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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. I think as long as the options have a description (like if you hover over it with mouse or highlight it) that explain what it includes, people won't be too mad if they install only dlls or something.
  2. ...where are you even trying to go with that? Aside from that, this thread is a terrible place to have a philosophical discussion about copyright. Make a new thread in the appropriate place if that's what you want to talk about.
  3. Especially given the fact it is less than 7MBs.
  4. What are the core files being installed?
  5. Of course it is an honor system, it wouldn't work any other way. Youtube is an honor system (sort of, it has a bit of technological micromanaging police force built in), they can't have a staff member check every single video that gets uploaded for copyright validity. Of course people should be honest. That's all fine and dandy to preach philosophy about how everyone should be honest (and they should!), but in a practical world you have to admit that everyone is not always honest. There are dishonest people. And as such the need for copyright laws. The problem with copyright laws? They're out of date, they take too long to adapt and change to new emerging technology and ideas. They're too complicated. They don't cover what's right or wrong and are often written at the diction of large powerful media corporations who care more about making money then appropriating credit to original artists/credits. From a practicality point of view no one cares if you port models, sounds, maps, etc.. for your own personal use. If no one else see's it, no one knows it happens and no one makes a fuss. If you start publishing it though and trying to distribute it to others you'll find yourself in the realm of the criminal. People will put up entire movies on youtube and then put up a brief description that says something like, "THIS IS NOT MINE. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL CREATORS." And then cite the fair use clause or something like that as if that were sufficient to excuse themselves from breaking copyright laws/stealing ad revenue off of someone else's work. Additionally look at it from the perspective of the creator in varying situations: 1) They see that you made some fan art of your book, they are happy. 2) They see that you copied your book and are selling pdf's for $5 on the web. They are sad and are losing money from lost potential revenue. 3) They see that you are claiming they painted your oil artwork and pretending they are the originator. They are furious. 4) They claim to be associated with your company and are pretending to be an official retailer/representative of your company and are selling cheap knock off productss that make your entire company look bad and tarnish your good name. As far as I'm concerned, if you are doing anything other then some variation of 1, you are doing it wrong and should feel sorry. Anyway there's my opinion on it.
  6. Its almost like they were parodying typical starwars lines. "I sense a disturbance in the Force" <--- Kyle makes fun of it because of how often and cliche'd it is used. The line about kids is probably just Kyle being snarky and slightly abrasive at the fact that Luke is acting like his wife. Luke is just an overly concerned mother for his Jedi kids. But yes indeed, what in the world were they thinking.
  7. And here I thought ESL was referring to English As a Second Language... :/
  8. @@Oobah I think you missed the part where I said it was legally gray. Just as you've mentioned the logical differences and ways that modern copyright laws work is very non-clear cut. Regardless of whether or not something should be allowed, most people (and JKHUB) takes the stance that if there's a possibility of getting sued or breaking the law we should draw the line before that possibility can occur. JKHUB does not have the funds to afford millions of dollars of legal fees to fight EA/Bioware/etc's lawyers - so they play on the safe side by saying no to ported material. JKHub would not survive a court battle because they decided to host illegal content. If you want a site that disregards copyright law and embraces freedom from copyright law, then go hop on a proxy and go wander around the darknet - there are plenty of sites out there. If you want it to be legal then start bribing your congressmen/legal representatives and vote for statesmen who support such views.
  9. Lol that's what that Oobah was on about.

  10. That's an odd way of saying, people don't usually want to work on porting models because of the legal gray areas associated with them. There's a stigma because people don't want to get in trouble/break the law. Simple as that. Additionally making a new model from scratch is generally more appreciated because it requires a little bit more creativity, still requires weighing the model, usually ends up with cleaner results, and offer more more control over the development of the life cycle of the model. I don't really think very many people are going, "porting a model iz such noobish and u have nien skillz 2cheap4me". It certainly does require skills, but that's not usually the reason there's a "stigma" around porting models. It's because of the legal issues around doing it and the fact that such models tend to have lower quality results compared to original works.
  11. I'm confused...what is this ported models you wanted to show off or...?
  12. Dang it. Oh well I knew this day would come.
  13. Did you upgrade your graphics drivers after the wipe?
  14. Can you use an alternate monitor? Or force the monitor to stay on when there's no input (usually just pushing menu buttons will do this).
  15. He needs to stop telling me what to do, especially when it comes to suggesting I make him a bridge. There's a reason I left you up there punk.
  16. Good luck, glad to hear about the opportunity eez and I hope it works out in your favor. Always great to hear about modder success in the real world, especially people I know. Be sure to visit us once in a while though.
  17. Didn't @@eezstreet do something with xbox controllers at one point?
  18. The trouble with bot networks is sometimes the machines being used to do it are not doing so willingly or knowingly and/or located in jurisdictions outside of the USA and are thus basically untouchable unless there's some kind of serious crime the FBI or similar organization would actually be interested in. Plus some of these 'innocent' bots being used could be held responsible, but not actually have anything to do with it. Unless the scrip kiddy is making some serious mistakes with covering his trail, I doubt he'll ever really be caught, at least in connection to his JKA exploits. For something like this, it isn't likely we'll actually see anyone being caught or brought down, still maybe he'll make a mistake and get convicted/caught.
  19. I sent you a PM, hope it helps (I prefer not to post it in public since it takes advantages of some windows security setting problems).
  20. To be fair, a determined DDOS will shut down any server, so even with protection like this it'd still go down.
  21. Futuza

    Kill me pls

    No other mods installed? What is the melee mod you are installing (I can download it and then try and test it on openjk if you want)?
  22. I don't think it warrants being created if you're going to charge money for it. Sorry.
  23. Well I guess I can just blame Syko's failing eyesight then.
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