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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. LOL....good idea. Will keep working on it when I get back from visiting my father....
  2. I think Tobey Maguire, Stephen or William Baldwin would be better for Rosh....Or better yet, Nicolas Cage or Jamie Foxx (can't decide which would be worse).
  3. modding possibilities character creation ability the graphics that still look well despite the game's age (especially with some revamped texture mods like those found in the Cosmetic mods section)
  4. Really like them, great job. Just wish they were just a little bit wider.
  5. Yeah, tried Imperial Fighter Bay map and was able to fly it...but every time I hit something the game crashes.....
  6. Couldn't make it fly, but I was able to spawn it (twice) and fire the guns.
  7. LOL...when I first looked at Talon's screenshot on my cellphone, i thought it was "Machete".... Nice job as always man....
  8. Check the skin files. If they have l_hand,*off r_hand,*off Change them to l_hand,off r_hand,off (Remove the '*' character). If not, then, as WhitePhoenix said, the hand tags are missing. If that's the case: open the glm in Blender. On another layer, open another model that works Move the hand tags to the Starkiller model and re-parent them to the appropriate hands Delete the other model Export back the glm That should fix it.
  9. Keep an eye on Shenlong's amazing artwork.
  10. I don't. From the model's page:: As for the weapons, I will need to extract the weapons from my custom weapons pack before I can post them.
  11. If you mean like this? @dark_apprentice did a "res-kin" of my ported Lando. You can find it on his Solo pack BTW, that Solo is the younger version. When you said "Adult" I thought you mean something like Or
  12. @Jeff made an Uber Evil version some time ago. Check the first page of his W.I.P.s for the link to his repository. Also, there is an updated version in Peneke Pack from MBII. For the Maul Killer, @dark_apprentice did a nice re-skin. As for the real deal, only a true Starkiller fan would have it....
  13. The way they are posed makes it very hard., but you can still use their helmets and weapons with PreFXDesigns Praetorian Guard.
  14. it either needs tweaking the weights or a "two side" shader.
  15. Open the pk3 in packscape go to modles\players\kylo_ren copy model_default_tlj.skin file to your hardrive and open it change the line torso_cape_tlj,models/players/kylo_ren/cape.tga to torso_cape_tlj,*off Save it as model_default_tlj2.skin move it to the modles\players\kylo_ren inside packscape go to ext_data\npcs extract kylo_ren,npc to your hard drive and open it copy the entire "Kylo_Ren" NPC section and past it below rename the new NPC to Kylo_Ren_TLJ add the line customskin default_tlj2Save it and move it back to its place inside packscape Save the file in packscape use playermodel kylo_ren_tlj
  16. Did you checked the first page? There is a link for all Jeff’s models there.
  17. This is a great start. https://jkhub.org/topic/10172-blender-jka-frankenstein-modelling/ Thanks to those tutorials, got this in about 15 minutes As for the Solo kids, unfortunately, all I've seen are some skins which might have looked great back then, but we greater and better resolutions, they are starting to show their age.
  18. The head is pretty much intact, only the hair is missing. it could easily use some hair from another model, like Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus. Heck, you could even replace the head with Spanki's and use all the different skin and hair types.
  19. Sorry I see this almost a year later. Hope you got to fix it, but PM me if you haven't.
  20. Not sue why you guys are going in circles. Is easy, you just need to have the correct folder structure: model\players\ModelName You also need to have an icon file for each skin file. In this case, you need icon_default.jpg icon_2.jpg icon_gun.jpg If you want single player menu support, then is a little bit more tricky but really easy once you understand how it works. In that case you will need at least 3 icon with 3 matching skin files for the default model and an additional pair of icon/skin file for any additional outfit. https://jkhub.org/topic/10013-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/
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