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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. I remember how amazed I was by the graphics of this game. Haha
  2. Wow so beautiful Good to see you're still active here Szico VII
  3. You could try this also https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming
  4. https://github.com/kneirinck/OpenSoF2MP
  5. Finally finished my exams, now to play the waiting game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. afi


      Maybe it was just a semi-boss

    3. Smoo


      lol nice

    4. Numfast


      The waiting game is almost finished. Actually, you can say that it is already finished, becaues all marks for my document are unraveled. I'm waiting for English results, which don't have influence on document.

  6. I've been using this: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Celebrities/121827/ closes i can find to the mod lol
  7. I was hyped for this, would like to have the models etc that they did finished. I'd probably try work on it myself if i had the source. @eezestreet, lol my plan for long time is to make a samurai / ninja game based on Soul of the Samurai (ps1 game) and JK2/3 once I have more experience with programming and have a team of game designers to help.
  8. Smoo

    DoA Flight Arena

    This sure gives back memories
  9. studying for my programming exam

  10. Tried to compile just the severside on linux today and got this error: "codemp/game/CMakeFiles/gamex86_64.dir/build.make:974: recipe for target 'codemp/game/CMakeFiles/gamex86_64.dir/g_session.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [codemp/game/CMakeFiles/gamex86_64.dir/g_session.cpp.o] Error 1CMakeFiles/Makefile2:167: recipe for target 'codemp/game/CMakeFiles/gamex86_64.dir/all' failedmake[1]: *** [codemp/game/CMakeFiles/gamex86_64.dir/all] Error 2Makefile:136: recipe for target 'all' failedmake: *** [all] Error 2" The jkgalaxiesded.x86_64 file worked but the I guess the rest of the code didn't. Lol
  11. Programming exam on monday!

    1. Merek


      I'm sure you'll do fine.

    2. Cerez


      Time to hack and dazzle! B)

    3. Smoo


      thanks for the support

  12. also i may have put server down but will put it back up after my exams
  13. that map on Soldier of Fortune II is so fun
  14. It is pretty much made the same way, here is an example: {name "bender"funname "{^1N^7ub}bender^1!"model bendercolor1 0color2 0saber1 "single_1"saber2 "none"personality /botfiles/bender.jkb}
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