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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I'm in love with Id Tech 5

    1. Tempust85


      Texture streaming, cloth simulation amongst other things. Check out Wolfensein the new order :)

  2. The design notes is mapping-specific. Here's a transparent + 2 sided shader for a map texture if that is of any help: textures/factory/T2_Wedge_floorgrate { qer_editorimage textures/imperial/floorgrate cull twosided { map textures/imperial/floorgrate alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR } }
  3. On the topic of cinematics. I was talking with Archangel a while ago and we thought of this idea - High def facial rig with the talking animations recorded in 3ds Max against extracted audio from the DF2 videos. This will allow accurate lipsyncing, rather than what we currently have in JKA right now. Not sure when I'll get to doing a test run with this, but it's a very interesting idea that I thought I'd share with you all.
  4. I haven't paid as much close attention to sounds, but I will in the future. Updates: - Added the "DF2 GLA" which has all JK2 bones restored (minus the MC hand bones) & JKA lhang_tag_bone kept, while dumping the JKA tail bones - Added code support for both JK2 & JKA models to be loaded against the "DF2 GLA", and the code has been uploaded Please allow 1 hour for uploading from when this is posted.
  5. Commando's a great movie, just mind the stupid Aussie actor (you'll know when you see & hear him).
  6. afaik, Chalks left but who really knows.
  7. Sure, if archangel & eezstreet ever get around to their "facial mod".
  8. Just replace the model.glm in the JO PK3 with a reskin of haps JKA stormtrooper.
  9. Me too, I'm hanging up mapping for a while after I finish 02nar so I can focus on the rest of the mod.
  10. You'd still need to animate the cape bones though.
  11. Updates: - changed from using "junk" to using "crawler_junk" in 02nar - added 3rd objective to 02nar, where you need to clear the landing zone for the Crow - you now have to kill every single thug (6 total) at the end of 02nar to end the level, rather than making a run for it to the Crow - slowed down the "death" of the skiff in 01nar - reduced Gran Boxer's walk & run speed - added buildings to outside areas in 01nar instead of just darkness - reduced how much light the nar shaddaa sky gives - tweaked some lighting in 01nar - deleted old boss scripts for 01nar - updated the Kyle model with my latest version - replaced the JKA base splash screen Please allow 1 hour for uploading from when this is posted.
  12. I hear Blender is good at this sort of thing, but I know nothing of Blender. I *think* @@Jolly might know? Could be wrong.
  13. Ok this is weird, I thought it was apart of the base JKA assets but looks like it's not. No idea where I got it from but I'll change it to a base asset.
  14. I noticed you don't have "yavin Mus kor sarn fogi cloudy lodziarnia" on their own lines, might make a difference.
  15. Something I've noticed that's different from SP is that you cannot have your assets loose in folders in MP, you need to have them in PK3.
  16. There's a fair few mappers on here, but I've yet to see most of them take up requests whether it's to map a level for DF2 Mod or to fill a request such as this. Quite disappointing indeed. I myself am quite busy with DF2 Mod, and I'm still trying to nail Nar Shaddaa's "feel" while keeping to the design in DF2 game.
  17. I'm glad everyone seems to love my Savage model so much :D

  18. That sword-saber looks absolutely stupid. You would easily cut yourself. Once again, I hope everything that isn't official is just a throwing off tactic by JJ.
  19. He should have textures? I'll investigate.
  20. Great work, intone should be pleased
  21. Toshi is hard to get ahold of, but I've known him for years. Be sure to credit him and I'll take any heat if things go sour.
  22. Updates: - Fixed Gamorrean's attack & stand animations in the code - Fixed Gamorrean's axe to have 0 "fire" delay - Changed Gamorrean's weapon from the blaster rifle to his axe - Fixed issue where you couldn't go to the load game menu when you died Please allow 1 hour from when this is posted for uploading. I've also committed the code updates to GitHub.
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