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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I've tried using centity renderfx rf_lighting_origin but it changed nothing. I'll try refent. I'm guessing the origin issue is why the misc static & ghoul aren't displaying stencil shadows in certain areas in a map when the player + NPCs do.
  2. I know, I've enabled shadows on misc_model_static. It's just the origin is wrong for some reason for it and misc_model_ghoul.
  3. Does the model fit well on the skeleton? It looks as though it's off in some places.
  4. Where would I fix the position of the shadows? From far left: misc_model_static, misc_model_ghoul, NPC_Jedi. As you can see, the shadows aren't hitting the floor but floating above the entity. Both misc_model_ghoul & static have the same issue.
  5. How did you get such sharp shadows on the pillar image? Also, MD3's can only be so large before they will error if I remember correctly. Trick for really large objects is to make it half the size in your 3d package, then scale it 2x via the entity in radiant.
  6. No worries. Love your works though, keep it up!
  7. That's pretty much what killed off Star Wars: The New Era HL2 Mod. SW: TNE was VERY close to a base release, if you didn't count all the extra crap the project leads kept piling onto the art & programming's workloads. More maps, models & coding kept pushing and pushing the initial release back until people just ran out of steam and left like I did. What happened with SW: TNE is why I'm pacing myself level-by-level with DF2 Mod so I don't go "Oh damn, I have like 20 odd levels to make *freaks myself out". DF2 Mod is a big project, I've already come close to packing it up for good a few times but I keep finding I want to work on it after a while. It helps that I can do just about everything for the mod so it can be a one-man show albeit a slow, one-man show.
  8. @@Oobah Great work. How would you like to join DF2 mod?
  9. How's this look: The right head is the updated one. Objects may be slightly fatter than they appear in-game due to the Ortho view.
  10. Yeah I'm finding it hard to get a really good likeness. Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do.
  11. Tried but it won't work for some reason. Stencil & projected shadows work, but not all the time and not properly. Blob shadows don't work either. Not sure where blob shadows are even done, I can only find the other 2.
  12. If anyone would like to help out in bringing Rend2 to SP, let me know. https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2/tree/Rend2-SP-Full-Port

    1. Tempust85


      It compiles, but crashes before the JKA splash screen :P

  13. Please post them in the 01Nar thread.
  14. Use YouTube for tutorials, I'm still learning stuff from YouTube.
  15. Please let me know of any crits in the Kyle thread.
  16. Update: You can now set the skin file via the misc_model_ghoul entity.
  17. Just make a new r2 NPC file but with the ball droid model + GLA. Animate using bones.
  18. Yeah I'm not sure what's going on. Projection shadows work, but they are offset from the floor unlike on the player model & NPC's so that's not a viable option. I guess I'm just going to have to fake the shadows with a patch and animate the texture for movement.
  19. I had a look and I can't see it. Thing is though, the shadows appear on the model_static's in vjun3 but not on my own custom map.
  20. Only issue now is that it casts no shadow. I've commented out RF_SHADOW_PLANE in tr_ghoul2 & tr_mesh and while it shows stencil shadows on base JKA maps, it won't show any on mine for some reason so I can't even test out misc_model_ghoul shadows. :\
  21. I'm thinking of recompiling the JKA GLA to exclude any known looping animations, do the mass cloth sim on all the remaining animations and process the looping animations one by one. Then, export out the non-looping animations to XSI & the looping animations to their own XSI files and run it through carcass. Should produce more desirable results while cutting the work time down.
  22. I don't particularly want to make another thread about this, so I'm posting a help request here. I'd like to have skin file read support for misc_model_ghoul (currently has to read the internal texture name in the GLM, which carcass doesn't do properly and the texture is white & the noesis route is VERY fiddley), but from what I can tell, there's no support for anything to do with skin files for map entities. How hard would it be exactly to add it, and could someone please point me in the right direction? I've tried putting this in misc_model_ghoul and it does nothing: char skinName[MAX_QPATH]; int skin = gi.RE_RegisterSkin(skinName); gi.G2API_SetSkin(&ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], G_SkinIndex(skinName), skin); I thought I'd try and get it to just load a model_default.skin seeing as every model does/should have one of these. EDIT: Looks like I got it to work by adding this to misc_model_ghoul: char *skinName;//[MAX_QPATH]; int skin = gi.RE_RegisterSkin(skinName); G_SpawnString("skinFile", "models/players/kyle/model_default.skin", &skinName); gi.G2API_SetSkin(&ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], G_SkinIndex(skinName), skin); It shows the skin & allows it to be specified on the misc_model_ghoul entity. Surf off/on work, as do shaders.
  23. I know, I had a look but perhaps the released source code is ever so slightly outdated compared to what's in base JKA.
  24. I'm mapping in single player mode. Like I said, it works fine in JKA base. Seems like Raven added a "2048 or 256" for any spawnflag at the lowest left of the spawnflag choosing area as any entity with a spawnflag in this spot gives the same issue of the spawnflag and thus rendering the entity unavailable in the map. This would explain why it works in JKA base and not in OpenJK, which only uses 2048 in that spawnflag spot.
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