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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. That's ok. I don't think we have anything to hide, do we?
  2. Yeah like I said, the communities we each cater to are different but related. Their site is for JK and MotS. We're for JK2 and JK3. In fact having the names being so close can only help us both. I'd honestly have no objection to considering having their site linked in the JKHub network bar if it'll make them feel better about the situation, although I'm not sure what @@Caelum would think about that. I'm sure there are still loads of people who play JK and MotS and realistically if I ever pick them up again, which does happen usually once every year or two, I know I'll be making a visit to them for some downloads. Absolutely no need for either group to be feeling threatened by the other.
  3. Let's make sure @@Caelum sees this when he wakes up from that nap most people refer to as sleep.
  4. That's true, although I'd discourage burning bridges. How long have we been around now, over a year as I recall?
  5. Don't know why they're making a big fuss. The sites aren't even competing. Maybe we should offer to add them to the bar haha. I used to use JKHub.net back in the day when I was playing JK2. Great site - hopefully they'll realize the name is not something to fight over, especially since we service two different (albeit related) communities.
  6. Inyri


    I need my face broken.
  7. I took care of that for you, however in the future to do it there's a box under "File Version" that says tags. Click "add a tag" and you'll get a dropdown. JK2 should exist for every category, however the rest will vary depending on what you upload. When labeling a mod as JK2 select that tag first and click the "use first tag as prefix" checkbox just to the right. Any other tags will simply appear in the file details and won't be used as a prefix (which is good - that would get confusing ). Azatha beat me! I blame polio.
  8. @@minilogoguy18 may or may not be rigging this for me after I finish optimizing the mesh. If he does it'll be awesome. If he doesn't it'll be... maybe passable.
  9. You just reminded me I never posted a new pic of the HUD, lol.
  10. You mean you hope I don't currently have responsibility for any young humans at this time, or you hope I never reproduce?
  11. all the cool kids are doin the bar Er, using the bar. That didn't come out right. Hi Ory'Hara
  12. You, sir, have a cool name. However I feel you should add 'Darth' to it to be more iconic. (Just kidding. Hi!)
  13. Next step for the geth: optimization and rigging. Am I gonna rig him? Not if I can convince someone else to!

  14. Besides I'm a talented mimicker. I'm not good at making my own stuff lol.
  15. Haha that very well may be 8) I'm gonna let the hours below speak for themselves... *whistles innocently*
  16. Oh my god I've been so bad about updated you guys D:
  17. New update. Legs have been and will continue to be a challenge. >.>
  18. I was totally not aware that brinks are sexy.
  19. yay! I started on the hands, but I'm hungry now so I go eat D:
  20. I apparently did not post yesterday's update here. Shame on me. Not as much as I wanted to get done, but it's progress. There won't be any tonight though - I had a social life and now I'm going to bed.
  21. The skins a filter and/or photosourced? You'd definitely get a better look if you hand painted it. The texture pattern looks much too large and pronounced compared to some of the images I've seen and for the rest the pattern doesn't seem to match. Also add opacity to your render for more awesome on the feathered layers 8)
  22. Won't this be fantastic as a JKHub exclusive? 8)
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