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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. Oh cool, I haven't posted an update in a while so this'll make it look like I did something!
  2. Or a pony. Made of diamond. And his name shall be Buttstallion.
  3. Yep, that's why I didn't find it right away. I was looking for something more complicated.
  4. I lied earlier when I said it wasn't something obvious and silly. I just missed it too. In both of those skins files you have the following: torso_collar,models/players/syrena/torso_snow.tga torso_hood,*off torso_hood2, Adding the "*off" to torso_hood2 should solve the problem. It looks like leaving it blank effectively rendered everything below it in the skin file negligible, which is why all those hidden surfaces were displaying with no textures. I was trying to make it more complicated than it was.
  5. I showed those pics to a friend of mine who works for Trion Worlds and his first reaction was "now he totally belongs in a boyband."
  6. Already exists. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jkhub
  7. We're not going to host any mod formally on JKHub that an author didn't get approval for. However if the community wants to help each other access hard-to-find or hard-to-download files I certainly see no harm in that.
  8. At least fix his ears. Whatever those things are on the sides of his head, they're not ears.
  9. Make your model's face look like this. I put them next to each other so you can see how much they don't look similar at all.
  10. http://bit.ly/SkGkm5 Beyond that you haven't really given us enough information, like system specs, operating system, etc.
  11. Thread pruned. Keep it on topic or don't post. Refresh yourself with the rules if you're not sure of what is appropriate and what isn't. Particularly the very first item.
  12. Which specific parts are you talking about? "Some of the grooves" is kind of vague.
  13. That doesn't really look anything like Starkiller either, to be honest.
  14. Added the lights, some more bolts, and the section just under the barrels. Slow but steady...
  15. Fully not self-lit (all the previous ones were):
  16. I was thinking it was awfully small, not big.
  17. This is what the fullsize texmap looks like so far. Yes. I chose to work in 512x512. It's an interesting challenge.
  18. The sad part is just how itty bitty a bit of the texture map this all is. I have a loooot more work to do.
  19. Watched & read tutorials and practiced.
  20. I'm so ADD about projects. Picked this one back up and did a little (very literal) work on the texture.
  21. Didn't finish it, and it wasn't all that good. Probably don't even have it anymore.
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