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Everything posted by mjt

  1. Absolutely beautiful! I was hoping to find some cloudsprites looking similar to what you have in your skybox and set them up in a skyportal either as .efx or sprites with deformVertex cyclic movement plus blending. Do you intend to setup cloudshadows on the sea and island as well? It looks stunning! This also looks like a good testcase for an NPC based sun lensflare using ICARUS to set it to face the player in SP with the headbone. Could use some nice deformVertexes autosprite lensflares on a straight viewaxis of that NPC. Pretty sure you maxed out what's posible in Radiant / q3map2 otherwise. It looks just very well balanced! If you tell me the water level in worldunits, I'll drop you an .eal eagle mesh for EAX soundmuffling below water.
  2. If you're still new to mapping - imho you'd be better off learning to deal with NetRadiant Custom - the shortcuts might be different for some of the actions but it is vastly more powerful and performs better with a more up to date version of the map compiler q3map2 If you want to take a look at a few things: https://garux.github.io/NRC/ Once you get accustomed to GTK shortcuts instead of NRC you could still switch over and reconfigure the shortcuts to match up for where it's possible - if you prefer the workflow from GTK Radiant.
  3. The models normals have been destroyed either on import or export. What tools did you use for the entire process?
  4. I see it lacking in the help documentation in NetRadiant Custom - I just tried it and it didn't work
  5. For foliage you can use q3map_lightimage with surfaceparm lightfilter instead of surfaceparm alphashadow - it will filter light through the rgb part of the specified q3map_lightimage .tga / .jpg / .png Generally speaking I also try to avoid ambient - instead going for more bounces or the floodlight option, carefully tweaked of course. For shader lights there is also the q3map_lightmapFilterRadius option to be specified on the light emitting shader itself - to give you a little more direct control about blurring / filtering the result. @NAB622 do func_groups respect _minlight input separately from worldspawn? As in can I use it on any func_ entity like func_doors as well even if global ambient is at 0?
  6. I suggest you try entity modding with NetRadiant Custom - You'll have to add a custom compile command in the build menu options of Radiant to add the ability to entitymod from that menu. It seems your setup is calling q3map2 with too little information - usually GTK Radiant and NetRadiant Custom have the full paths to the games and q3map2 to call compiling / decompiling. It also supplies the q3map2 command line with some additional information, such as the gameprofile to use. I suspect you don't tell it which profile to use and thus it assumes you're trying to compile / entitymod for the default Quake 3 format which is IBSP. While I see some of that in the scripts posted in the tutorials you linked, maybe that's a start to verify you're doing everything correctly.
  7. Yes you're correct. I had used the func_static because current q3map2 in NRC didn't respect these keys on func_group but for other func_ entities it works fine for regular BSP usage. Since I used q3map2 to convert .bsp to .ase or .obj I thought it would be there too. Seems that I used to set those on the worldspawn and not func group anything. It's just a pity since it would be nice to use multiple sets of func_groups with different values for subdivision or patchmeta. I had a fix on a custom q3map2 but never ported this stuff back to main. Maybe those keys work in GTK as well but I thought they were q3map2 specific from NetRadiant Custom.
  8. mjt

