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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. I'm allowed to criticize things. There's nothing wrong with criticizing something when it's not done well, no offence. Everyone is just like "well you should just be happy it exists at all", thats not how it works, what might be okay for one person might not look the best to another person, I've never once gone out of my way to be rude to you, or to Jeff, but I have an opinion and I am going to share it, if I feel like a port wasn't done as well as it could have been, I'm going to say so, and there's nothing wrong with that, and if you people have a problem with criticism then in all honesty, you shouldn't be on the internet. You also don't have to port models yourself, but all I'm saying is, if you're gonna port something, at least port it with effort put into it, because then later on, you have people like me, AshuraDX, and others criticizing models, so it's better to do it right the first time, not that it's done wrong, it's just not done as well as it could be, and the reason why is because I know Jeff can do much better. I am not an ungrateful prick, this website can't handle criticism, I'm going to criticize others work, and just because I don't know how to port or just because I don't know how to do it myself, doesn't give me any less right to criticize then any of you have the right to. I have been attacked over and over again and people think I'm an asshole when all I ask is for a bit of an effort. "Well just do it yourself." Yeah, okay, true, I could do that. But why not just do it well enough so people don't have to worry about "doing it themselves". Why not do what everyone would like to do, as opposed to just focusing on whatever you're cool with. I promise you, if I was an experienced modeler, I would take requests from randoms every day doing whatever model they wanted whenever they wanted. I know not everyone is like that, and I'm not asking them to be, but for attacking someone for having an opinion on a model is just stupid. Sure it'd take a long time but knowing that I was pleasing everyone and giving people what they wanted would just keep giving me motivation to continue doing them. I was actually extremely surprised that almost no one does modeling requests, hell, people barely do port requests. We want to grow this community and make it as big and as large as it can possibly ever be, why are we settling for "ok"? We could have far superior models then what we already do if people pushed themselves. I'm not saying it's not difficult as is, I'm sure it's very difficult and taxing, BUT, when it's finally done and when you've put all that effort into it, you've really shown what you can do, and show that you're really putting effort into all your models, and its going to pay off. Sure there will be criticisms, but thats NORMAL, there'll always be criticisms, but there will be a lot less to complain about when there... well, isn't much to complain about. But we encourage too much... well, encouragement, when, if we don't like something, we should be allowed to say "needs work" and then telling why it needs work, and for people like me, thats saying "well you should work on the hands a bit, could be better", and that does NOT make me an asshole. People like me being people who don't understand blender or 3ds Max, or XSI. In my humble opinion, yes, when something isn't weighted correctly, it wasn't done right, thats my opinion and people can't stop me from feeling that way, there's no right or wrong in that, and to say someone is wrong for thinking that the model isn't presentable enough because of weighting issues, is, well, wrong. You shouldn't put someone down for constructive criticism. But at the same time when you ask people to get into modelling and porting, you ask them to take hours and hours out of their day everyday to do this, when they're just starting out, some people don't have the time to EVER learn how to do these things, and some people, even with tutorials, can't figure them out. Looked over every tutorial on this website and others, and not once have I even begun to figure out how to do any of it, not even the tiniest bit of it. Hell I have trouble even OPENING UP a model in blender, and this is after studying multiple tutorials over and over and over, I have no idea how to do it, and I doubt I'll ever figure it out, whether in 10 years or 20 years, I still am adamant I'll have absolutely no idea how to use blender to even PORT let-alone model. You guys think I haven't tried? Haven't tried as HARD as I could to figure out these programs? I just can't... I have tried and tried and tried, I've looked up video tutorials and all the tutorials on here and I just can-not figure it out. You people need to start taking criticism, and stop taking it to heart when someone criticizes your work. For now on, I am not going to hold back, if I think something isn't done correctly, I am going to speak up about it, and if you don't agree with that, thats on you, you can call me an ungrateful prick or an asshole all you want, its not going to change me or my opinion.
  2. How it looks. Fingers should wrap around the saber, always, if they don't then the model just isn't presentable enough to be used, imo. I feel a model shouldn't have weighting issues personally before its released to the public.
  3. Forgot about this, does that mean you're going to end up fixing up the Scourge model yourself? Jeff mostly makes these for stuff he feels like playing with in multiplayer and it kinda sucks for us SP players who just feel like acting out battles by themselves.
  4. Well, if Desolous is ported, not much effort is going to be put into him. Ports are generally frowned upon and you're lucky if a character has his hands weighted correctly, meaning his hands will sit there, not even clutching his lightsaber. The Wii model has 20k verts, it needs 10k or less to work correctly. Jeff tried working on the Wii model and it was starting to get visible holes due to the amount he had to work down the model.
  5. Sorry for posting so much, but here's something for a soundpack as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjh5MDHWGNc
  6. What I'm hoping for the shield is that it's not ported as part of the model, but as it's own weapon, same with the saber. I know how to configure it so it'd work as it's own individual weapon, so all I need ported is the model. woooooo.
  7. We have the PSP Model, which hopefully should be alright enough to port. http://www.mediafire.com/file/a0dc2qreqd3j3mi/Darth+Desolous+TFU+PSP+Model+Rip.zip AND, here is the Wii model, which includes his shield, though Jeff explained to me that it's almost impossible to port: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uo7yri6wgewm57w/Darth+Desolous+TFU+Wii+Model+Rip.zip As far as I know, the saber is included, as seen in both pictures, so that shouldn't be hard to port, though maybe someone would be willing to port the shield from his Wii model as well? May look out of place but it's the best bet we have of getting the shield.
  8. We now have Desolous... except he unfortunately isn't ported yet, one day though, hopefully.
  9. This is fantastic and I have no idea why no one's said anything about it, great, wonderful model, man.
  10. Is it okay if I submit it then? Then maybe it can be put under your name.
  11. Jack is easy to do, but Darkness requires a bit more, so here's a bit more of him: This part is just an awesome scene and shows that even something that threatens the universe pales in comparison to his own power:
  12. Darkness has an alternate version, but with different skin color and green eyes:
  13. Mainly Jack & Darkness: Jack: Darkness: Jack's Sword: Darkness' sword: I would love if this was brought to JKA, these are awesome characters!
  14. Maybe you'll be interested in some of that other old stuff and decide to release that too? Would be awesome if you did but from the way you said it, it sounds like a lot of it was just unfinished and would take more work then it's worth.
  15. I don't recall @@AshuraDX ever releasing them though
  16. Did you ever release them? You sounded like you were going to after you said that.
  17. Cape is needed for sure, it looks stupid without the cape.
  18. Funny, I liked it purely because it's medieval looking, imo, what can personify a bad-ass sith is his character and his attire, both of which Darth Krayt rocks proudly. Plus his unarmored self is... kinda lame, imo.
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