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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Thanks. I spent all night setting it up, but I think I'm getting good results. Decided to separate the cloth into their own simulations. The only major issue will be walk/run/crouch walk cycles and any other animations that loop. They will need manual editing to look proper. Ideally, the best way is to import each animation but that takes ALOT more time.
  2. Well there is a connection to rebels but I just don't think von sydow is kanan.
  3. Their voices are too different. From what I remember, von sydow's voice is along the lines of Christopher lee.
  4. I meant recompiling the JKA anim source to get back the omitted bones and then import that GLA into blender. Also, noesis can import GLA's a lot faster than blender. I'm only interested in your cloth sim settings.
  5. Considering Yoda told him to "pass on what you have learned", that boy had better have or he will be force kicked up the ass by a ghost.
  6. I've fixed misc_model_ghoul to do animation (animated black mesh): It doesn't do skin files however. Say hello to animated map props.
  7. func_breakable's "no_explosion" & trigger_push's "multiple" are 256. The code for both look to say 2048. :\ I've decompiled kor1 and for their no_explosion, it's 2048. Seems as though anything located in the spot of "no_explosion" or "shy" has to be 2048 and not 256 that gtkradiant says.
  8. You'd be better off using a recompiled JKA humanoid GLA that has all 5 fingers and the 2 toes brought back ( JKA anim source just needs a new root.xsi model to compile against) and then import that GLA. I'd be very much interested in checking out your max file. Also, I have ported most of JOs anims to the JKA GLA for jk2hd.
  9. Nice, what settings are you using for the cloth sim? I've been having problems getting decent results.
  10. This isn't working for me in SP: - trigger_push doesn't work with the "multiple" flag applied - NPC_Jedi doesn't spawn even if he's hooked to a trigger_once - func_breakable doesn't work with the "no_explosion" flag applied Can someone please verify these? All of these work fine when running JKA base with my map. I thought it was something I did to DF2 Mod, but I've just tried it with a fresh copy of OpenJK with the same results.
  11. Remember the days....."I'd love to change JKA SP, but they won't give me the source code."

    1. Bek


      Ahh good times...

    2. katanamaru


      That's some nostalgia.

  12. Thanks for the feedback, taking notes.
  13. I've managed to replicate the effect in EFX for saber on/off transitions & saber blade on with no issues.
  14. Any specifics? I've removed the new GLA, until a later date when I'll re-rig every model that is used in DF2 Mod. Shouldn't crash now.
  15. Hmm well I've seen that you can attach effects to weapon tags, would be fun to try and replicate the blade in EFX for sure.
  16. Tempust85

    Saber Blades

    Am I correct in assuming that JKA doesn't use efx for lightsaber blades? If so, why not?
  17. Yeah, JKG had/has a lot of useless junk lol.
  18. This guy has a Darth Revan feel to him now that I look closer.
  19. I'm sure if this saber gets enough support, someone could add a special red blade for it in openjk.
  20. Well, it doesn't look like a traditional saber blade so I'm going to go with it being an ancient sith saber. Btw, here's a refresh of this image: Could be that Pip Anderson?
  21. You need to add a map change entity and run it via a script.
  22. I wonder how far I'll get trying to port Rend2 to SP *prepares to hide from a LOL amount of errors*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ensiform


      Because the MP renderer will not merge into the SP renderer period.

    3. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      What is Rend2?

    4. ensiform
  23. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the lightsaber but maybe it will be ok once we see the whole movie. I'm willing to bet @AhsuraDX will be all over this saber for JKA, he has form for making cool weapons. Just an FYI - I WILL be making the new stormtroopers once we can see full body shots.
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