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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. Don't trust anything that Microsoft copies from other companies.
  2. I use winrar but the site doesn't allows to upload "rar" files so I convert them to Zip with winrar.
  3. File unpacks fine. Beacuse you cant unpack it doesn't means is broken. Is your compression software.
  4. Removal of hardcoded animations would be really great. Would be nice if they can be assigned via simple file like the NPC file or any other file that can be easily modified and called from within game.
  5. I think is time I break my silence and clear the air. was not referring to my work. He was referring to all the crap and drama and the take-for-granted and "gimme gimme gimme" attitude of some people. From all the great people here at The Hub that have influenced me like Salvoo, Kualan, Scerendo, AshuraDX, Katanamaru, etc. (even Toshi who I only know by his legendary work), Seven, Jeff and Dark_Apprentice (especially Dark_Apprentice) are the biggest influences that inspired me to learn and improve (and make them proud of their work, tips and inspiration). He would have never tried to "belittle" my work. I have only thanks and appreciation for all his work and inspiration. We "talk" constantly and help each other with stuff and/or ideas. In fact, he just expressed what I (and other that I've talked to) are experiencing. I've been really upset with this and the development of the last couple of months here at The Hub (again, I am not alone on this), so I've been trying to focus on fixing some small problems here and there, like a problem with the ported Anakin head (where light seems to come out from one of his nostrils and what looks like a small cut on the back of his left ear), porting the TFU ObiWan head to accompany Anakin, trying to make a better texture for Luke's hair (which I have said hundreds of time I am terrible at) and finally figured out how to weight the mouth and eyes for animation (on my own, comparing and analyzing other models), all this while trying to ponder if is worth with all this crap and drama. If I change my mind, I will continue working on models and publish them. In the mean time, If you want to discuss models or issues with models, you are welcome to do so, if you want to complain or trash-talk, please make your own thread.
  6. Yeah, I am terrible with graphics/textures and was playing with "artistic" effect trying to look like Shenlong's are while trying to keep the game look. This one might be a little bit better, although might not resemble the game that much.
  7. https://jkhub.org/files/file/127-darth-revan/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/2224-swtor-revan/
  8. Is there a way to do the same with other NPCs? For example, I always wondered if something could be done with the droids or the mercenaries, even stormtroopers. I know there is a mod thatakes the R2 units show in random (RGB) colors but not every droid in the SW universe is an R2 unit.
  9. Is it just me or: Does the "shelf" where the books seem to be looks a little like "Bendu"?Does it looks like Yoda (or a Yoda statue) standing over the rock where Rey is training?
  10. My thoughts exactly....except for the "New Jedi order" part....It should not have Jedi in the name to stand apart form "the old ways" and evolve into something greater.
  11. Any doubts this would be amazing? Scerendo never fails to amaze/impress. Another one for the books of classics!
  12. Yeah, it was just a test on Blender. I Started again from scratch using the "Master Obiwan-kenobi" head from "Force Unleashed 1 and 2" pack and the body from the "clones base model" from Kualan (torso/tunic from Elek Andor's Kenobi). I like to go through the entire process to practice and find better ways to overcome certain problems.
  13. I know is a list and not a poll, but I am in favor of #2. Maybe realistic version of the CW Generals.
  14. Fog looks AMAZING! Will it have the carbonite freezing chamber? It would look awesome with that atmosphere.
  15. Yes, I looked different reference pictures to compare versions and all versions have something in common with the movie, but for me, so far TFU version is the closest one to the main character. That's the main reason why I can't decide.
  16. I kind of agree but I am looking for options. So far I am more inclined to the TFU hair, need to make it a little more "brownish" I also tried the BF hair but is a mess. It has over 8K verts. Is a pain in the...to split and there is something funny with the textures.
  17. Don't know how yet. Need a tutorial for dummies how to do it for JKA.
  18. Yes it is. I've never played BF but I saw the pictures and always wondered the head looked better so I ported from scratch (without altering the detail level) and re-textured by @dark_apprentice. I came back Friday night and between the craziness and the tiredness, tired different hair options yesterday. Still not sure about it.
  19. Sorry or the delay, was on a Business trip. Han Solo is not for download, is a personal project.
  20. BTW, I just got permission from @dark_apprentice to use his new textures so I will be updating the model soon.
  21. Hi @AngelModder Honestly I didn't knew where the original textures were yours. As I explained to Swegmaster above, I tried textures from Toshi and Dark_Apprentice and Backflips's Vader which I thought was a complete port so I thought the textures came from the ported model. If they are your textures, then you are absolutely right. I will ask @Circa or @Barricade24 to remove it as I don't see an option to do it.
  22. That's freaking awesome dude, great job!
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