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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. Abeloth is not space-cthulu, shes just one of The Ones, who are able to create life and use the force but... not much else. Bedlam Spirits are still above her in the food chain. Shes also not even the most powerful force user, that goes to The Father, or Full-Potential Anakin Skywalker (as stated by George Lucas).
  2. Does anyone has the Marvel models, wolverine, thor, etc?
  3. Aside from the fact that the force can only really affect characters sort of bounded in reality. Cthulu is a being above reality and matter, he has the power to make cows pee gold and other such things, something like the force would not even phase him, in fact, I'd doubt he'd even notice if someone as powerful as the emperor tried to use force lightning on him. We've seen what happens when force users encounter reality-warping beings like the Bedlam Spirits, they get toyed with as if they were any other person, it just doesn't affect them in any capacity. https://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bedlam_Spirits Cthulu is above such things as creating planets and stuff from thin air. Dude could just make a lightsaber the size of 3 planets and use that lightsaber to cut down whatever planet they're on.
  4. Cthulu is above the force and operates on a level above it. Unless you think the force is the most powerful thing in fiction, in which case... JESUS.
  5. Why was Corran Horn never featured in the game, as well?
  6. Well, I mean, it's Luke. Everyone wants to play as the bad-ass Jedi Master.
  7. Yeah, it's in Riptide, apparently.
  8. Xioth

    TFU Stormie

    Still think best version's are for the PSP and Wii, definitely have the most content.
  9. No they wouldn't, the Jedi can barely hold off their own cosmic beings who aren't really all that powerful in the grand scheme of things. Most powerful beings in SW are the Bedlam Spirits, and not, in fact, the ones. Bedlam spirits can manipulate time, space, and reality, and Cthulu would eat them for breakfast.
  10. Did you know Jaden Korr is 14 in Jedi Academy?
  11. I know there's an open-world JKA mod, but an MMO? Nah, I don't think it can happen. Game can't handle something like that.
  12. RIP Shadow Order.

    1. the_raven


      What happened?

    2. Xioth


      Shadow Order has been effectively disbanded by Circa as of July 8th, 2018.

    3. Smoo
  13. Thats fine, take as much time as you want, it'll make it that much sweeter when it's finally completed.
  14. Yeah same here dude, no hard feelings.
  15. Those all look gorgeous. Fantastic work.
  16. It looks pretty good, mate. Will try it out in-game to see if it fights okay though, either way you tried your best.
  17. Yes, but you don't have the right to insult me and barrage me with tons of messages saying that I'm a shithead for criticizing someone's work. Just because you think it's okay doesn't mean everyone else will, and you shouldn't make them feel like shit for doing so. It's over and done with now, last message was sent hours ago, drop it.
  18. Because you guys started with me, I did nothing wrong and all of a sudden I wake up and am barraged by comments. Stop it.
  19. I am grateful that we do, but I'm not gonna praise everything I see. If ya'll are gonna keep it up, so am I. I'm going to be adamant in my opinion, I am not wrong, and I wasn't wrong in anything I said earlier. I'm gonna give criticism on things, as I should, as YOU or anyone should. You are acting like babies, god forbid, I said the hands weren't weighted well, sacrilege. THE HANDS AREN'T WEIGHTED WELL! They just aren't, I'm not gonna say it's a perfect model when it isn't. This website needs a reality check. The sad part is, Jeff wasn't even that upset, notice how he and I were having a civil conversation instead of getting angry and insulting one another. I respect Jeff and the work he does, I just wish he (and pretty much everyone else), strived their absolute hardest to do their best work on everything, big or small, so then we wouldn't have to "bitch", in the first place. If you try your best and work the hardest on models instead of just doing what you're happy with, then you're making people happy while making yourself better, with every little thing you do, you're slowly improving yourself over time, and thats worthy of praise. Not just anyone can port, it's a hard feat for sure, but the reason why I got so bent out of shape is because people are just happy leaving it all messed up weight-wise and whatnot. People are just like "It functions, deal with it", er... no? Thats just stupid and is holding us ALL back, its the mindset that everyone should praise everything thats holding us back. I saw no one talking to Ashura even when everyone else was praising it, they were honest about it, thing is, they were pointing out even tinier details then I was, ones that were barely visible and didn't stick out, and yet when I point out a clearly visible flaw in the model, everyone jumps on me like I'm a douche for pointing it out? No. I criticized the model, get over it, the hands are messed up, its noticeable, it sticks out, thats all I said, and all I'm saying.
  20. This is getting really out of hand. Let's just all agree to disagree, you guys think it's nitpicking, I think it's constructive criticism, no more arguing because it's just turning into a "who's right, who's wrong" thing, I was just trying to make a point. But of course I am gonna stick up for myself when called an "ungrateful prick".
  21. No, I responded to something Ashura said, because it seemed like he wanted to do work on it. (At the time, though our convo did prompt me to ask him, which again, shouldn't be a problem that I simply asked a question.) Then Punisher said about how the model works in SP, and I was saying there was nothing wrong with the model functionally, but that the hands weren't weighted correctly, and that its kinda hard to overlook something like that when it's pretty obvious and would stick out, to me anyway.
  22. How much time that was put into something does not make it immune to criticism, if there is something wrong, I have a right to comment on it, no matter how small it is, it's not nitpicking, it IS constructive criticism. When the hands don't wrap around the saber it's going to stick out like a sore thumb, and I can't honestly see how someone can see it and be like "Oh yeah, but he did his best", because I find it very, very hard to believe a normal-sized model can't have his hands wrapped around a saber when, even with what I do know, which is basically nothing, that he can. That pretty much any normal-sized model can, provided their hands are actually hands and not claws or something. That is something worth pointing out, it's something worth bringing up, just because you guys think it's okay, doesn't mean that no one has the right to say anything about it. I'm not being smug, you all just don't want people criticizing people's work and you wanna put people down for voicing their opinions unless they're someone who knows what they're doing. I guarantee if I was an experienced modeler and I said the same exact thing, you'd all be agreeing with me right now, but since I don't have the experience to do so, you like to act like it's wrong for me to comment on it since "I can't do any better, so I shouldn't say anything." "Do it yourself" is a way to get out of doing work, I understand this is a past-time, not a job, no one is "owed" a model or such, but thats like saying "hey can you do me this favor", "no, do it yourself", if that happened you'd be calling that dude an asshole right off the bat, and if he had friends with him saying the same thing, that'd be borderline bullying. But we're on JKHub, where thats just okay to do, its an excuse to make someone look like a douche just because they asked for more, for improvement, and you shouldn't put someone down for asking for improvement. IMO, I'd be happy, it'd give me more opportunities to improve my skills while making tons of people happy that I'm putting these top-class models out. I am excellent with adding support for certain things, I work with what I get, every model that I've been given, I've re-uploaded onto moddb and added all kinds of support for Tulak Hord, going above and beyond for people who might want more out of the model, doing way more then I'd ever HAVE to do, because it's what PEOPLE what, not what I want. NPC support, SP support, all these things are quick and easy for me, and I am great with stuff like that, I've even figured out how to add effects to weapons and change their colors, but when it comes to modeling, nothing, absolutely nothing, has helped me, because I straight up can't comprehend it. It doesn't mean I'll ever give up or that I'll ever stop trying. But in all honesty it is rather overwhelming. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, what I said was true. I am honest, I'm not nitpicking, what I pointed out were legitimate criticisms.
  23. Alora isn't super fleshed out, so probably her, but a close second would be Rosh.
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