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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. It takes a real Starkiller fan to do it.
  2. At least the helmets and weapons can be used with PreFXDesign's Praetorian Guard....
  3. You need to first understand how Blender works and how a model works. The frankestein tuirials in the tutorials section are great for this. Once tou undersrand those 2 topics: Import your model in blender select a different layer Import the Boba Fett model Look for the tags you want, in this case the rocket pack tags (2 big triangles on the back of the model below the rocket pack) Move them to the layer were your model is On the parent property, set the parent to the correct part on your model I guess youbwant to to the same with the flamethrower tag (on his left gauntlet) Once you are done go to the boba fett layer and delete everything ( press the a key then the delete key) Export your model back
  4. There is a process called “reverse engineering”. Unpack the models folders to your computer and spend sometime inspecting each model. You might find a lot if cool stuff and learn a lot more than you think.
  5. I don't like to do it that way but you can also try that. If you do, you need to also modify the ".sab" file.
  6. Sabers usually have the texture names hard-coded into the ".glm" file. In this case, it points to "saber_ventress" but the folder name is "saber_ventressk"
  7. I was inspired by the first screenshot (Dark Obi Wan Old NR04)
  8. Look at the jungle Temple map. It achived a pretty good (kind of similar) atmosphere.
  9. Awesome! Always was a fan of A’sharad Hett. Even tried a skin back in the old days but lost it.
  10. Love the animations, they are really cool, even with "backhand" Lightsabers.
  11. https://jkhub.org/topic/6236-the-path-of-the-apprentice/page-32?do=findComment&comment=135203
  12. This is a common issue with the Hoth SP mission as the game looks for specific skin files. It looks for torso_g1 and lower_e1, if I remember the names correctly (I believe is documented in the tutorials section). Just open the Pk3 file with packscape, extract the torso and lower files you want to use in Hoth and rename them torso_g1.skin and lower_e1.skin, then drop them again in the model folder in packscape and save it. Edit: Here is the link. See "Fixing the Hoth Skins" at the end. https://jkhub.org/topic/10013-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/?hl=%2Bhoth+%2Bsingle+%2Bplayer
  13. Try a 3rd party uninstaller, like ZSoft Uninstaller, Smarty Uninstaller, Should I Remove It, Wise Program Uninstaller or Revo uninstaller (there is a 30 days free demo).
  14. Pure awesomeness!!! Hope there is a "Beach trooper" (or a new order snowtrooper) in the future.
  15. Spoiler ahead if you haven't seen the new episodes....
  16. It would still be disrespectful to the original author.
  17. Not much, just a quick test in Blender (just saved as a Blender project, not even exported back).
  18. Checking at the existing models, "General Grievous VM" was made by neomarz1 who;s last active date shows as "Dec 10 2014 08:51 PM". The "Ultimate General Grievous" ("4 arm Grievous") was uploaded with the "JKHub Staff account" and shows "Author: Darth Dizzy" that even thought shows as author on several models, didn't got any returns when searching for members.
  19. That's a really good question my friend. That's a really good question....
  20. That's an easy one (another alternative could using the EG-5 Jedi Hunter droid). The problem is they all have:
  21. If you want SP Character menu support, read this post and do the same. https://jkhub.org/topic/8435-we-need-some-tulak-hord/?do=findComment&comment=121542
  22. Both where the same case. The use of a skin based on a model from someone else. In the previous case was even worse because people were complaining about the "how", NOT the "why".
  23. The tips I got was to use 10% (LOD1), 20% (LOD2) and 30-35% (LOD3) but yours sound good, especially sine I only play SP (and an occasional Solo game to burn out some frustrations). Thanks for the suggestions!
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