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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Well, I dunno if I can help you out completely, I'm not sure if animations are actual code or what, and if removing certain ones will cause problems. However, download a program called "pakscape", or just use 7zip to open the pk3 files, delete what you want, then save it.
  2. John Carpenters "They Live". It's not really a "horror" movie, but would be a nice movie to watch. Also makes you think...
  3. He's beautiful... EDIT: Would you mind providing a comparison shot between the MBII one and this one?
  4. The x-wing can actually leave (sort of). If you go outside the place where the x-wing is, you'll notice it looks kind of like a hanger door, so technically the x-wing could fly out...but the hanger door is part of the .map, not an independent entity .
  5. Care to clarify? (if it's because the jedi are taking ovah the show, then I'm with you)
  6. Onysfx

    Donate to JKHub

    I literally don't have any money. If I did I'd donate, even if it was only...5 dollars, that's something.
  7. What made star wars great was it's amazing story telling, and raw creativity. No one could have imagined a city floating in the sky like that, tie fighters, a giant moon capable of blowing up planets, I mean jesus, the ideas were unimaginable at the time. Not to mention a brilliant soundtrack by John Williams, and shout out to Ralph Mcquarrie for creating the concept art for so many ideas used in the star wars movies, I really couldn't name one thing that was great about star wars. All of it put together made one great thing. tl;dr: -Raw Creativity -Amazing storytelling -Epic music
  8. Just watched the first episode of Star Wars Rebels, it was better than I expected.

    1. Tempust85


      Just watched the second, it's quite good

    2. Onysfx


      I watched both, thought they were one episode together, but they are actually 2 different episodes in one.

  9. Well it's my birthday today...anyone have any suggestions what I should do?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Barricade24


      Eat cake. Happy Birthday!

    3. NumberWan


      Happy Birthday! Imperial Party - that's what you might need)

    4. JediBantha


      Convert Jedi.

  10. Indeed. Heck, linux even has friggen desktop cubes xD.
  11. As much as I sorta like windows 10, (and it being much better than crappy windows 8), they seem to once again want to invade our lives even more: http://www.reddit.com/comments/1li0mr I don't want to switch to an alternative OS if I don't have to, but if it comes to that, I will.
  12. @@Circa Apparently, there was a leak of info of windows 9 before they wanted to unveil it, so they just changed the name to windows 10. Dunno if that's true. Or the reason could be... 7 ate 9.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BMGPd6mqnI Thoughts?
  14. Most of my days nowadays unfortunately are spent playing MBII, because I can't find anything else to play lol. Any game someone suggests to me is out of my computers powah to play. However, I also have spent many hours playing old Nintendo games, (Starfox 64, Zelda MM), and playing around with debug roms (thanks cendamos for paying $3000 to release the MM debug rom). Heck, my entire childhood was Nintendo. Overall, although I do share the fact I like JKA with all of you, I'm a definite Nintendo gamer.
  15. Agreed. Not to mention you have to saber an enemy in TFU 50 billion times before he dies, where in MBII, you saber once, they're dead. That's how powerful sabers should be.
  16. I've decided to take a break from MBII. After playing 3 hours straight today, and getting sabered by jedi over and over, I think it's time I took one.

    1. dark soul

      dark soul

      The Jedi are taking ovah

    2. Zappa_0


      ^^ hahaha


      so much for unlimited power! :P

  17. @MagSul Is it possible you could release this patch for us?
  18. Wow, beautiful! I'll definitely try this out later.
  19. Onysfx


    Wow nice! So...this thing was called a Reek? .
  20. I'm curious to see a side by side comparison with MBII's dooku, because if this one is better, it would be a suitable replacement .
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