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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Darn it, why are they insisting on trying to make the ridiculousness that is Force Unleashed cannon so badly?
  2. That was perfectly horrible. Lol. "It can't be worse than the prequels, right?"
  3. Sorry I just read your other post. So you've got all the assets now?
  4. I'll try and get some builds up, but I'm still working out how exactly webhosting the builds and such will work. Unfortunately the install size is bigger than most servers want to give me bandwidth for and I haven't had a lot of time to work out moving things over to dropbox /moddb yet. I'll try and have it up soon though. (Unless one of the other Devs @@eezstreet wants too host something somewhere before I get to it?) I also plan on adding some more documentation/tutorials for building/how to do stuff in the coming months when I get time.
  5. Yeah, I think you have to contact their support for that. They have forums you can probably ask on (but need an account to access).
  6. It is almost like people don't read the article...
  7. Now, I really don't want to sound rude, but so far every time you say something it seems like one of us shortly thereafter corrects you or offers a contradictory opinion, you then change yours. Changing your mind, when new relevant information becomes available is an admirable quality, but maybe you should do some research before you keep spouting on about things that aren't true/relevant/sensible? Just as a tip. Also icon display functionality has very little to do with "OS management", a better example would have been comparing the way windows manages processes compared to the way (a specific branch of) linux does. Also I've never had this problem or heard of it being a persistent problem. Caching icons is a valid solution, so that multiple directories and originating exe/programs don't have to be scanned to display the correct icon and waste time when you could just cache it as far as I'm concerned. I mean how many applications actually change their icons frequently? Besides, all of that stuff really shouldn't be necessary to fix it if the cache gets corrupted, just a restart usually does the trick. Or you could delete the cache'd icons and tell it to refresh the directory. Alternate solutions. Finally, as a software developer please give me windows 8 over xp anyday.
  8. Win 7 and Mac OSX is better for developing stuff, programming, running advanced games, running old classics, and customizing to your liking? Do you have a source for that?
  9. Sometimes antivirus/firewall software gets in the way as well, make sure to disable that on your pc's end (at least when testing locally). So I'm guessing the direct connect command doesn't work? Does it just sit on "Awaiting Connection..."?
  10. Yeah this is the completed animation (unless he does more). Yeah, the intent was to do it 80's anime style.
  11. Glorious 80's anime style animation. If they just redid the music, it would be my favorite thing evah.
  12. Can you just connect directly to the ip with /connect [ip address here]?
  13. "set r_mode -2" <--- Is probably the simplest solution though, since it makes openjk take current desktop resolution.
  14. It may be easier to provide us with a video showing us what's happening @@Wystan...I hate to say it, but the language barrier might be getting in the way.
  15. Not meaning to come off as rude, but the fps on those example videos is very poor quality - which is usually something you want your demo to look good with.
  16. Yeah...did you just take a screenshot with another mod installed or something?
  17. Errr yeah g++, typo on my part. Sometimes linux doesn't always come packaged with the latest version. This might be helpful if you need to install later version. I doubt the 32-bit/64-bit is the problem, 64 bit platforms are generally made backwards compatible. You could always test it by installing some 32-bit application and see if it works. eg: 32bit openjk
  18. Looks like you are missing std::__throw_out-of_range_fmt in the cpp libraries for some reason. You might be trying to compile with an older version, if using gcc make sure you use toolset=gcc-4.9 or later. stringed_ingame.cpp:(.text+0x978): undefined reference to `std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, ...)'
  19. Is this a launcher too, or just an installer?
  20. Seconded. This includes temporary .ini files and directory structures.
  21. Oh right, sorry I should have read more closely.
  22. Regarding the Bastilla ported model @@Xeby, JKHub can't host it because of copyright violations, but if you were to aquire it through uh...other means you may find what you're looking for.
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