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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Welcome new entity. You may enjoy this:
  2. Well it is by far the most popular platform, which means it is also the most attacked. Either way the biggest issue would be bandwidth/hosting issues most likely, not the actual site.
  3. What exactly makes Hoar different from a regular tusken raider? I'm not seeing many differences...
  4. Imma go bump in the night because I'm too lazy to search for more info somewhere else, but I guess this died and isn't coming back?
  5. Please elaborate about what was wrong with it, you'll at least give people confidence you aren't trolling and have legitimate reasons for believing that. I fully acknowledge it was a flawed film, but it's far from being "very very very very very bad". If you thought it was bad, A New Hope by your standards would be at best a "mediocre, 4/10".
  6. You must not watch many things at the cinema then. Trust me, there are far worse movies out there.
  7. Oh right, I guess you just forgot to include it then? (If you need the asset I've got the file right now).
  8. Kind of like a git repo hiding files in a hidden directory and then swapping them out by checking out to a different branch? Yeah...don't think you could do that without making JKA reload the files - which basically means restarting the game.
  9. You can usually use multiplayer mods in singleplayer if an npc has been created (if not you can probably easily create one based on the model using this tool: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/ ), by using the console cheat playermodel.
  10. Question what happened to the console menu's background? Are you missing an asset?
  11. Although it wasn't everything I wanted, it was still awesome and well worth my time and money.
  12. Also *cough* because it *cough* sucks. I would like to also point out that due to the nature of wanting to aim for a "MMO-like" game, you play as a normal average day citizen of the galaxy and you are what you make yourself to be.
  13. I have the entire old site backed up, but I'm probably too lazy to go reinstall it on a server just to extract some screenshots. Sorry. ModDB has a lot of stuff though, have you checked there for what you're looking for?
  14. Eh? @@NumberWan ah thanks for the clarification.
  15. Yeah I can most likely show up as long as I don't have to work or something when you guys are doing it.
  16. If you change the platform toolset with VS2010 - VS2013 (and maybe VS2015, not sure haven't tried it yet) to include xp mode it should work.
  17. Just off the bat it sounds like it was probably compiled without XP support. eg:
  18. Look at what you've done! Be ashamed ye charlatans.
  19. Oh fabulous eezstreet, I didn't know you were still working on stuff. Actually I'm pretty free for the next two weeks since school is out, want help with anything specifically?
  20. Futuza

    OpenJK Issue

    I think he means can you run OpenJK without JA++ or other mods?
  21. Hello guys. Yes, The Force Awakens brought me out of my deep internet slumber lol. Do not read my post if you haven't seen VII yet. Warning, I'm extremely critical of things I love. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm ranting, but I'm still wildly happy about the movie.
  22. What's the name of the adware you have? Usually they redirect you to a search engine of some sort, what's the name of it? Most of the common ones use a couple of tactics: -Place an exe program to monitor changes to the registry and prevent you from changing search engines, default browser settings, add ons etc... -Modify some registry data in order to make uninstalling the program and task killing it difficult (makes it always startup / spawns new processes if an active one is terminated etc) -Actual changes to browsers (eg: add ons, default search engine changes), this can usually be fixed in firefox by opening about:config and searching for all strings with the name of the adware and reverting whatever it changed to default. Usually fixing them requires doing it in the order I've listed above. Possibly you have some really bad malware that Didz mentioned, which usually resides as a rootkit and will probably be easiest to remove by backing up files and wiping hard drive. Usually adware is not malicious so most antivirus/malware programs won't detect it/consider it a problem, at most they'll find the exe and list it as a PUP (potentially unwanted program), but change nothing else.
  23. Aside from that, even if you were thinking of the mod, it is still completely playable (though broken in many ways as far as balance and some bugs go) and we're not pulling the plug completely, just formally announcing we're no longer actively developing it.
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