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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. http://bit.ly/SkGkm5 Beyond that you haven't really given us enough information, like system specs, operating system, etc.
  2. Thread pruned. Keep it on topic or don't post. Refresh yourself with the rules if you're not sure of what is appropriate and what isn't. Particularly the very first item.
  3. Which specific parts are you talking about? "Some of the grooves" is kind of vague.
  4. That doesn't really look anything like Starkiller either, to be honest.
  5. I think you're lying lol.
  6. Added the lights, some more bolts, and the section just under the barrels. Slow but steady...
  7. Fully not self-lit (all the previous ones were):
  8. I was thinking it was awfully small, not big.
  9. This is what the fullsize texmap looks like so far. Yes. I chose to work in 512x512. It's an interesting challenge.
  10. The sad part is just how itty bitty a bit of the texture map this all is. I have a loooot more work to do.
  11. And an ever so slightly updated pic.
  12. Today's progress, so far.
  13. Watched & read tutorials and practiced.
  14. I'm so ADD about projects. Picked this one back up and did a little (very literal) work on the texture.
  15. Didn't finish it, and it wasn't all that good. Probably don't even have it anymore.
  16. I pushed for a more comprehensive tagging system however I believe we were stopped by the limitations of ip.board. The backend is not my thing, though.
  17. Yup, custom resolutions breaks all things. Almost.
  18. lol linken we're not going to ban you for expressing your opinion, don't worry.
  19. Haha me too, don't worry.
  20. Depending on the person, probably not even that much. It's very similar to using a mouse so the learning curve should be pretty low for your average computer user.
  21. These were both drawn with my bamboo.
  22. Ugh, reborn would not work for a nightingale.
  23. Been too busy actually playing ME3... shame on me. D: No plans to drop the project, though. Maybe some more updates this weekend.
  24. I work on a 6x4 with a 1920x1080 monitor. It's really not restrictive at all.
  25. I've been using a bamboo myself for a few years now with no complaints. Most people won't need one with a drawing size more than 6" inches wide by 4" tall, which is pretty standard and usually runs $80-$100.
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