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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Curious. I don't know french, but how abominable is it to just type o? I mean generally in a game you don't use proper grammar/spelling and people let laziness slide. I mean if I say h0th people usually get what I'm saying, even though the letter is wrong. (Not trying to make excuses/justify this, just curious how repulsive this is to try a solution like that?)
  2. Ye should edit your post with proper img and spoiler tags so that people don't have to open images up to a separate site and can just view it while browsing. Why? Mappers are lazy and are less likely to help you if they have to do extra work. eg: "[/img]" or "
  3. Development files and wip stuff tends to bloat a development build. eg: All the failed/unfinished models and textures that are not compressed and have several copies with slight differences.
  4. In otherwords, what he wants is it to tell him that his file is pending review instead of making it look like it was rejected?
  5. You should make it plugin to cleverbot.com so it can be snarky.
  6. I think you can still downgrade the steam version, if you just remove the appropriate assets and replace the .exe with 1.02, haven't tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure Steam isn't doing anything fancy to enforce 1.04
  7. Usually they only go crazy if you port stuff. If it is made from scratch they don't usually care. (For examples search the files section on jkhub for "kotor"). JKA is not abandonware, just because its source code was released.
  8. Force Quake Lvl1: Force user pounds the ground and causes an area of effect that does small damage to a 15 meter radius Force Quake Lvl2: Force user pounds the ground and causes an area of effect that does medium damage to a 30 meter radius, anyone within a 60 meter radius also experiences screenshake. Does extra damage to those within a 5 meter radius. This power can be used in the air, if used in the air, the user will drop down immediately (Mario butt smash style) and when they impact the ground the power will activate. Force Quake Lvl3: Force user pounds the ground and causes an area of effect that does medium damage to a 60 meter radius, anyone within a 30 meter range has an extra 10% damage done, and anyone within a 5 meter range receives an extra 45% damage. If used in the air, the damage done will increase depending on how much fall damage the user takes. Anyone within a 80 meter radius experience screenshake and will be knocked to the ground (as if kicked). ^^A power I proposed for JKG
  9. Glad to see someone new mapping some stuff!
  10. I think something like this would look lovely, just needs some different buttons (eg: a check for updates button). What's wrong with it that you don't like? (I'm not so sure about the text in the top left, but everything else looks great). Because it would be/is part of OpenJK and that was your whole argument about consistency. I find it kind of funny because you and I are arguing about this, when we both ended up liking the same 'modernized' design.
  11. JKHub in general tries to stick to the same principle, hence the background. If you'd prefer I could have compared it to this page http://builds.openjk.org or this page https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK In any case, I don't think it'll matter much since it'll very likely be 'skinnable'.
  12. With modern machines you probably won't notice a difference.
  13. You might as well argue that JKHub is too modern looking and should use a jka/jk2 skin instead of this fancy IP.Board stuff. I think people would prefer something modern looking as long as it stays within the 'star wars' style realm. Regardless that's just an art style and has little to do with programming the launcher itself and that can be decided later. Yeah, I haven't kept up with C#'s changes lately, but Xycaleth let me know earlier. Are you suggesting that the launcher recompile the github source every time you get an update? ...I don't think I really like that idea. Especially with what Didz brought up about Github 'releases'.
  14. That's so fugly 90's though, what's wrong with making it more up to date looking?
  15. You should mark the thread as solved.
  16. I haven't been keeping up with C# lately, but if its good for cross compatibility then go for it. So do the GitHub source releases, allow us to host any .exe size we want and not cap our bandwidth? This would be pretty simple to make, just have a basic 'wizard' cfg creating option and then save these files in a profiles directory and create a list of Profile Names that it associates each file with (based on file name) that is populated in the launcher. If users want more 'advanced' options from what the wizard offers, they can just manually open the cfg file and edit it like normal and then save it. Then just have the launcher exec the selected profile when launching the game (they can be put in as args right?)
  17. If you aren't familiar with coding JKA, you probably actually don't want to start out with the tutorial I linked you, its a bit much for a newbie. I'd review this one first: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ and then see if you can do this one: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/183-debugging-like-a-pro-win32/ That should give you a bit of a rudimentary understanding to be able to understand how to add new force powers, once you have that stuff down, then give the one I linked you to a go. The source code is written in a combination of C and C++ (mostly C style stuff though, there's very few actual classes/objects). The source code for SP is included in the openjk source code (I would just use that rather then the raw source code since openjk has a lot of bug fixes and provides you with some nice cmake stuff to set stuff up for you). Note: What you are trying to do does require a bit of work and is a bit like reinventing the wheel since it has already been done before, you may just want to get ahold of those that have done this before, like MB2 and see if they'll just share their content with you/help you make it into a standalone mod - if you're more interested in playing with Force Repulse rather then actually making the mod. If you're interested in making the mod then by all means, do the tutorials and learn more.
