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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. The geth is getting ready to take over the world. Beware.

    1. CaptainChar


      "resistance is Futile"

  2. Any time you see my raptr thing say I've played Jedi Academy you can safely assume I'm testing a mod lol. Also as you can see below I totally forgot the HUD wasn't done. New texture - this one is to match the color scheme I use personally in MP. As promised, I've put together a very simple PSD for anyone to submit skins. There are three components (so far) to each of the skins I'm making: the main texture map, a specular map, and a glow map. So for example to get what I just posted above I created a main texture map that was black with green stripes (stripe style 2), a green specular map, and a green glow map. I'm probably going to be tweaking the glow maps a bit so I'm not including them, but if you have something interesting in mind they're very simple and I can tweak them for you. The way this file work is that the main texture (the white and black I've been showing off through progress updates) is at the very bottom. There are then six adjustment layers above it and each of these adjustment layers corresponds to an adjustable color in Mass Effect 3. Four of the layers are broken into two parts: color and contrast. I did this because when modifying the colors myself sometimes they'd turn out washed out or unrealistic, so sometimes modifying the contrast a little will help make it look better. So what you need to know as follows: Stripe 2: This layer represents the stripe style 2 from ME3. This is where the stripes are kind of... tribal? So to speak. Stripe 1: This layer represents the stripe style 1 from ME3. These are the solid lines. Primary: This is the color adjustment layer for the primary color of the geth. These are the parts that are currently white (the armor plating). Primary Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the primary section of the model. Secondary: This is the color adjustment layer for the secondary color of the geth. These are the parts that have been grey. This does not include the fleshy bits of the model - I've not made those adjustable. Secondary Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the secondary section of the model. For those of you who might not be photoshop savvy let me explain exactly how these work. The contrast layers are a bit more straightforward. When you select them you'll see a tab (for me it's a window right above the layers palette) that has two sliders - one for brightness and one for contrast. Slide them around. If you're like "oh n0ez i broke it!" just set both sliders back to 0 and you're back where you started. No messy numbers of undo's to do! The color (or, to be specific, hue/saturation) adjustment layers work the same way, although there are more sliders. There is a hue slider, a saturation slider, and a lightness slider. As far as I know the lightness on the hue/sat and the brightness on the contrast layers do the same thing, but they stack, so if you want a REALLY bright geth or a REALLY dark one you can set them both really high or low. I have already checked the 'colorize' box which allows color to be added to the layers so no need to worry about that. Other than the stripe layers, each layer is set to a setting that has it basically having no affect. Set it back to these default settings (all zero) to start over. (Psst, double checked and the adjustment layers do not work in gimp. Sorry non-photoshop peeps.) OK CLASS, QUESTIONS!? No? Download away. If nobody makes anything I'll just release a bunch of hideous skins with the package. The download is about 5mb, which is a fraction of what the one I'm using is. 8)
  3. Tell you what, guys. Before I release it I'll post up the glm and a simplified PSD file with just the texture and adjustment layers so that, if you want, you can make some reskins to include with the release. That way you get your favorite color combo in the package AND you get your name in the readme. Also yes, I made the HUD. I could probably just go ahead and release it I suppose. Unless anyone has any last-minute suggestions.
  4. Couple sample skins with a spec shader. Will be working on glow shaders next.
  5. Well, the geth is officially in-game. I should have some more snazzy screenshots for you shortly-ish. Want to work on some shaders and such before showing him off too much.
  6. It already is o.O how messed up do you WANT him?
  7. Pretty sure that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. Could be because you don't get any romanceable female characters until about halfway through... But hey, if you want to be all OMG PENIS MUST EXPRESS MY INSECURITY that's cool. Also if you play a female character that means lots of totally straight romance options. I don't hear you complaining about lesbian romance options either.
  8. Pretty sure it's only a sausagefest if you choose to romance the same sex. Got a confession, eezstreet?
  9. Not playing a fabulous series just out of spite that you didn't get a completely different game you want is just a loss to you. The Mass Effect series is truly amazing. On that note, geth has decided to join the N7 program! (I'm mostly just screwing around with the textures until he's fully rigged.)
  10. Haha it does look like that. I see it! Another less weird shot:
  11. While he works on the rigging I'm going to be prepping for even more skin combinations. The "Stripe 1" pattern is ready to go!
  12. Maybe try and post in such a way that no one needs to moderate you? Just a thought. Honestly if you're violating the rules you have no excuse to complain about being moderated. The ol' "well I haven't read them" excuse hasn't ever flown anywhere. Ain't gonna fly here either. And honestly if you think anyone here is over-moderating you are clearly new to the internet lol.
  13. So after a little time off for Guild Wars 2 I spoke to the wonderful @@minilogoguy18 who agreed to rig the geth for me (since, while I *could* to it myself, it'll look way better cuz he's awesomer than me). Progress - it has been made!
  14. Hey, when you're done with that do an 8T-88 model. I made one years ago but it sucks major amounts of ass haha.
  15. Lots of folks here to help you out so if you get stuck, ask the question. There are very few dumb questions when it comes to modeling.
  16. I know we don't really have rules yet, but 300px tall for a sig? srsly?
  17. Off to ren faire today, then GW2. Yeah, geth's never gonna get done. My bad. (Just kidding... hopefully...?)

  18. I think I also have an account (although I probably haven't logged into it in 5+ years).
  19. Inyri


    Do or do not. There is no temptation.
  20. I approve of this. I would also approve of additional Mass Effect maps. And models. And things.
  21. I agree completely ZeroRaven. Thank you for the very thoughtful and polite response. We would be just as happy to have your community members join us and use our services just as I'm sure your community would be more than happy to have our community members participate there. I know I for one will definitely be making the rounds of you guys and Massassi the next time I install the classics.
  22. When was the last time I released something WITHOUT NPC support? I'm setting up the soundset to match the stormtrooper's. I'm toying with the idea of including a replacement NPC mod to make all the stormtroopers into geth 8)
  23. lol we were inspired by jk3files if anything.
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