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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. I remember some mod being ported from SOF2 but it might be a different one.
  2. I'll be getting more of the skins in-game this weekend. We're getting very close to release, so if you have suggestions or requests now is the time to speak up. Also if you guys could please take a look at this thread and provide any feedback you're able to I'd appreciate it. If I don't get any feedback I'm going to guess, and that could result in missing sounds for some people.
  3. Yeah it's useful for things like HUD's where it's very consistent. Probably impractical on things like player models or weapons.
  4. So you guys undoubtedly play more MP than I do. What I'd like, if you'd be so kind, is to list as many sound files as you know are used in the multiplayer game for your base mod of choice (let me know what mod you're basing your list off of, please). I'm pretty sure different mods use different sounds - as example, doesn't JA+ use more taunts than baseJKA? - so the more you can give me the more sounds I'll add so everybody can hear stuff without having a sound file repeated in 15 places. Thanks in advance!
  5. Haha that's really cool. You should definitely consider an update with an animated shader. That'd be the uber bomb.
  6. If these aren't working you may need alpha channels. When I don't want to deal with alpha channels I just make a PNG with transparency lol. However. insert/file/path/here } { map insert/file/path/here blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } Specific example from the game gfx/hud/hudleft { nopicmip { map gfx/hud/hudleft blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA } } The 'nopicmip' section isn't necessary. Per the shader manual it "causes the texture to ignore user-set values for the r_picmip cvar command. The image will always be high resolution." It might be something you want to leave in there, but if you leave it out no big deal. The in-game example lacks an rgbGen line because the engine will select the default "identity" (usually) if nothing is specified. My template has lightingDiffuse because I pulled it from a model. You can leave that out, or you can change it. It's a big-ass read, but if you're ever interested in what any part of a shader means check the shader manual. I have found if absolutely invaluable over the years in understanding and dissecting shaders. You can usually take a shader you already have, look up each part in the manual (because it has a table of contents and is easy to search) and learn a thing or two to help you in the future. If you need help making an alpha channel let us know and myself or someone else can probably walk you through it.
  7. Just an FYI, on some of the screenshots you'll see that the right-most quarter of the green shields bar is slightly lighter than the rest. That was fixed - I just caught it after I took the screenshots.
  8. Released! Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, ragey flames, etc. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1286-mass-effect-3-hud/
  9. Slightly unrelated... https://jkhub.org/files/file/1286-mass-effect-3-hud/
  10. 585 downloads

    This HUD is designed to mimic the heads up display from the Mass Effect games - particularly Mass Effect 3. Some tweaks had to be made to make it fit Jedi Academy, so it's not 100% perfect. The blue section represents your shields. The red portion represents your health. The purple section represents your "biotics" (your Forcee pool, in other words). While ammunition in ME3 is on the left, I wasn't really able to get the HUD to work with me on that so it's on the right instead, although it uses the same style as it does in ME3. The left, since I didn't have anything good to put there, features an N7 plate which is purely aesthetic. Lastly the saber style indicator is below the force pool and is fairly easy to see. To avoid confusion I kept the same colors Jedi Academy uses now - blue for fast, yellow for medium, and red for strong. Although really, with this HUD why would you be using sabers? Shoot those geth! The geth, by the way, is coming soon. Also. The font in the screenshots? Totally included. I suggest the following additional Mass Effect mods to compliment your new HUD: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1296-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1128-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/95-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/94-%7B%3F%7D/
  11. You need to suggest mappy things to mappy people. Although a little birdie told me there may be a Firebase Giant map in the works.
  12. @@Veilor No offense intended to anyone, but this one might be my favorite so far. Looks like a goddam bumblebee!
  13. It's not likely to, though, and I don't really want this to turn into a "which file format is best" debate. I'll work on getting some of these in-game tonight and tomorrow so you can see what they look like during play.
  14. I should mention that "resistance is futile" is in the sound set.
  15. Would be hard to tell what I did without the quote. Model should be just about done I think.
  16. Well, I didn't give you the glow map. I'll add that for you (it's stupidly simple). What color glow did you have in mind?
  17. Ok this one came out looking really cool
  18. That looks pretty cool. As a note, though (and you may have done it intentionally which is fine) you can turn off one of the stripe layers if you don't want both. Also without shame I ask anybody who's willing to thumb up this screenshot on steam to help advertise not only the model, but also JKHub, since steam released its new game hub feature. I already got the screenie on the main page, but being at the top would be cool. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94089386
  19. I know - I was teasing. Realized I'd forgotten it. I'll be working on some parts of tonight - probably finalizing the soundset, if I can get away with it.
  20. Oh you guys are so demanding! hips,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg torso,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg head,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_arm,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_hand,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_arm,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_hand,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_leg,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_leg,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_tubes_lower,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_tubes_lower,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_tubes_upper,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_tubes_upper,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg tubes_back,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg l_shoulderpad,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg r_shoulderpad,models/players/me3-geth-if/me-geth-if.jpg You can make edits if you use some kind of alternate folder structure (although it'll be easier for me if you don't). Also, name your file something other than me-geth-if -- add your own initials instead of mine or something.
  21. Ok peeps, here's the GLM. Not rigged - sorry. Also so you don't have to go back a page, here's the PSD file. I want to see what you make.
  22. Magic, clearly. I'll rectify that when I get home from work today.
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