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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. You need taunt.mp3 for baseJKA, no numeral.
  2. I think DF Mod changed the layout of Talay a little bit, but I definitely recognized the key areas and I didn't find it terribly jarring. God. Now I want to go play Dark Forces...
  3. We'll have to agree to disagree - just out of curiosity, have you actually played the Dark Forces Mod demo? The look of the existing Dark Forces Mod maps is absolutely amazing, and they have enough of the original floor plan that they bring back just as much nostalgia as a slightly spruced up remake.
  4. Assume that any time you see me pop into Jedi Academy on steam it means I'm testing a mod.
  5. Oh, sorry. Usually I try to set myself as offline to spare you all the popup spam.
  6. Just as a heads up, the release will be delayed slightly because during testing we noted that having more than 2 or 3 geth on screen effectively took my framerate from 90fps to 30fps, so we're going to look into definitely adding some LOD's before release. Testing this was very amusing, though.
  7. Well the Avenger's already released and has been for quite some time. Can't remember if I've updated it since I added the new effects (I don't think I have) so maybe that should be my next step.
  8. Little samples of a nice render for the Geth Hunter and Legion.
  9. Uh, they were lower detail because they were made in 1994 - almost 20 years ago. I think the point of remaking them in a current engine is to enhance them.
  10. In case you were curious what legion would look like (not done yet):
  11. Ok, so here's what I expect the final skin list to be (only one of these hasn't been completed yet): Created by me: geth trooper (me3) geth trooper (me1) geth trooper red (kind of like a prime) geth trooper blue geth rockettrooper geth hunter geth trooper (black/red stripes) geth trooper (black/green/green stripes) geth pyro legion (pre-big ass hole) Contributed: one skin by Cloud Senatu one skin by Veilor five skins by Ruxith That's seventeen skins total so far. Think that's enough? Seriously, though, just because there's already a shit ton of skins doesn't mean we can't add more. Feel free to continue contributing submissions or ideas until I release!
  12. Totally thought they were some random stripes and I was gonna have to go kill some geth. Turns out I never realized the infiltrator has a different stripe pattern... *goes to pain some strypes!*
  13. I've already got a few other weapon models in the works. As for player models I'm not sure - they take a LOT of effort and energy, so I'm not going to make any promises. In other news, @@Ruxith - your geth await. Thanks for the PSD's - I fixed up the missing spots with the new textures I finished yesterday. I already realized that we need one of these: So expect another stripe pattern incoming before release. (It'll be a skin only, no mesh alterations.)
  14. Hey, @@Ruxith, do you still have the PSD for the snakeskin and woodland versions? I need to add in some texture fixes. Plus the snakeskin one looks like part of the torso didn't get colored with the rest.
  15. On that note, is there a way to get the jpg url for screenshots from JKHub's files? Cuz like... we can't even post those...
  16. It's back down to around 9mb hehe.
  17. Okay so I can't get color customization to look the way I want, so I'm ragequitting it. Color customization will not be an option in the release.
  18. So I had this fantastic idea that totally didn't work out the way I wanted it to. I was planning to use the head/lower/torso area of the customization screen to set colors for the stripes/secondary/primary colors. Until I realized/remembered that color can't be set independently across those three categories. So the alternative if we want custom colors unfortunately is to settle with just customizing one piece, or doing some fancy shader magic (hopefully, or the PK3 will be HUGE) to offer some other color options. Thoughts? I can also completely drop the idea and go with the skins we have. I'm honestly not sure how much people do (or would) use the customization screen in MP. The PK3 is like... heug btw. Liek xbawks. I can probably optimise a *little*, but w/o the species stuff it's about 9 and a half megs, with the species pieces it was pushing 15.
  19. Welcome to the Hub! Feel free to do all of the above 8)
  20. I'm going to make a full set of both (although the custom ones will be the ones actually in the PK3, because I agree with you Cloud). Any last ideas for skins? I'm going to make a Mass Effect 1 skin version (the white armor with slightly off-white skin).
  21. Also the PSD file has been updated (I finished painting some parts I forgot/missed/chose not to paint until now). If anyone makes another skin please redownload it. Thanks!
  22. I'll make you a matching set of icons Also, team skins:
  23. And I think icons that do have it are totally boring. Maybe I'll make you a set of icons with that background just because I'm trying to convince everyone I'm actually a nice person.
  24. Planning to go with a style like this for the icons. Thoughts? Also, more posts to the thread in the above post plx. Really do need your help on that.
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