    DEvaheb 2.0

    Thank's a lot for this update! I've gotten it to work now - was still missing the .net 6 runtime on my machine. If anyone else has the same issue: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.6-windows-x64-installer
  9. You can also func_static your patchmesh geometry and set _patchMeta 1 as key / value pair on the entity instead of forcing it in the compile options - _patchSubdivide / _patchQuality are further options to check out if you're using NetRadiant Custom instead of GTK Radiant
  10. You can exploit the SET_VIDEO_PLAY here to make the player equip the weapon - then check if that succeeded: //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", ";weapon 10" ); affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { if ( $get( STRING, "SET_WEAPON")$, $=$, "WP_THERMAL" ) { print ( "!WP_THERMAL is equipped and thus still in inventory" ); } if ( $get( STRING, "SET_WEAPON")$, $!$, "WP_THERMAL" ) { print ( "!WP_THERMAL is NOT equipped because you are out of ammo" ); } } If you are using OpenJK, which can query and set cvars - there is a way to hide the .roq not found message temporarily, if you're interested... If you want to overengineer this, you can even revert to the previously selected weapon - depending on whether this happens when the player still is in control or not.
  11. ffmpeg can convert into .roq format much easier: with audio: ffmpeg -i inputfilename.containerextension -ab 256k -ar 22050 -r 30 -s 512x512 outputfilename.roq without audio: ffmpeg -i inputfilename.containerextension -r 30 -s 512x512 outputfilename.roq The reverse should work just as fine but might need some different parameters.
  12. There are a few things to take into account to make for decent water reflections - first you would want to use a bit lower q3map_tessSize For example 128 or 256 That aside - I take it you're trying to achieve this for SinglePlayer in which case you're lucky - since SP projects the tcGen environment shader stage for horizontal surfaces while in MP it get's projected onto one of the main vertical axis. I'll look up the exact steps I used to replicate this - here you can see roughly how the halfsphere mirrored on the surface you want to have this effect is projected onto the texture used in the tcGen environment shader stage: SP: MP - although tbh I should have made the horizon show up horizontally on this texture too: You can use photoshop with the flexify plugin or bake things out in blender - baking out a halfsphere from the view the reflecting surface has into the world. For SP you'd have to cut it up into 4 sections and shift / rotate / mirror accordingly to get the proper result: tcGen environment SP projection (links to youtube)
  13. q3map2 that NetRadiant brings a long as been improved quite substantially by its maintainer Garux - it's got a lot of quality of life improvements and better ressource management. The editor has a lot of added features - takes a while to get to know them all. You have probably seen this but just in case: https://garux.github.io/NRC/ The CSG tools have been improved over GTK Radiant a lot! Texture allignment is improved and you have UV lock button to retain them properly on rotate / move brushes - especially if you switch map type to V220 in preferences / brush
  14. The deform vertexes normals acts really fancy on moving meshes - I like to see it reused here! Would you mind also releasing the PBR ressources so we can have this model rend2 feature compatible? Love it!
  15. Damn those look good! What workflow did you chose with regards to going from PBR to JKA shaders? Love to see the cape vertex deforms again - I immediately noticed it on the preview animation
  16. Do you intend to bring this one in at the current polycount?
  17. Good catch on the lightgrid data being intended to be used. I think this feature could actually still be imlemented without too high a cost... It doesn't really need lightmap data, just the lightgrid, and also no light entities. That'd be overkill to calculate from - and also the lightgrid can include indirect light, bounced around. It'd make more sense to use that for visibility checks.
  18. If you were to lightmap your map in blender instead of q3map2 - using _keeplights 1 still spares you an extra import of a file with just the lights compiled into it. The keeplights stuff doesn't affect ingame entity count as far as I'm concerned and thus the few KB extra per .bsp really are worth the effort - especially if sourcefiles and compiled files magically get separated by whatever circumstances.
  19. The lights included in the .bsp are decompiled too - if the mapper compiled with _keeplights 1 - if not, like most ravens JKA maps, you don't get the lights back
  20. Texture allignment is much less of an issue when decompiling with current q3map2 from NetRadiant Custom - misc_models are not lost, the point entity will be where it should be - it's just when the mappers didn't include the md3's you'd have to extract those in another manner - such as the blender bsp importer route and make .md3s out of them again.
  21. First of all, it must be made sure that the material names on the .md3 model actually reference either a file that exists in that path, or a shader that you write for it. Set qer_editorimage in your respective shader properly, and you'll see textures on your exported md3 models in Radiant - btw... which Radiant are you using rn?
  22. mjt

    SC Island

    Interesting concept of using 2d Sprites for LODs of the trees - on modern hardware, the pop-in and -out of these seems to cause more FPS drops than straight away rendering all trees at highest LOD using: r_lodscale 20 r_lodbias 0 or -2 It gives a nice jungle impression. If you could update this map with a bit higher resolution terrain (using .map exporter from blender instead of .md3 with autoclipping) you can give this island a nice few animal / vehicle NPCs maybe? Hope you can fix up some clip brushes for the trees eventually Map got some crazy vibes due to the skyshader and water.
  23. Take a look at that Sweet references!
  24. One question wrt Razor Crest - did you use _patchMeta on the curved surfaces of the engines or do they generate LOD dynamically as non static patch meshes still? The image has a hint Mitre *can* help to prevent lightleakage...
  25. r_lodScale from 0 to 20 affects LOD of GLM Models and I don't think misc_model_static or model2 key loaded md3s that have Lodmodels are affected r_subdivision affects patchcurve detail r_lodCurveError affects when the LOD from Patches starts to affect them - doesn't affect models or players If you want you can force patchMeta either by shader, or by entity key or globally during compilation. If you're making an SP map there is also a way to force the above cvars on a client to change abusing icarus and making potato players have to look at gorgeously high detail curves - so what's your flavor?
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