Zeb or between us we'd be able to have the whole Rebels main cast! I've got Agent Kallus on my list of models to attempt in the future.


    Shae Viszla has me intrigued - is that hair from the JKG assets?

    Jeff likes this
  6. I actually would need to start a page to show everything. So far I've got a new Gran, Sabine Wren, General Veers, Padme (Clone Wars), Leia (from Splinter of the Mind's Eye), Luke (from Splinter of the Mind's Eye),Juno Eclipse,Rebel Marksman (Female from Battlefront), Obi-Wan (Clone Wars Version and Death Watch), Shae Vizsla, Senate Guard, Grand Moff Tarkin, Satele Shan, Kanan Jarrus, and Hera from Rebels.


    Hot diggity, get that thread up! :D

  7. Oh I see what you aim to do but...

    The parts of original JKA models are extremely ugly

    in comparison with other stuff you used.

    Could you please change he's head at least?


    I'm open to suggestions on an alternative head.



    Padme from Episode III?


    Good shout! Also, loving the new profile picture. Got any more screenies to show off?


    Also folks, I had the last week off work which is why I went a little WIP-crazy. Back tomorrow though, so here's the final batch of concepts for the immediate future. 


    An updated Adi Gallia. Probably will be the next model I release. Just needs a bit of reskinning for the torso (Gallia has a low-cut tunic so I need to skin some...well...skin onto there):





    A customisation pack for female Mandalorians:





    And for some more male Mando's, featuring heads from the KOTOR pack:




  8. JKB was in development for years, same for ROTDS. Both had the same goal, both failed (I was a member of both teams). A project like this doesn't have a fair chance to ever get released if you don't have a big constant working team imo.

    Best possible thing would be trying to continue JKB with a new team tbh

    And I wish someone had the ROTDS files

    I wasn't aware that JKB had officially closed down, shame that. Did the team ever release their WIP files?

  9. I'd disagree actually. JKG had an abundance of all of those pillars but it still collapsed. The main pillar you need for a project of this size is a good team lead. This isn't necessarily the person who's best at a particular modding skill or the original idea man or even the person who thinks he knows the project best. It needs to be someone who can keep everyone focused on a single vision and to make sure everything is heading in the right direction. That's where all JK4 attempts have failed so far and it's a very common problem with large modding projects.

    I'm happy to be proven wrong if the result is a new SP mod to play, but there's not much in the OP that suggests a specific plan or agenda to the project.


    OP, maybe break it down some more. Locations that would need to be mapped, characters to be featured. Give any potential recruits an idea of what this project would demand of them

  10. Yes I've procured a different one. I'm unsure of whether or not it's a port, but hey- beggers can't be choosers! :)

    I don't THINK it's a port, though.

    Could you show it, si vou plais?


    Also does anyone know of any good models that have an evening gown/dress. Could use it for another upcoming model.

  11. It appears to be just the reskinned royal guard helmet. I can change this when I get home, and add a real senate guard helmet.

    It will take some time however, considering that I have to UV map and then re-weigh. 

    But I'm willing to help. :)


    It is indeed a reskinned helmet from the Imperial Guard as ported by Lt Claim. The ridge along the top (and the additional ceremonial crest in the robed version) are added from a WoW model. Have you sourced a different Senate Guard helmet from somewhere?



    How does Desann's head fit in that tiny helmet?


    With great care.



    Oh I wonder what models did you use for the last two characters originally 

    (should be some TOR stuff by Lt.Claim for sure)?

    And shall we expect you to give them out once?-

    In any case, good job man!


    Yes, as said in the post several of the models contain ported material by Claim. When the time comes to release them I'm going to consult with the Hub's staff to see if these models meet the terms and conditions of the website (since they contain ported material, but the ported material is modified and not in its original state so I don't know what the policy is). I don't intend to cause a stir - if the Hub does not wish to host them then I will release them privately instead.

    DarthStiv likes this
  12. Update time! Here are the models I've been working on recently, mostly for my comic series as usual but I've also knocked up a robeless commando version of the Senate Guard as requested:


    Amelia Jendri has received an update to the Neomarz head she had been using before, now using the Gweth head and featuring a skin modified from one used in the RPMod community:





    The Senate Commando, containing ported material from TFU courtesy of Lt Claim:





    Sarella Drayson's Bounty Hunter Disguise, blending elements of Zam Wessell's kit and the Imperial Knight armour:





    Traylis Gregar, a Quarren mercenary who will feature in an upcoming issue of Tales From The Clone Wars:





    Railas Tok (Desann model) kitbashed with a ported SWTOR Mandalorian armour set, and reskinned to a new colour scheme:





    Thoughts and feedback always welcome.

    Bek, Captain Leeroy, Delmi and 9 others like this
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