  18. I wouldn't mind the launcher being written in something like Python, but if you write it in C# it won't be cross compatible. But Qt kind of makes C++ a lot higher level...plus I already have a lot of source code done for most of this if you want me to share/participate in it. The separate user profiles could simply be used as separate 'mod' profiles even if we find the user profiles aren't all that useful/common. Torrenting isn't something I've ever tried programming before, but it would probably solve the bandwidth issue for mods if I knew how to do it.
  19. Good point about how a month old news article shouldn't be filling up most of the page. I agree especially in regards to the community content should be taking up more space.
  20. I cleaned my post up a bit so its a bit more readable. As long as openjk itself is less than 10mb when it comes to downloads, I think it'll probably be okay (of course if it gets popular we're screwed regardless of what we do without some sort of sponsor to pay for bandwidth).
  21. Give it a few days, or try and implement it yourself: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/134-create-a-new-force-power-mp/
  22. So my question is how are we going to pay for bandwidth for updates via launcher. If JKHub is willing to host the necessary bandwidth that'd be great, but we may use up more than you guys think. OpenJK is about 5-6MB per download - which is probably manageable, but if you add on mods you'd easily be using upwards of 500MB - 4GB per mod depending. Just as a lesson JKGalaxies launcher never really worked out that well because we could max out our bandwidth in just 15 days and then not be able to use it anymore; if JKHUB hosts it via dropbox it might work out though. My suggestions: Use Qt to build cross compatible simple desktop app. Have some fancy graphic artist make the screen and the programmers use some derpy screen until they finish it. Programmers will need to specify size of pixel artwork for launcher so they can easily just replace temp images with permanent one without any hassle. Launcher should upon opening first check for updates to itself (use simple version system hosted on OpenJK website), and then ask user whether they wish to update the launcher. Updates will grab a Inno Setup package of the launcher and run it after downloading it. Inno setup relaunches the updated version of the Launcher. Then you have a couple of buttons on the launcher: Play (After pressing ask users what they want to launch, multiplayer or singleplayer) will then execute appropriate .exe along with path parameters and args (that can be setup in the launcher's options)Options Here the user can: uninstall OpenJK, set arg parameters to launch when running the game (example: r_screen -2, com_MAXfps, sv_fps, r_mode, fs_cdpath, fs_homepath, r_fullscreen, fs_basepath, etc...), option to edit .cfg's, open fs_homepath location (to view screenshots, demo's etc...). This place is basically where all the advanced setup stuff can be done via a gui instead of using a batch script. Might also want to allow a script runner here, so the user can copy and paste old batch scripts into a string field and have it just run that if they still don't want to use a gui to set stuff up. All of this stuff is stored in .ini files. Each .exe arg path options is separated from the others. This way a user can launch a server with all the appropriate parameters and have different parameters setup for when they run a client.Check for Updates (check's for the latest build package from builds.openjk.org and then downloads the zip/tar.gz/dmg appropriate for your OS, it will also select 64/32 bit client depending on your selection when you first install. After grabbing update package, it will unpack and install to the current install location (indicated by .ini file) and overwrite files from old install. Launcher will run all of this in the background, but alter the button to show % of update and the current task being performed as it goes. Play button is disabled while this in progress. You can change whether or not this runs automatically in the options menu.Button that opens up browser to either openjk or jkhubRSS feed or something similar that displays latest openjk news or maybe latest jkhub articleView patch notes button (displays the latest patch notes for openjk), pulls this off of openk.org Additional features that are unnecessary, but might be nice: Create separate profiles for multiple users or even profiles per mod so that user1 can use different args from user2 or so that when you run x mod, it launches with appropriate fs_game path and args from when you want to run y mod. This would all be stored in a list like format so that when you press play it first asks what you want: dedicated server, undedicated server, multiplayer client, or singleplayer it then asks which profile/list of args you want to run and you pick this from a drop down menu. Allow users to also set a default one so that just pressing the big part of the play button (instead of drop down arrow) just runs the default one.Bug reporter that uses crash reports generated from openjk and some fields to send github openjk a bug report (potential for abuse here) Things to consider: Should latest update for openjk be latest build or latest stable build (or give user the option to decide)?Just exactly how many options should there be, jka has always had a lot of options you can set using the console and most if not all can be run as an arg, but we don't want to overwhelm a user with options (even if it is hidden away in an 'advanced' menu somewhere). Sometimes it is just simpler in this case to just allow the user to create an arg screen, so they can be as complex or simple as they want if the gui options aren't enough for themSince the source code will likely have to be opensource, make sure we don't do something stupid to make openjk site vulnerable to ddos/abuseGenerating the rss feed/patch notes/and updates for the launcher/openjk builds should be easy and possibly automatic - let's not involve humans if we have to. Once a code commit is done, have it compiled automatically and a build created and version numbers updated. The only human we want to have to dinker around is: actually updating the source code, and writing the rss feed news and patch notes.
  23. I'd be willing to test it after the 15th of this month.
  24. Or just don't have a player base/are inactive... But welcome!
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